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  1. True tales about the busy season. By Frank Stitely The Relentless CPA Go PRO for members-only access to more Frank Stitely. View the full article
  2. Decision to plunder the development budget brings end to era of Britain as an ‘aid superpower’ View the full article
  3. Whether it’s declaring that blindness prevents government employees from doing their jobs or suggesting that hiring workers with intellectual disabilities contributed to Federal Aviation Administration safety lapses, the Trump administration has repeatedly questioned whether people with disabilities belong in the workplace. This stance reflects widespread stigma and misconceptions about what people with disabilities can and do accomplish. Negative stereotypes and exclusionary practices persist despite the fact that people with disabilities are the largest minority group in the United States, representing nearly 30% of the population. Whether or not you identify as disabled, most people live or work in close proximity to others with a disability. For years I have researched how people with disabilities have been kept out of efforts to guarantee equal access for everybody, particularly in higher education. This exclusion is often due to unfounded beliefs about capacity, intellect and merit, and the false premise that disability inclusion requires lowering standards. However, studies demonstrate that including people with disabilities is good for everyone, not just disabled people. Schools and workplaces are more collaborative and responsive when people with disabilities are included at all levels of the organization. In other words, disability inclusion isn’t about charity; it’s about making organizations work better. Rolling back protections President Donald Trump issued executive orders the day he took office for a second time that aimed at ending government and private-sector efforts to make U.S. workplaces and schools more diverse, equitable and inclusive. In addition to affecting LGBTQ+ communities and people of color, these measures could erode years of progress toward protecting the rights of people with disabilities to earn a living. Between 40 million and 80 million Americans identify as disabled. Even the higher end of this range underestimates the actual number of people with disabilities, because some individuals choose not to identify that way or even realize they qualify as such. That includes people with impairments from chemical and pesticide exposure, as well as many older people and those who are living with HIV and AIDS, to name some examples. Only 15% of people with disabilities are born with their impairment, so most individuals become disabled over their lifetime. Tracing historical precedents Blaming failures on people with disabilities and people of color echoes the harms embedded in eugenics, an attempt to scientifically prove genetic inferiority of disabled, LGBTQ+ Indigenous and Black people. Eugenics led to the institutionalization and forced sterilization of, and the coercive experimentation on, people with disabilities, immigrants and people of color across the U.S. Even the Supreme Court endorsed the concept in the early 20th century. These studies began to fade after World War II, but their legacy persists. Even today, forced sterilization continues to be lawful in U.S jurisdictions in 31 states and in Washington. Due to widespread activism and the advent of new legal protections, many states finally dismantled their eugenic policies in the late 1970s. But eugenics-era experiments provided foundations for contemporary medical research, standardized testing and segregated school placements. People with disabilities have far-reaching legal guarantees of civil rights and access today due to the Americans with Disabilities Act. The statute, which was enacted in 1990 and strengthened in 2008, provided protections in the workplace, educational settings, transportation and places of recreation and commerce, among others. It also guarded against negative perceptions of disability. For example, if an employer perceived someone as disabled and denied them consideration in the hiring process because of that, the candidate would be protected from discrimination under the ADA – whether or not they had a disability. While these advances are significant, many people with disabilities still do not have access to their basic civil rights. This is particularly true of Black people with disabilities, as they are disproportionately pushed out of school, disciplined more harshly, targeted for incarceration and marginalized in disability representation and research. Gaining workplace accommodations Critics of inclusion efforts sometimes wrongly argue that employing people with disabilities is too costly due to the accommodations they may require. But the Job Accommodation Network in the Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy found in 2023 that nearly 60% of these accommodations cost nothing. What’s more, many tax incentives are available to cover these costs. Disability civil rights law does not mandate hiring people who are not qualified or lowering standards to include the disabled. The law requires that candidates meet the “essential functions” of the job in order to be hired. According to a 2024 Labor Department report, the employment rate for working-age people with disabilities was 38% compared with 75% for nondisabled people. Though there are countless reasons for this disparity, many people with disabilities can and want to work, but employers don’t give them the opportunity. Providing benefits for everyone Many accommodations designed for people with disabilities also benefit others. Captioning on videos and movies was originally meant to benefit the deaf community, but it also helps multilingual speakers and people who simply are trying to follow the dialogue. Similarly, visual or written instructions assist people with depression, Down syndrome or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, but they can also make tasks more accessible for everyone, along with breaking assignments into smaller components. Sensory break rooms benefit people with autism and post-traumatic stress disorder, while also providing a reprieve in a noisy work environment and minimizing distractions. Remote work options can make it easier for people with chronic illnesses to be employed, and they similarly benefit others who may have caregiving responsibilities – helping attract and retain talented employees. Text-to-speech software provides people with cerebral palsy and nonspeaking individuals with options for communication, similar to options that many people already use on their phones. A large body of research demonstrates the broad benefits of making jobs and schools more accessible to people with disabilities, which is ultimately an advantage for everyone. Studies on diversity in educational and workplace settings also demonstrate positive outcomes. In a study of 10 public universities, researchers found that students who reported positive, informal interactions with diverse peers had higher scores on measures of more complex thinking, a concern for the public good and an interest in poverty issues, and were more likely to vote and develop strong leadership skills. In a national survey of human resources managers conducted in 2019, 92% of the respondents who were aware that one or more of their employees had a disability said those individuals performed the same or better than their peers who did not. Research published by the Harvard Business Review found many advantages to hiring people with disabilities. For one thing, people with disabilities can have unique insights that contribute to the workplace culture. The presence of employees with disabilities can make the environment of entire companies and organizations more collaborative. Earning a reputation for inclusiveness and social responsibility can improve customer relations and can give businesses an edge when they seek funding and recruit talented new employees. Ultimately, I believe it’s important to create conditions where anyone can thrive, including people with disabilities. Doing so benefits everyone. Lauren Shallish is associate professor of disability studies in education at Rutgers University – Newark This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. View the full article
  4. Mr. Cooper expects close to 350 former Flagstar employees to be integrated as team members. View the full article
  5. Lifting is about as simple as an exercise gets: You pick the thing up, and you put the thing down. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to walk into the gym and just pick the thing up. A proper warmup can help you to be ready for your lifting, so let’s talk about how to build your best lifting warmup routine. Why a warmup is important (and when it may not be)First, let’s talk about why we warm up. People often talk about warmups as if they will magically prevent injury, or that skipping one will result in some other disaster. That’s not necessarily true. They also won’t really do much for your chances of suffering from soreness (or not) after the workout, either. If you feel comfortable walking straight from the front door to the squat rack, you don’t need to add a warmup. You will probably benefit from a warmup if any of these are true of your lifting workouts: You feel achy or creaky at the beginning of workouts. The first few sets always feel heavier than they should. You have trouble getting into positions that you need for the workout (like the bottom of a squat). You do exercises that get you breathing hard, like circuit training or anything where you're rushing to complete reps to a timer. A warmup can address one or all of those concerns, preparing you for the job of lifting. Your muscles will work better when they’re warm (like, literally at a higher temperature). You’ll also want to be ready to move in all of the ways that the lift requires. If your ankles are stiff, for example, getting them moving will help them to be able to flex more during your squat. If you're worried about your warmup taking forever, good news—you only need to include the parts of the warmup that you, personally need to benefit from. Two people might warm up in completely different ways for the same workout. So let's talk about the different components of a warmup, and how to know which ones you need. Cardio warms you up and gets you ready for workBefore lifting, a lot of folks like to hop on the treadmill or rower for five to 10 minutes, or perhaps do some jumping jacks. A cardio warmup like one of these offers a few benefits: It physically warms up your muscles, It gets at least some of your muscles and joints moving. It gets your energy systems (enzymes, etc) into the groove of supplying extra power to your muscles. Remember how, when you run, the first mile (or the first 10 minutes or so) feels sluggish? That’s because your body is ramping up those energy systems so you can use them more efficiently during the rest of your workout. If your lifting workout keeps your heart rate high—like a Crossfit-style WOD—this cardio warmup is essential for making the rest of the workout not suck. If you’re just going to be lifting at your own pace, cardio isn’t essential, but the warmth and movement may still help you feel better and serve as a mental and physical introduction to the work you’re about to do. Mobility work gets you ready to reach specific positionsWe’re not (just) talking about stretching here. If you want to work on your flexibility by doing long, deep static stretches, that’s best saved for after the workout. As you’re getting ready to lift, you may want to instead do some mobility work. Mobility, in this context, means being able to move in the ways that your workout requires. If you’re going to do some squats, and your calves and ankles tend to be stiff, and this stiffness prevents you from getting as deep into the squat as you’d like, then you should spend some time before doing your squats working on your ankle mobility. (We have some specific suggestions for that here.) Apply this same principle to whatever exercise you’re planning. If you have a hard time arching your back in the bench press, do some upper back mobility work first (I like to lie on my back on top of a foam roller). If you’re going to do snatches or overhead squats, you may want to do some shoulder stretches. Stretching before a workout can give you a temporary boost to your flexibility that lasts through the workout. This stage is where foam rolling and dynamic stretching can come in. Foam rolling can help loosen up a muscle, like a little massage. And dynamic stretches are warmup movements that take your joints through whatever range of motion you will be asking them to do later. Google “mobility work for ___” and you’ll get plenty of ideas. Ultimately, what you use in this section of the warmup should be whatever will best help you to be successful later in the workout. Experiment with adding moves in or taking them out. "Activation" exercises prepare your musclesSometimes it’s nice to do an exercise that uses whatever muscles you’ll be using in the main workout, but with lighter weights or even via a totally different movement. For example, banded glute bridges could help you get ready for a workout where the focus is squats or hip thrusts. To be totally clear, you don’t need to “activate” muscles to be able to use them later, even though purveyors of booty bands will try to convince you this is an essential step. These exercises just give your muscles a preview of what they’ll be doing in the main event, and can help you get through your warmup sets of the main lift (see below) a bit more quickly. For more on what activation exercises are really doing, see my explainer. Technique drills help you perfect your skillsIf you’re doing a lift that requires precise technique, you may want to practice drills that help with that specific lift. For example, before I do snatches, I like to do drills with just the bar: maybe some hang snatches, or overhead squats, or tall snatches. Again, select exercises for this stage based on what technique work you need to practice. Goblet squats may be a good primer for barbell squats, for example. Your warmup sets with the empty bar or lighter weightsThis step is essential if you're doing a heavy lift. Let’s say you’re going to do squats at 200 pounds today. Just because you’ve warmed up with cardio or mobility doesn’t mean you're ready to load 200 pounds on the bar and go for it. Instead, you'll do some squats with the empty bar, and then maybe with 95 pounds, 135 pounds, 155 pounds, and 185 pounds. While the other warmup components we discussed are negotiable, most lifting coaches would agree that these warmup sets with the bar are mandatory. They can often even replace most of the above steps, because if you do enough warmup sets, you’ll be getting your body warm, moving through the necessary motions, activating your muscles, and practicing the technique of the lift you’re about to do. Start by doing a set of the same number of reps you will do for your working sets, or more. So if you’re going to do five reps at 200 pounds, start with a set of 5–10 reps with only a bar. Then add some weight, and then add some more, and then some more, until you get to the target weight for your first working set of the day. The exact jumps in weight aren’t important so long as you have several stops on your way to the working set for the day. How to customize your warmupI like to think about warming up for lifting as combining my warmup sets (as described in the section above) plus whatever I need that my warmup sets don’t adequately cover. So if you feel like you need more mobility work than warmup sets alone will give you, you might walk in the gym, do five minutes on the treadmill to warm up your legs, and then do some foam rolling and ankle stretches before you start squatting. You haven’t done any technique or activation work, but that’s fine if you don’t feel you need it. Or if your mobility is fine but you’re planning on doing a circuit-style workout and you hate that you’re always getting out of breath between lifts, you might benefit from a more thorough cardio warmup to make sure you’re ready for the fast pace of the workout. It’s fine for your warmup to be different for each workout, or for it to change over time. Older athletes often find they need more warmup time than they did when they were younger, and we all might need more of a warmup in cold weather than when it’s hot out. Figure out what makes sense for you, and build your warmup accordingly. View the full article
  6. A new album called “Is This What We Want?” features a stellar list of more than 1,000 musicians—and the sound of silence. With contributions from artists including Kate Bush, Annie Lennox, Cat Stevens, and Damon Albarn, the album was released Tuesday to protest proposed British changes to artificial intelligence laws that artists fear will erode their creative control. The U.K. government is consulting on whether to let tech firms use copyrighted material to help train AI models unless the creators explicitly opt out. Critics of the idea fear that will make it harder for artists to retain control of their work and will undermine Britain’s creative industries. Elton John and Paul McCartney are among those who have spoken out against the plan. The protest album features recordings of empty studios and performance spaces, to show what they fear will be the fate of creative venues if the plan goes through. The titles of the 12 tracks spell out: “The British government must not legalize music theft to benefit AI companies.” Profits will be donated to the musicians’ charity Help Musicians. “The government’s proposal would hand the life’s work of the country’s musicians to AI companies, for free, letting those companies exploit musicians’ work to outcompete them,” said composer and AI developer Ed Newton-Rex, who organized the album. “It is a plan that would not only be disastrous for musicians, but that is totally unnecessary,” Newton-Rex said. “The U.K. can be leaders in AI without throwing our world-leading creative industries under the bus.” Britain’s center-left Labour Party government says it wants to make the U.K. a world leader in AI. In December, it announced a consultation into how copyright law can “enable creators and right holders to exercise control over, and seek remuneration for, the use of their works for AI training” while also ensuring “AI developers have easy access to a broad range of high-quality creative content.” The consultation closes on Tuesday. Publishers, artists’ organizations and media companies, including the Associated Press, have banded together as the Creative Rights in AI Coalition to oppose weakening copyright protections. Several U.K. newspapers ran wraparounds over their front pages on Tuesday, criticizing the government consultation and saying: “Let’s protect the creative industries—it’s only fair.” —Jill Lawless, Associated Press View the full article
  7. Today, February 25, is a make-or-break day for Super Micro Computer (aka Supermicro) and its stock, which trades on the Nasdaq under the SMCI ticker. That’s because by the end of today, the beleaguered server company needs to file its delinquent Form 10-K with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). If it fails to do so, the company’s shares may be delisted from the Nasdaq. Here’s what you need to know about its stock price ahead of the deadline and the possible outcomes should Super Micro Computer fail to meet its requirements. SMCI stock price sinks ahead of filing deadline As of the time of this writing, in early trading SMCI’s stock price is down over 8% to to above $47 per share. Today’s stock price fall follows an 8% fall yesterday. Much of the market is down this week, including big tech stocks, although not as dramatically. One reason for SMCI’s fall is most likely jitters as to whether the company will indeed file its delinquent Form 10-K for the fiscal year 2024, as well as additional forms for the first two fiscal 2025 quarters with the SEC. The forms are both a legal requirement and a condition of being listed on the Nasdaq. Supermicro missed the earlier filing deadlines amidst a swath of negative news last year, which has rattled investors since August. Most prominently, the company has faced allegations of accounting irregularities. These allegations, along with a failure to file specific financial forms, have led to the stock price fluctuating wildly since the fall. Concerns surrounding these issues have led to a 22% decline in SMCI’s stock price over the past six months. In November, the stock bottomed out at below $18 per share—a far cry from its high of over $122 per share earlier in the year. However, despite the company’s most recent declines this week, SMCI stock has still recovered a fair amount since its November lows. Year to date, the stock is up over 55%. Where that stock price goes from here—at least in the near term—may largely depend on whether Supermicro meets its filing deadlines today. Will Super Micro Computer meet its 10-K filing deadline? Surprisingly, despite today being the deadline for the 10-K filing, Supermicro has not given any update on it since last week. On February 19, the company addressed the filing in a Q2 2025 preliminary report. At the time Super Micro Computer said that it “continues to work diligently toward the filing of its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2024.” It went on to state that “Based on information currently available, the Company believes it will make such filings by February 25, 2025.” Fast Company has reached out to Supermicro for an update on the filings. We will update this post if we hear back. What happens if Super Micro Computer misses its deadline? If Supermicro misses its deadline, SMCI stock may very well be delisted from the Nasdaq after the market closes today. However, as noted by MarketWatch, a Wedbush analyst says that Super Micro has the option of asking for another extension to file the required forms. That extension could be for as many as 180 days. This means today will likely end in one of the three following ways for Super Micro Computer: Supermicro may file its delinquent SEC forms by the deadline. Supermicro may not meet the deadline but receive an extension. Supermicro may not meet its deadline and not receive an extension. If Super Micro Computer achieves option No. 1—meeting the deadline today—it’s possible that investors will react kindly. The next best-case scenario is option No. 2, where the company does not meet the deadline but receives an extension. Option No. 3 is the worst outcome. As of the time of this writing, which of the three above options comes to pass remains to be seen. This story is developing… View the full article
  8. Effective retail inventory management is key for running a successful retail business because it allows you to maintain optimal stock levels, minimize carrying costs, and meet customer demand. It ensures that the right products are available at the right time and place, helping to prevent stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and improve cash flow. Retail stores can improve operational efficiency, increase profitability, and provide a better customer experience by optimizing their inventory levels and processes. Using effective inventory tracking and control, a business owner can optimize stock levels, improve customer satisfaction, and increase sales. What is Retail Inventory Management? Retail inventory management refers to the strategic planning, monitoring, and control of merchandise stock levels within a retail environment. It involves activities such as forecasting demand, setting reorder points, tracking inventory turnover, and optimizing stock levels to meet customer demand while minimizing costs and maximizing profitability. Effective retail inventory management ensures that retailers have the right products available at the right time and place to meet customer needs and maximize sales opportunities. Steps for Effective Retail Inventory Management Here are the steps to take to develop your best retail inventory management system and processes. 1. Choose the Right Retail Inventory Management Software: Research and evaluate different retail management software for the best options based on your business needs and budget. For retail management software, consider factors such as features, scalability, ease of use, integration capabilities, and customer support. Select the software that best aligns with your requirements and implement it according to the vendor’s guidelines. 2. Implement an Inventory Management System Develop clear procedures and protocols for receiving, storing, and tracking inventory for your retail store. Train employees on how to use the inventory management system effectively. Establish workflows at your retail store for managing stock levels, replenishment, and order fulfillment. Integrate the inventory management system with other business systems, such as point-of-sale (POS) and accounting software, for seamless operations. 3. Regularly Update Inventory Records Schedule regular updates at your retail store to inventory records to ensure accuracy. Implement barcode scanning or RFID technology to streamline data entry and minimize errors. Set up automated alerts for low stock levels, discrepancies, or potential issues. Assign responsibility for retail inventory updates to specific employees or teams to ensure accountability. 4. Conduct Frequent Inventory Audits Plan and schedule regular physical inventory audits or cycle counts as an integral part of your inventory management process. Utilize inventory management software or manual counting techniques to align physical inventory with the documented inventory levels. Investigate and resolve any discrepancies identified during the audit process. Analyze audit findings to identify trends, root causes of inventory discrepancies, and areas for improvement to better manage inventory. 5. Optimize Stock Levels Utilize sales data, demand forecasting, and historical trends to set appropriate stock levels and manage inventory. Implement inventory control measures such as ABC analysis and safety stock to optimize inventory levels. Establish reorder points and replenishment triggers to ensure timely restocking. Continuously monitor and adjust stock levels based on changing demand patterns, seasonality, and market trends to manage inventory costs. By following these actionable steps, retail store business owners can create and maintain an effective inventory management system that improves efficiency, accuracy, and profitability. Steps for Effective Retail Inventory ManagementKey ActionsConsiderationsObjectives 1. Choose the Right Retail Inventory Management Software- Research and evaluate software options - Consider features, scalability, ease of use, integration capabilities, customer support - Select and implement the chosen software- Business needs - Budget constraints - Future growth potential- To have a robust system that aligns with business requirements and supports efficient inventory management 2. Implement an Inventory Management System- Develop inventory procedures and protocols - Train employees on system use - Establish workflows for stock management and order fulfillment - Integrate with POS and accounting software- User-friendliness of the system - Integration with existing business systems - Employee training and adoption- To ensure accurate and efficient inventory tracking and management through standardized processes and system integration 3. Regularly Update Inventory Records- Schedule regular inventory updates - Implement barcode scanning or RFID technology - Set up automated alerts for inventory issues - Assign inventory update responsibilities- Accuracy and timeliness of data entry - Technology adoption and use - Accountability in inventory management- To maintain up-to-date and accurate inventory records, minimizing errors and enabling timely decision-making 4. Conduct Frequent Inventory Audits- Plan and schedule inventory audits - Reconcile physical inventory with system records - Investigate discrepancies - Analyze audit findings for improvement- Methodology of audits (physical counts, cycle counting) - Frequency of audits - Resolution processes for discrepancies- To verify inventory accuracy, identify issues, and implement corrective actions to improve inventory management practices 5. Optimize Stock Levels- Utilize sales data and forecasting for stock levels - Implement control measures (e.g., ABC analysis) - Establish reorder points - Monitor and adjust stock levels based on demand- Demand forecasting accuracy - Inventory carrying costs - Market trends and seasonality- To balance inventory investment with customer demand, reducing overstocks and stockouts and managing inventory costs efficiently Best Practices in Retail Inventory Management Of course, using your “best fit” retail inventory management software is key, but you also need to back that up with some hands-on work. That will help you keep inventory costs down. Accurate Demand Forecasting Regular Audits and Cycle Counts: Conduct regular physical inventory audits and cycle counts to verify stock levels and identify discrepancies. This helps in maintaining inventory accuracy and identifying any issues such as shrinkage or theft. Cross-Channel Inventory Integration: If operating across multiple sales channels (e.g., brick-and-mortar stores, e-commerce platforms), integrate inventory management systems to provide a unified view of inventory levels and prevent overselling or stockouts. Seasonal and Promotional Planning: Anticipate seasonal demand fluctuations and plan inventory levels accordingly. Additionally, align inventory levels with promotional campaigns and events to capitalize on sales opportunities while minimizing excess inventory. Forecasting and Demand Planning: Utilize historical sales data, market trends, and other factors to forecast demand accurately. This helps in determining appropriate inventory levels and avoiding stockouts or overstock situations. Accurate Demand Forecasting using sales data and market trends helps predict customer demand. Efficient Supplier Management Cultivate strong relationships with suppliers to ensure reliable and timely deliveries, which ensures timely restocking. Negotiate better terms such as discounts, flexible payment terms, and returns policies to improve inventory management efficiency. Maintaining quality control is vital for inventory management. Leveraging Data for Inventory Optimization There are several ways to apply data analytics and insights gathered from retail management software, which can help you make informed decisions about stock levels, product placement, and sales strategies. ABC Analysis: Use the ABC analysis technique to categorize inventory based on its value and prioritize management efforts accordingly. “A” items are high-value items that contribute significantly to revenue and should be closely monitored. “B” items are moderate in value and require regular attention, while “C” items are low-value items with lower priority. Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory: Implement JIT inventory management practices to minimize carrying costs and reduce the risk of obsolete inventory. With JIT, inventory is ordered and received only when needed, helping to optimize cash flow and warehouse inventory management. Tips for Successful Retail Inventory Management Effective retail inventory management is crucial for operating a successful retail business. It ensures that you have the appropriate products available at the right time to satisfy customer demand, prevent stockouts, and reduce excess inventory. Below are detailed tips for successful retail inventory management, which include essential elements of the inventory management process: Understand the Basic Components of Inventory Management: Inventory Tracking: Establish systems to monitor inventory levels, manage orders, track sales, and oversee deliveries. Demand Forecasting: Use historical sales data to predict future demand for products. Stock Replenishment: Determine reorder points and quantities to maintain optimal stock levels. Inventory Audits: Regularly compare physical inventory counts with system records to identify discrepancies. Research for the Best Retail Management Software: Evaluate Features: Look for software with features like real-time inventory tracking, analytics, and integration with your sales channels. Consider Scalability: Choose a system that can grow with your business, accommodating more products and higher volumes of sales, or even specialty programs like warehouse inventory management software. Seek User-Friendly Interfaces: Ensure the order management software is easy for you and your staff to use to minimize errors and training time. Read Reviews and Ask for Recommendations: Learn from the experiences of others in your industry. Prioritize Accuracy in Inventory Processes: Implement Barcoding Systems: Use barcodes to accurately track inventory movement and reduce manual entry errors. Train Staff Regularly: Ensure all employees understand the importance of accuracy in inventory management and how to properly use inventory systems. Perform Regular Audits: Arrange for frequent inventory counts to verify the accuracy of your inventory records. Utilize Cycle Counting: Instead of a full inventory count, regularly audit a subset of inventory so that every item is checked periodically. Maintain a Customer-Focused Approach: Understand Customer Preferences: Keep track of which products are popular and stock accordingly. Monitor Trends: Stay aware of industry trends and customer feedback to quickly adapt your inventory to meet market demands. Offer Alternatives: When popular items are out of stock, have alternative products available to meet customer needs. Enhance Shopping Experience: Use inventory data to organize store layouts and online product placements in a way that enhances shopping experience. Optimize Inventory Levels: Balance Stock Levels: Maintain enough stock to meet demand without overstocking, using techniques like just-in-time (JIT) inventory. Analyze Sales Data: Regularly review sales data to identify slow-moving items and adjust inventory levels accordingly. Manage Supplier Relationships: Build strong relationships with suppliers for reliable lead times and flexible order quantities. Leverage Technology for Efficiency: Integrate Systems: Make sure that your inventory management system is compatible with point-of-sale (POS) systems, e-commerce platforms, and accounting software to facilitate smooth operations. Utilize Mobile Devices: Mobile solutions are used for inventory counts and accessing inventory data from anywhere in the store or warehouse. The best inventory app for your needs will come with robust features and a user-friendly interface. By focusing on these key areas, retailers can develop a robust inventory management strategy that not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. https://youtube.com/watch?v=BApH54Oyleo%3Fsi%3DCBW28JmATagXdIMq Inventory Management: Essential for Your Retail Business Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or opening your first retail store, implementing a robust inventory tracking system is essential. Effective retail inventory management systems play a critical role in achieving retail success, helping you stay competitive and meet customer demand. This can be a manual system or a more sophisticated software solution, depending on the size and complexity of your operations. Inventory management software can help track stock levels, sales trends, and reorder points, making it easier to optimize inventory levels. Continuously monitor and evaluate inventory management processes for areas of improvement. Solicit feedback from staff and stakeholders, and be open to adopting new technologies and best practices to optimize small business inventory management efficiency over time. FAQ What are the key components of effective retail inventory management? Effective retail inventory management comprises several key components, including accurate tracking of stock levels, demand forecasting, efficient ordering and replenishment processes, proper organization and categorization of inventory, as well as regular audits and analysis to identify trends and optimize stocking levels. What steps should retailers take to improve inventory management? Retailers can enhance their inventory management by implementing measures such as adopting inventory management software, setting up automated reorder points, establishing clear inventory control policies, optimizing storage space, implementing barcode or RFID systems for better tracking, conducting regular inventory audits, and fostering collaboration between inventory management and other departments. How can retailers effectively forecast demand for their products? Retailers can forecast demand by analyzing historical sales data, monitoring market trends and consumer behavior, leveraging data analytics tools, collaborating with suppliers and distributors for insights, conducting customer surveys and feedback analysis, and considering external factors such as seasonality, promotions, and economic conditions. What are the common challenges faced in retail inventory management? Common challenges in retail inventory management include overstocking or understocking, inaccurate demand forecasting, inefficient manual processes, lack of real-time visibility into inventory levels, poor inventory tracking leading to shrinkage or loss, inadequate communication between different departments, and difficulties in managing perishable or seasonal goods. How can retailers minimize the risk of overstocking and understocking? Retailers can minimize the risk of overstocking and understocking by implementing demand forecasting techniques, setting optimal reorder points based on historical data and lead times, establishing safety stock levels to account for variability in demand, monitoring sales trends and adjusting inventory levels accordingly, and fostering collaboration between sales, marketing, and inventory management teams. What role does technology play in modern retail inventory management? Technology is essential to contemporary retail inventory management, offering a variety of tools that enhance efficiency. These include inventory management software, barcode and RFID systems, point-of-sale (POS) systems equipped with inventory tracking features, data analytics platforms for demand forecasting and trend analysis, and integration with e-commerce platforms to ensure smooth inventory management across both online and offline channels. What are some best practices for optimizing inventory turnover and reducing carrying costs? Some best practices for optimizing inventory turnover and reducing carrying costs include maintaining lean inventory levels by adopting just-in-time (JIT) inventory management, negotiating favorable terms with suppliers for better pricing and delivery terms, optimizing warehouse layout and storage systems for efficient space utilization, implementing markdown strategies for slow-moving or obsolete inventory, and continuously monitoring and analyzing inventory performance metrics to identify areas for improvement. Read More: How to open a retail store checklist How to increase sales in retail Image: Envato Elements This article, "Retail Inventory Management: Best Practices, Steps, and Tips" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
  9. Effective retail inventory management is key for running a successful retail business because it allows you to maintain optimal stock levels, minimize carrying costs, and meet customer demand. It ensures that the right products are available at the right time and place, helping to prevent stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and improve cash flow. Retail stores can improve operational efficiency, increase profitability, and provide a better customer experience by optimizing their inventory levels and processes. Using effective inventory tracking and control, a business owner can optimize stock levels, improve customer satisfaction, and increase sales. What is Retail Inventory Management? Retail inventory management refers to the strategic planning, monitoring, and control of merchandise stock levels within a retail environment. It involves activities such as forecasting demand, setting reorder points, tracking inventory turnover, and optimizing stock levels to meet customer demand while minimizing costs and maximizing profitability. Effective retail inventory management ensures that retailers have the right products available at the right time and place to meet customer needs and maximize sales opportunities. Steps for Effective Retail Inventory Management Here are the steps to take to develop your best retail inventory management system and processes. 1. Choose the Right Retail Inventory Management Software: Research and evaluate different retail management software for the best options based on your business needs and budget. For retail management software, consider factors such as features, scalability, ease of use, integration capabilities, and customer support. Select the software that best aligns with your requirements and implement it according to the vendor’s guidelines. 2. Implement an Inventory Management System Develop clear procedures and protocols for receiving, storing, and tracking inventory for your retail store. Train employees on how to use the inventory management system effectively. Establish workflows at your retail store for managing stock levels, replenishment, and order fulfillment. Integrate the inventory management system with other business systems, such as point-of-sale (POS) and accounting software, for seamless operations. 3. Regularly Update Inventory Records Schedule regular updates at your retail store to inventory records to ensure accuracy. Implement barcode scanning or RFID technology to streamline data entry and minimize errors. Set up automated alerts for low stock levels, discrepancies, or potential issues. Assign responsibility for retail inventory updates to specific employees or teams to ensure accountability. 4. Conduct Frequent Inventory Audits Plan and schedule regular physical inventory audits or cycle counts as an integral part of your inventory management process. Utilize inventory management software or manual counting techniques to align physical inventory with the documented inventory levels. Investigate and resolve any discrepancies identified during the audit process. Analyze audit findings to identify trends, root causes of inventory discrepancies, and areas for improvement to better manage inventory. 5. Optimize Stock Levels Utilize sales data, demand forecasting, and historical trends to set appropriate stock levels and manage inventory. Implement inventory control measures such as ABC analysis and safety stock to optimize inventory levels. Establish reorder points and replenishment triggers to ensure timely restocking. Continuously monitor and adjust stock levels based on changing demand patterns, seasonality, and market trends to manage inventory costs. By following these actionable steps, retail store business owners can create and maintain an effective inventory management system that improves efficiency, accuracy, and profitability. Steps for Effective Retail Inventory ManagementKey ActionsConsiderationsObjectives 1. Choose the Right Retail Inventory Management Software- Research and evaluate software options - Consider features, scalability, ease of use, integration capabilities, customer support - Select and implement the chosen software- Business needs - Budget constraints - Future growth potential- To have a robust system that aligns with business requirements and supports efficient inventory management 2. Implement an Inventory Management System- Develop inventory procedures and protocols - Train employees on system use - Establish workflows for stock management and order fulfillment - Integrate with POS and accounting software- User-friendliness of the system - Integration with existing business systems - Employee training and adoption- To ensure accurate and efficient inventory tracking and management through standardized processes and system integration 3. Regularly Update Inventory Records- Schedule regular inventory updates - Implement barcode scanning or RFID technology - Set up automated alerts for inventory issues - Assign inventory update responsibilities- Accuracy and timeliness of data entry - Technology adoption and use - Accountability in inventory management- To maintain up-to-date and accurate inventory records, minimizing errors and enabling timely decision-making 4. Conduct Frequent Inventory Audits- Plan and schedule inventory audits - Reconcile physical inventory with system records - Investigate discrepancies - Analyze audit findings for improvement- Methodology of audits (physical counts, cycle counting) - Frequency of audits - Resolution processes for discrepancies- To verify inventory accuracy, identify issues, and implement corrective actions to improve inventory management practices 5. Optimize Stock Levels- Utilize sales data and forecasting for stock levels - Implement control measures (e.g., ABC analysis) - Establish reorder points - Monitor and adjust stock levels based on demand- Demand forecasting accuracy - Inventory carrying costs - Market trends and seasonality- To balance inventory investment with customer demand, reducing overstocks and stockouts and managing inventory costs efficiently Best Practices in Retail Inventory Management Of course, using your “best fit” retail inventory management software is key, but you also need to back that up with some hands-on work. That will help you keep inventory costs down. Accurate Demand Forecasting Regular Audits and Cycle Counts: Conduct regular physical inventory audits and cycle counts to verify stock levels and identify discrepancies. This helps in maintaining inventory accuracy and identifying any issues such as shrinkage or theft. Cross-Channel Inventory Integration: If operating across multiple sales channels (e.g., brick-and-mortar stores, e-commerce platforms), integrate inventory management systems to provide a unified view of inventory levels and prevent overselling or stockouts. Seasonal and Promotional Planning: Anticipate seasonal demand fluctuations and plan inventory levels accordingly. Additionally, align inventory levels with promotional campaigns and events to capitalize on sales opportunities while minimizing excess inventory. Forecasting and Demand Planning: Utilize historical sales data, market trends, and other factors to forecast demand accurately. This helps in determining appropriate inventory levels and avoiding stockouts or overstock situations. Accurate Demand Forecasting using sales data and market trends helps predict customer demand. Efficient Supplier Management Cultivate strong relationships with suppliers to ensure reliable and timely deliveries, which ensures timely restocking. Negotiate better terms such as discounts, flexible payment terms, and returns policies to improve inventory management efficiency. Maintaining quality control is vital for inventory management. Leveraging Data for Inventory Optimization There are several ways to apply data analytics and insights gathered from retail management software, which can help you make informed decisions about stock levels, product placement, and sales strategies. ABC Analysis: Use the ABC analysis technique to categorize inventory based on its value and prioritize management efforts accordingly. “A” items are high-value items that contribute significantly to revenue and should be closely monitored. “B” items are moderate in value and require regular attention, while “C” items are low-value items with lower priority. Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory: Implement JIT inventory management practices to minimize carrying costs and reduce the risk of obsolete inventory. With JIT, inventory is ordered and received only when needed, helping to optimize cash flow and warehouse inventory management. Tips for Successful Retail Inventory Management Effective retail inventory management is crucial for operating a successful retail business. It ensures that you have the appropriate products available at the right time to satisfy customer demand, prevent stockouts, and reduce excess inventory. Below are detailed tips for successful retail inventory management, which include essential elements of the inventory management process: Understand the Basic Components of Inventory Management: Inventory Tracking: Establish systems to monitor inventory levels, manage orders, track sales, and oversee deliveries. Demand Forecasting: Use historical sales data to predict future demand for products. Stock Replenishment: Determine reorder points and quantities to maintain optimal stock levels. Inventory Audits: Regularly compare physical inventory counts with system records to identify discrepancies. Research for the Best Retail Management Software: Evaluate Features: Look for software with features like real-time inventory tracking, analytics, and integration with your sales channels. Consider Scalability: Choose a system that can grow with your business, accommodating more products and higher volumes of sales, or even specialty programs like warehouse inventory management software. Seek User-Friendly Interfaces: Ensure the order management software is easy for you and your staff to use to minimize errors and training time. Read Reviews and Ask for Recommendations: Learn from the experiences of others in your industry. Prioritize Accuracy in Inventory Processes: Implement Barcoding Systems: Use barcodes to accurately track inventory movement and reduce manual entry errors. Train Staff Regularly: Ensure all employees understand the importance of accuracy in inventory management and how to properly use inventory systems. Perform Regular Audits: Arrange for frequent inventory counts to verify the accuracy of your inventory records. Utilize Cycle Counting: Instead of a full inventory count, regularly audit a subset of inventory so that every item is checked periodically. Maintain a Customer-Focused Approach: Understand Customer Preferences: Keep track of which products are popular and stock accordingly. Monitor Trends: Stay aware of industry trends and customer feedback to quickly adapt your inventory to meet market demands. Offer Alternatives: When popular items are out of stock, have alternative products available to meet customer needs. Enhance Shopping Experience: Use inventory data to organize store layouts and online product placements in a way that enhances shopping experience. Optimize Inventory Levels: Balance Stock Levels: Maintain enough stock to meet demand without overstocking, using techniques like just-in-time (JIT) inventory. Analyze Sales Data: Regularly review sales data to identify slow-moving items and adjust inventory levels accordingly. Manage Supplier Relationships: Build strong relationships with suppliers for reliable lead times and flexible order quantities. Leverage Technology for Efficiency: Integrate Systems: Make sure that your inventory management system is compatible with point-of-sale (POS) systems, e-commerce platforms, and accounting software to facilitate smooth operations. Utilize Mobile Devices: Mobile solutions are used for inventory counts and accessing inventory data from anywhere in the store or warehouse. The best inventory app for your needs will come with robust features and a user-friendly interface. By focusing on these key areas, retailers can develop a robust inventory management strategy that not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. https://youtube.com/watch?v=BApH54Oyleo%3Fsi%3DCBW28JmATagXdIMq Inventory Management: Essential for Your Retail Business Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or opening your first retail store, implementing a robust inventory tracking system is essential. Effective retail inventory management systems play a critical role in achieving retail success, helping you stay competitive and meet customer demand. This can be a manual system or a more sophisticated software solution, depending on the size and complexity of your operations. Inventory management software can help track stock levels, sales trends, and reorder points, making it easier to optimize inventory levels. Continuously monitor and evaluate inventory management processes for areas of improvement. Solicit feedback from staff and stakeholders, and be open to adopting new technologies and best practices to optimize small business inventory management efficiency over time. FAQ What are the key components of effective retail inventory management? Effective retail inventory management comprises several key components, including accurate tracking of stock levels, demand forecasting, efficient ordering and replenishment processes, proper organization and categorization of inventory, as well as regular audits and analysis to identify trends and optimize stocking levels. What steps should retailers take to improve inventory management? Retailers can enhance their inventory management by implementing measures such as adopting inventory management software, setting up automated reorder points, establishing clear inventory control policies, optimizing storage space, implementing barcode or RFID systems for better tracking, conducting regular inventory audits, and fostering collaboration between inventory management and other departments. How can retailers effectively forecast demand for their products? Retailers can forecast demand by analyzing historical sales data, monitoring market trends and consumer behavior, leveraging data analytics tools, collaborating with suppliers and distributors for insights, conducting customer surveys and feedback analysis, and considering external factors such as seasonality, promotions, and economic conditions. What are the common challenges faced in retail inventory management? Common challenges in retail inventory management include overstocking or understocking, inaccurate demand forecasting, inefficient manual processes, lack of real-time visibility into inventory levels, poor inventory tracking leading to shrinkage or loss, inadequate communication between different departments, and difficulties in managing perishable or seasonal goods. How can retailers minimize the risk of overstocking and understocking? Retailers can minimize the risk of overstocking and understocking by implementing demand forecasting techniques, setting optimal reorder points based on historical data and lead times, establishing safety stock levels to account for variability in demand, monitoring sales trends and adjusting inventory levels accordingly, and fostering collaboration between sales, marketing, and inventory management teams. What role does technology play in modern retail inventory management? Technology is essential to contemporary retail inventory management, offering a variety of tools that enhance efficiency. These include inventory management software, barcode and RFID systems, point-of-sale (POS) systems equipped with inventory tracking features, data analytics platforms for demand forecasting and trend analysis, and integration with e-commerce platforms to ensure smooth inventory management across both online and offline channels. What are some best practices for optimizing inventory turnover and reducing carrying costs? Some best practices for optimizing inventory turnover and reducing carrying costs include maintaining lean inventory levels by adopting just-in-time (JIT) inventory management, negotiating favorable terms with suppliers for better pricing and delivery terms, optimizing warehouse layout and storage systems for efficient space utilization, implementing markdown strategies for slow-moving or obsolete inventory, and continuously monitoring and analyzing inventory performance metrics to identify areas for improvement. Read More: How to open a retail store checklist How to increase sales in retail Image: Envato Elements This article, "Retail Inventory Management: Best Practices, Steps, and Tips" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
  10. Americans’ inflation expectations surge as rising prices for staples and tariff worries hit sentiment, key survey showsView the full article
  11. Claude is an AI chatbot developed by Anthropic, a popular alternative to ChatGPT. Launched in March 2023, Claude quickly attracted a multi-million user base. Today, Claude has 18.9 million monthly active users worldwide. From the number of Claude users to Claude user demographics, you’ll find the latest data about Claude on this page. Key Claude Stats Claude has 18.9 million monthly active users worldwide. Claude app has 2.9 million active users accessing the app at least once a month. The US and India are the 2 major markets for Claude, accounting for 33.13% of the total user base. In January 2025, Claude app downloads reached an estimated 769.6 million. Anthropic currently brings in $850 million in annualized revenue. Claude Website Users Worldwide According to the latest data, Claude reached 16 million unique website visitors in January 2025. That’s down from 18.8 million in November 2024. Here’s a detailed table with Claude number of website monthly active users over time since December 2023: Date Claude Website Users December 2023 4 million January 2024 5.4 million February 2024 5.2 million March 2024 10.1 million April 2024 11.2 million May 2024 10.3 million June 2024 13.3 million July 2024 14.6 million August 2024 12.5 million September 2024 13.7 million October 2024 16.7 million November 2024 18.8 million December 2024 18.3 million January 2025 16 million Source: Semrush Claude App Users Worldwide As of January 2025, Claude had an estimated 2.9 million monthly active app users worldwide. Claude with 2.9 million monthly active users ranks as the 86th most used AI app worldwide. Source: Aicpb Claude Website Users by Country As of January 2025, the US and India account for 33.13% of Claude website monthly active user base. Here’s a detailed breakdown of ChatGPT website users by country: Country Claude Website Users United States 3.2 million India 2.1 million Japan 692.2 thousand South Korea 556.7 thousand Kenya 523.6 thousand United Kingdom 516.8 thousand Germany 491.1 thousand Indonesia 453.5 thousand Israel 329.2 thousand Brazil 327.6 thousand Source: Semrush Claude User Demographics According to recent estimates, Claude website users are predominantly male – 77.1%, while the remaining 22.9% account for a female audience. Over half (51.88%) of Claude’s user audience are younger users ages 18-24, followed by the 25-34 age group (25%). Here’s a detailed breakdown of Claude audience demographics by age: Age Claude Website Users (Share of Total) 18-24 8.3 million (51.88%) 25-34 4 million (25%) 35-44 1.9 million (11.88%) 45-54 1.3 million (8.13%) 55-64 353 thousand (2.21%) 65+ 183 thousand (1.14%) Source: Semrush Claude App Downloads Worldwide Downloads of the Claude app across Google Play and App Store reached 769.6 thousand installs in January 2025. Here’s a detailed breakdown of Claude app monthly downloads since August 2024: Date Claude App Monthly Downloads August 2024 679.8 thousand September 2024 582 thousand October 2024 705.6 thousand November 2024 800.6 thousand December 2024 643.3 thousand January 2025 769.6 thousand Source: Appfigures Anthropic Revenue AI startup Anthropic (developer of Claude) reportedly reached an annualized revenue of $850 million and forecasts to generate $2.2 billion in revenue in 2025. Sources: CNBC, Reuters The post Claude Statistics: How Many People Use Claude? appeared first on Backlinko. View the full article
  12. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Deal pricing and availability subject to change after time of publication. These days, you don't need to be a spy to have tracking devices. If you're an Apple user, AirTags use Find My to track anything that you can put these devices on. Right now, Amazon has the four-pack for $67.99 (originally $99)—a new record-low price according to price-tracking tools—likely because the AirTag 2 release date is approaching. If four is too many, you can also get a single AirTag on sale for $22.99 (originally $29). Apple AirTag $22.99 at Amazon /images/amazon-prime.svg $29.00 Save $6.01 Get Deal Get Deal $22.99 at Amazon /images/amazon-prime.svg $29.00 Save $6.01 Apple AirTag Tracker (4-Pack) $67.99 at Amazon /images/amazon-prime.svg $99.00 Save $31.01 Get Deal Get Deal $67.99 at Amazon /images/amazon-prime.svg $99.00 Save $31.01 SEE -1 MORE AirTags are mostly marketed for purses, keys, and travel bags (airlines are adopting their use now), but there are examples of people using them much more creatively (someone on this Reddit post used it on their dog collar and trained it to come back whenever they pressed the "play sound" feature). The AirTag works with Apple's network of iOS devices to create a Bluetooth tracker. Essentially, every person with an iPhone (or iPad) is part of this iOS network, and as long as one of these people gets within Bluetooth range of your AirTag, it will show up as the last location on your Find My app. As you can see on PCMag's "excellent" review of the AirTag, the Find My app has a screen that points you in the direction of your AirTag like a compass, including the distance it is from you. There is also an option to play a sound—which is perfect for locating, say, a remote that's buried under the couch. Once the AirTag is more than 30 feet from your phone, the network of iOS users will kick in. When the AirTag is closer than 30 feet, it uses your own Bluetooth. There are security measures in place set by Apple, including end-to-end encryption, so that nobody (not even Apple), knows where your AirTag is except for you. The batteries last about a year and are replaceable. There is also no monthly charge for these, unlike competitors like Tile or Chipolo for Android users. View the full article
  13. This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. A reader writes: I supervise a small team of seasonal staff in a resort community. Most of my team lives a short drive or 10-minute walk down the road from our main office and compound. About two-thirds of the work we do is based out of various buildings in the resort town, all within about a five-block radius (short walking/cycling distance or a short drive, though nearby parking is at a premium on busy summer days), which are usually scheduled in half day chunks (morning shift in one location, then lunch, then swap to a different location a short distance away). We also have some duties that take staff 30-45 minutes’ drive away. (Think: collecting fees and talking to visitors in smaller outlying campgrounds.) I don’t watch the clock when it comes to staff taking time moving between workstations in the town, because part of our role is to give out information so it’s common for staff to be stopped by visitors asking for directions, and some staff prefer walking versus cycling or driving, and we have a rough sense of how much time it takes to travel to do the duties outside of town and that driving time is accounted for in the staff schedule. We provide work vehicles and bicycles for getting around. Generally, staff have been very reasonable and don’t dilly-dally between workstations, especially for visitor-facing roles as they are scheduled to be in front of the public to provide a service at specific hours of the day. The schedule has worked well for the last five years or so — we’ve come up with a good balance of how much time it takes to get between workstations and making sure everyone gets their breaks while also having consistent opening hours for our public services. We have unionized roles, so our collective agreement dictates that staff have two paid 15-minute breaks per day, plus a one half-hour unpaid lunch break. These are generally taken as three separate breaks in our work unit (morning coffee break, lunch, mid-afternoon break). In the public-facing duties where they’re staffing a building (like a visitor information center or campground kiosk), staff can step away for their short breaks with a sign on the desk if we can’t relieve them, but we always relieve them for their half hour lunch so there isn’t a long break in service. The expectation is that your half hour break is half an hour away from your workstation, not half an hour away plus “commute” time somewhere (which would make it a 45-50 minute lunch break, and against the collective agreement, plus a scheduling challenge for relieving other workstations for their own breaks). Most staff have their lunches with them and eat at the staff picnic areas tucked in shady areas around town or in our small office kitchen if the weather is poor, but some staff who live in town prefer to go home for lunch. I’m fine with whatever they choose to do — that time’s their own — provided they’re back in time to resume work as scheduled. My question is around dogs, and to what extent I as a supervisor should be scheduling around what my staff tell me are their needs. Some staff who live in town have dogs at home, and prefer to let them out at lunch to pee. This isn’t a problem 80% of the time, as they can get there and back and still have time for lunch within their half hour, when they are scheduled to work in town all day. The challenge has become that now that about half of my team have dogs, several staff have started to push back on me scheduling them for duties that take place outside of town, or on public-facing duties too close to lunchtime. I haven’t had to worry about scheduling around the question of dogs before, because I generally consider staff taking care of dogs like taking care of dependent children, or other home duties like an appointment with a plumber that has to happen during the work day: not really something that is my primary role to solve. They have their collective agreement-mandated breaks, and we have different kinds of PTO for family-related care, personal leave, things like that, if they need to take time away from work. There is some flexibility in the schedule and I say yes when I can, but I don’t have infinite flexibility and have to consider impacts on the work of other members of the team or impacts on the services we provide for the public. We have legitimate work reasons to have them spend the morning, afternoon, or whole day out in the field away from town, or public-facing duties at specific times right before and right after their lunch break. My staff do have a reasonable amount of warning. I usually set the schedule at least a month in advance, unless someone calls in sick and even then it’s usually modified duties based on what the staff members that are available are able to do. Once, I scheduled a team training session on a topic that several people had been asking for more training on, and planned to bring in an external expert to deliver the training. The best place to do it was outside the public eye about 30 minutes’ drive from town, at a quiet scenic picnic spot. I gave them three weeks of warning that we’d be spending the day out there with the trainer I’d brought in, but three of my staff requested that they only take half the training because they needed to drive back to town to let their dogs out at lunch. When I pushed back a bit, asking if they could make alternate arrangements, such as a family member letting out their dog for this day so they could take the whole training, one of them even said I’m party to animal abuse (!!) because it’s unconscionable that the dog stays inside all day in their house without AC. These dog pee breaks keep coming up and I keep getting asked to change work schedules to accommodate them. I try to be flexible when I can be but I cannot always find alternatives that work for the dog owners without it being at the expense of work duties (for instance, having to close a building to the public) or giving a disproportionate number of certain kinds of shifts to the non-dog owners on the team. I also can’t go against the collective agreement when it comes to breaks by extending them. I’ve never owned a dog myself, but I do love them, and I’ve lived in a house with a roommate who had dogs so I’m at least a little bit familiar with their needs. I’ve never encountered this issue before, and neither have any of the other supervisors of other teams I’ve asked who work on site (many of whom also have employees with dogs). What do other working people do when it comes to dog care during the day, if they are gone from home for eight hours plus commute time a day? How much should I reasonably be accounting for dog pee breaks in my staff schedule, particularly when accommodating their requests would impact our public offerings? Yeah, this is not reasonable of your employees. They took the job understanding where the work was located and what the expectations were. Figuring out how to balance an eight-hour workday and half-hour lunch break with the rest of their lives is something most working people figure out on their own. Generally people with dogs leave them at home during the work day, have someone stop in mid-day to care for them if the dog can’t be alone that whole time and they can’t easily get home on a break themselves (such as hiring a dog-walker), use doggy daycare if more care is needed, or find other solutions. They might occasionally have a dog-related emergency that they need to ask for additional flexibility from their job to accommodate — but that’s a rare thing that’s defined by its being out of the ordinary, not the routine, day-to-day care plan. You absolutely should be flexible with people when you can without putting an unfair burden on the rest of the staff … but it sounds like you already try to do that. The one thing in your letter where I’d maybe be more sympathetic to your staff’s stance is with the all-day training outside of town. If they took the job assuming they’d always be close enough to run home at some point during the day, I can see why they asked about ways to modify the plan. Even there, though, it’s generally understood that this sort of thing might come up at work from time to time — and accusing you of being party to animal abuse is way over the top, and says that they see figuring out their dog care as much more your problem than it should be! It sounds like you need to sit down with the people who have been pushing on this and approach it as, “I want to be really clear about what the scheduling requirements of the job are, so you can make plans that work for you. This job provides everyone with two 15-minute breaks and a half-hour lunch break every day. Sometimes those breaks may come when you’re scheduled for duties outside of town. I understand that you prefer not to be scheduled for duties outside of town close to lunchtime, and I try to be flexible when it’s possible, but sometimes the job — and fairness to other staff — mean you’ll need to spend the morning, afternoon, or whole day away from town, or doing public-facing duties right before or after your break. I will always give you advance notice of your schedule so you can plan around it, but these are the requirements of the job because of the services we offer.” Hell, you could add, “I understand some of us have commitments to animals, and it’s because I understand that commitment that I want to be sure we’re on the same page about the job’s requirements and what is and isn’t possible in our scheduling, so that you can make realistic plans for pet care.” You might also try to head some of this off at the pass by being clear about the scheduling requirements when hiring people. Before anyone accepts the job, you could say, “We hire a lot of people who live nearby and are able to run home at breaks for pet care and so forth. I’ve learned to warn people that while that’s possible on many days, it’s not possible on all days because sometimes you’ll be scheduled further away from town.” View the full article
  14. Home Depot broke a two-year slump in same store sales during the fourth quarter as customer demand improved in a housing market that has been buffeted by soaring mortgage rates and a scarcity of homes up for sale. Revenue for the Atlanta company climbed to $39.7 billion from $34.79 billion. Analysts polled by FactSet were calling for $39.15 billion. Home Depot Inc. said Tuesday that the extra week in the quarter added approximately $2.5 billion in sales for the period. Sales at stores open at least a year, a key indicator of a retailer’s health, edged up 0.8%. In the U.S., comparable store sales rose 1.3%. It is the first quarterly increase since January 2023 and much better than the 1.5% decline expected on Wall Street. The extra week in the quarter was not included in the same-store sales results. “The fact that US comparable sales are back in the black after declining for eight quarters or two years is a very clear win for Home Depot, and it suggests that the home improvement market as a whole might finally be reaching the nadir of its more sluggish performance,” Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData, wrote Tuesday. However, Home Depot said Tuesday that it expects per-share earnings to decline about 2% this year on sales growth of approximately 2.8%. Shares slipped about 2% before the opening bell. Customer transactions rose 7.6% in the quarter. The amount shoppers spent climbed slightly to $89.11 per average ticket from $88.87 in the prior-year period. “Our fourth quarter results exceeded our expectations as we saw greater engagement in home improvement spend, despite ongoing pressure on large remodeling projects,” said Chair and CEO Ted Decker said in a statement. “Throughout the year, we remained steadfast in our investments across our strategic initiatives to position ourselves for continued success, despite uncertain macroeconomic conditions and a higher interest rate environment that impacted home improvement demand.” Home improvement retailers like Home Depot have contended with homeowners putting off bigger projects due to higher borrowing costs and lingering concerns about inflation. The U.S. housing market has been in a sales slump dating back to 2022, when mortgage rates began to climb from pandemic-era lows. Sales of previously occupied U.S. homes fell last month as rising mortgage rates and prices put off many would-be homebuyers despite a wider selection of properties on the market. Sales fell 4.9% in January from December to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.08 million units, the National Association of Realtors said last week. Home prices increased on an annual basis for the 19th consecutive month. The national median sales price rose 4.8% in January from a year earlier to $396,900. Sales of previously occupied U.S. homes fell last year to their lowest level in nearly 30 years. Home Depot earned $3 billion, or $3.02 per share, for the three months ended February 2. A year earlier it earned $2.8 billion, or $2.82 per share. Removing certain items, earnings were $3.13 per share. That’s better than the $3.04 per share that Wall Street anticipated. —Michelle Chapman, AP Business Writer View the full article
  15. The airline industry is notoriously hard to decarbonize: large jets traveling long distances can’t feasibly use batteries, and sustainable aviation fuel is still only produced in tiny volumes. As airlines explore a range of options, United Airlines Ventures’ Sustainable Flight Fund just invested in one possible solution—a system that uses crushed rocks to capture CO2 for use in fuel or to store underground. The fund announced today that it invested an unspecified amount in Heirloom, a company that uses a powder made from limestone to pull CO2 from the air, relying on the material’s natural ability to absorb the greenhouse gas. At a facility in California’s Central Valley, robots stack trays of the limestone powder into tall stacks exposed to outdoor air. Then the powder is heated in furnaces to release the CO2 so it can be used or stored. United also now has an agreement with Heirloom that gives it the right to buy up to half a million tons of carbon dioxide removal from the startup. “We can either sequester it and track it as a carbon removal credit, or we can use it for [sustainable aviation fuel],” says Andrew Chang, managing director at United Airlines Ventures. [Photo: Heirloom] The investors liked the basic simplicity of the technology. “We understand how limestone can capture and release CO2,” Chang says. “It is not a novel, unproven technology or catalyst or chemical pathway. It works: Heat it and cool it and it’ll lock and unlock CO2.” Several other companies are paying Heirloom for the service of carbon removal to offset emissions, including Microsoft, which has a long-term contract to buy as much as 315,000 metric tons of CO2 removal from the startup. If the captured CO2 is combined with green hydrogen, it can be made into fuel that can be used on existing planes. Some other sustainable aviation fuel is limited because of the feedstock—making jet fuel from corn, for example, poses environmental challenges because of the amount of land that’s needed to grow it. (United has separately invested in biofuels made from corn, along with several other approaches.) But CO2 has a supply advantage: There’s more than enough extra CO2 in the atmosphere to meet the industry’s needs. Some startups, including Twelve and Infinium, are now beginning to scale up production of CO2-based sustainable aviation fuel. The carbon footprint is as much as 94% less than conventional jet fuel. (If airlines also pay Heirloom to remove CO2 and store it, that can help offset the remaining carbon footprint.) Right now, this type of sustainable aviation fuel is two to four times as expensive as traditional fuel, though as airlines work on long-term plans to cut emissions by 2050, there’s a path to eventual price parity. The same approach could be used to cut emissions in other hard-to-decarbonize industries, like cargo shipping. United’s investment will help Heirloom scale up production faster. “The funding will be used to continue to drive down the cost of the technology, develop additional projects, and provide the funding needed to subsequently access infrastructure capital,” says Heirloom spokesperson Scott Coriell. The startup is focused on what it calls “deployment-led innovation,” using real-world installations to help it iterate and reduce costs. “As we continue to build larger projects, costs will come down and the market will grow,” he says. “The critical objective to scale [direct air capture] is to repeat this cycle again and again.” Ultimately, though huge volumes of captured CO2 could be used to make fuel, the carbon removal industry will have to grow even faster to deal with the problem of CO2 in the atmosphere; even as companies cut emissions, pulling CO2 out of the air is necessary to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Around a trillion extra tons of CO2 have been added to the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, and the number keeps growing. As it’s captured, much of it will be stored. “We believe that over time, the vast majority of CO2 will end up underground,” Coriell says. “Even in a world where aviation, and other hard-to-abate industries, transition to cleaner fuels, there will still be billions of tons of CO2 emissions that will need to be abated each year.” View the full article
  16. A national gauge of prices rose 3.9% from a year earlier, according to data from S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller. View the full article
  17. An annual United Nations conference on biodiversity that ran out of time last year will resume its work Tuesday in Rome with money at the top of the agenda. That is, how to spend what’s been pledged so far—and how to raise a lot more to help preserve plant and animal life on Earth. The talks in Colombia known as COP16 yielded some significant outcomes before they broke up in November, including an agreement that requires companies that benefit from genetic resources in nature—say, by developing medicines from rainforest plants—to share the benefits. And steps were taken to give Indigenous peoples and local communities a stronger voice in conservation matters. But two weeks turned out to be not enough time to get everything done. The Cali talks followed the historic 2022 COP15 accord in Montreal, which included 23 measures aimed at protecting biodiversity. Those included putting 30% of the planet and 30% of degraded ecosystems under protection by 2030, known as the Global Biodiversity Framework. “Montreal was about the ‘what’—what are we all working towards together?” said Georgina Chandler, head of policy and campaigns for the Zoological Society London. “Cali was supposed to focus on the ‘how’—putting the plans and the financing in place to ensure we can actually implement this framework.” “They eventually lost a quorum because people simply went home,” said Linda Krueger of The Nature Conservancy, who is in Rome for the two days of talks. “And so now we’re having to finish these last critical decisions, which are some of the the nitty-gritty decisions on financing, on resource mobilization, and on the planning and monitoring and reporting requirements under the Global Biodiversity Framework.” The overall financial aim was to achieve $20 billion a year in the fund by 2025, and then $30 billion by 2030. So far, only $383 million had been pledged as of November, from 12 nations or subnations: Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Province of Québec, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Participants will discuss establishing a “global financing instrument for biodiversity” intended to effectively distribute the money raised. And a big part of the talks will be about raising more money. ‘Completely off track’ on larger financial goal Chandler and Kruger both said the finance points at Colombia’s talks were particularly contentious. “It’s really about how do we collect the money and how do we get it distributed fairly, get it to the ground where it’s needed most, so that that’s really the core issue,” said Kruger. Oscar Soria, chief executive of The Common Initiative, a think tank specializing in global economic and environmental policy, was pessimistic about raising a great deal more money. “We are completely off track in terms of achieving that money,” Soria said. Key sources of biodiversity finance are shrinking or disappearing, he said. “What was supposed to be a good Colombian telenovela in which people will actually bring the right resources, and the happy ending of bringing their money, could actually end up being a tragic Italian opera, where no one actually agrees to anything and everyone loses,” Soria said. Susana Muhamad, Colombia’s former environment minister and the COP16 president, said she’s hopeful of “a good message from Rome.” “That message is that still, even with a very fragmented geopolitical landscape, with a world increasingly in conflict, we can still get an agreement on some fundamental issues,” Muhamad said in a statement. “And one of the most important is the need to protect life in this crisis of climate change and biodiversity.” Global wildlife populations have plunged on average by 73% in 50 years, according to an October report from the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London. “Biodiversity is basically essential to our livelihoods and well-being,” Chandler said. “It’s essential to the the air we breathe, the water we drink, rainfall that food systems rely on, protecting us from increasing temperatures and increasing storm occurrences as well.” Chandler said deforestation in the Amazon has far-reaching impacts across South America, just as it does in the Congo Basin and other major biodiverse regions worldwide. “We know that has an impact on rainfall, on food systems, on soil integrity in other countries. So it’s not just something that’s kind of small and isolated. It’s a widespread problem,” she said. The Associated Press’ climate and environmental coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at AP.org. —Steven Grattan, Associated Press View the full article
  18. Subscribe to Work LifeGet stories like this in your inbox Subscribe You’ve settled into your workspace, a steaming cup of coffee in hand, ready to dive into the strategic plan your boss eagerly awaits. But just as you begin – Ping. A Slack message from your finance partner: “Don’t forget to send budget requests by EOD.” You barely process this before – Ping. An email from your dentist’s office reminding you to schedule your biannual cleaning. You take a breath, but – Ping. Workday lets you know your direct report’s timesheet is ready for approval. In mere moments, your focus time spirals into chaos, your to-do list expanding with relentless urgency. This barrage of notifications is more than just a minor inconvenience; it’s a plague on productivity. Just as we cross a to-do off our list, another one pops up. It’s no wonder that two-thirds of employees end their day with unresolved tasks on their to-do lists. So, how are we supposed to manage to-dos flying at us from every direction? Which ones do we swat away and which do we prioritize? And, how are the people who seem to stay on top of it all doing it!? We set out to find answers to these questions by conducting a survey of 6,000 knowledge workers across six countries about their to-do list practices. Let’s dig into what we learned. A note on our survey methodology The survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among 6,000 knowledge workers in 6 markets: US, UK, Australia, India, Germany and France, with a quota of 1,000 respondents per market, between December 20th, 2024, and January 12th, 2025, using an email invitation and an online survey. State of the to-do list Being organized is widely recognized as a significant advantage when it comes to managing tasks effectively. In fact, a remarkable 89% of workers believe that the most organized individuals are typically the ones who accomplish the most. Wanting to be part of this crowd, 82% of people have established a formal system to keep their to-dos organized. However, these systems are like snowflakes – no two are exactly alike. Interestingly, over half (52%) of knowledge workers admit that their organizational methods may appear chaotic to outsiders, yet they firmly believe that these approaches work well for them. Regardless of how different our to-do lists may look, we all share the satisfying feeling that accompanies crossing an item off the list. In fact, a striking 70% of professionals with a to-do list prefer the thrill of marking an item complete over receiving praise from a coworker. Dueling lists: personal vs. work to-dos We also surveyed individuals about how they organize their personal versus professional to-dos. We found nearly half (47%) of employees maintain two distinct to-do lists to track their personal and work responsibilities. In contrast, about a quarter (23%) opt to consolidate all tasks into a single to-do list, while 21% only keep a to-do list for work-related tasks, leaving personal reminders to rely solely on memory. We also found that people are juggling their to-dos – both personal and work – in many places: calendars, notebooks, productivity apps. So which is the best approach? Keep personal and work tasks separate, or together? Track tasks in one place, or several? While everyone has their own preference, our research suggests the more you use organizational systems and tools from your workplace to track all tasks, the better off you will be. Individuals who use an organizational system they learned at work are 1.4x more likely to consider themselves organized than those who rely on a system they designed on their own. Furthermore, organized individuals are twice as likely to use tools from their workplace to organize their personal to-dos. The disorganization domino effect Within a team, individual productivity is part of a highly complex and interconnected web. You may have all your ducks in a row, but a disorganized colleague can halt your (and your team’s) forward momentum. If you don’t consider yourself a particularly organized person, beware, as people have very little patience for their less organized coworkers. Almost 4 in 5 (78%) of respondents said they’d rather take on extra work than be forced to collaborate with a disorganized colleague. (Kind of like being the school group project member who throws their hands up and says, “fine, I’ll do it all myself.”) Furthermore, almost two-thirds of workers said they’d fire a disorganized team member if it meant improving overall results. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise how resentful workers can be of a less-than-organized teammate. The lack of order can cause serious delays – and serious bad feelings. Improve personal productivity in three steps Tip #1: Timebox An easy first step, we’ve found, to get a better handle of your to-dos, is to hone your ability to estimate how long a particular task is going to take. Then, set aside that time in your calendar, and do your best to protect it. This technique is called “timeboxing,” and it’s especially useful for people who struggle with procrastination or who often find themselves haplessly attempting to make progress on multiple projects at once, in the same short window. (Spoiler: this rarely works out. Your attention span is only so flexible.) Timeboxing is a tried-and-true technique for keeping productivity and alignment high. In a recent experiment with Atlassians, we found that 68% made more progress when they timeboxed their calendar, and goal clarity improved for 55%. The takeaway? When you orient your day around the most important tasks you need to accomplish, you’re – by design – identifying your most important work. Better yet: make your calendar visible to your whole team so they can see what you’re working on, when you’re doing it, and the amount of time it’ll take for you to see it through. Trello now includes a Planner feature that lets you move to-dos over to your calendar right from your Trello board – and vice versa. Tip #2: Give your to-do list a makeover Did you know that organized people are 1.4x more likely to delete items from their to-do list if they don’t complete them within a few days? Rather than letting tasks linger (and eventually end up on the chopping block), get in the habit of saying “no” earlier than later. And remember, if a task is neither impactful nor urgent, it may not need to be on your to-do list in the first place.With Trello, everyone can be freed from having to track down to-dos from multiple lists. All your captured to-dos land right in your Trello Inbox, where you can review, sort, and filter new to-dos and organize however you prefer. Tip #3: Chart your daily “top to-do” – and follow it! To-doing and timeboxing are all well and good, so long as you have a clear understanding of what you’re working toward. This is where the “top to-do” comes in. At the end of each workday, take a few minutes to set a top to-do for the following day, and rejigger your schedule to ensure it’s set up to enable you all the time and space you need to get it done. The top to-do should be one (just one!) high-impact task on your plate that you can’t delegate or ignore – or quietly delete from your to-do list. Starting small is key. Accomplishing ONE big thing every day gives you strong momentum. It’s easy for deep-working, task-accomplishing time to take a backseat to meetings, pings, and returning emails. Real productivity means making way for real work; a top to-do is a surefire way of getting there. Meet your personal productivity potential Our to-do lists are as much of a work in progress as we are. As our assignments, teams, and work styles evolve, so should the systems and tools we have in place to organize it all. Pairing a flexible to-do list tool like Trello* with the strategies outlined in this post will set you on your way toward a more organized version of yourself. Embrace the process! Check out our Product blog for all the nitty-gritty details on the all-new Trello! Read the blog Subscribe to Work LifeGet stories like this in your inbox Subscribe The post To-do list trickledown: How to stay organized and keep your team on track appeared first on Work Life by Atlassian. View the full article
  19. Subscribe to Work LifeGet stories like this in your inbox Subscribe You’ve settled into your workspace, a steaming cup of coffee in hand, ready to dive into the strategic plan your boss eagerly awaits. But just as you begin – Ping. A Slack message from your finance partner: “Don’t forget to send budget requests by EOD.” You barely process this before – Ping. An email from your dentist’s office reminding you to schedule your biannual cleaning. You take a breath, but – Ping. Workday lets you know your direct report’s timesheet is ready for approval. In mere moments, your focus time spirals into chaos, your to-do list expanding with relentless urgency. This barrage of notifications is more than just a minor inconvenience; it’s a plague on productivity. Just as we cross a to-do off our list, another one pops up. It’s no wonder that two-thirds of employees end their day with unresolved tasks on their to-do lists. So, how are we supposed to manage to-dos flying at us from every direction? Which ones do we swat away and which do we prioritize? And, how are the people who seem to stay on top of it all doing it!? We set out to find answers to these questions by conducting a survey of 6,000 knowledge workers across six countries about their to-do list practices. Let’s dig into what we learned. A note on our survey methodology The survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among 6,000 knowledge workers in 6 markets: US, UK, Australia, India, Germany and France, with a quota of 1,000 respondents per market, between December 20th, 2024, and January 12th, 2025, using an email invitation and an online survey. State of the to-do list Being organized is widely recognized as a significant advantage when it comes to managing tasks effectively. In fact, a remarkable 89% of workers believe that the most organized individuals are typically the ones who accomplish the most. Wanting to be part of this crowd, 82% of people have established a formal system to keep their to-dos organized. However, these systems are like snowflakes – no two are exactly alike. Interestingly, over half (52%) of knowledge workers admit that their organizational methods may appear chaotic to outsiders, yet they firmly believe that these approaches work well for them. Regardless of how different our to-do lists may look, we all share the satisfying feeling that accompanies crossing an item off the list. In fact, a striking 70% of professionals with a to-do list prefer the thrill of marking an item complete over receiving praise from a coworker. Dueling lists: personal vs. work to-dos We also surveyed individuals about how they organize their personal versus professional to-dos. We found nearly half (47%) of employees maintain two distinct to-do lists to track their personal and work responsibilities. In contrast, about a quarter (23%) opt to consolidate all tasks into a single to-do list, while 21% only keep a to-do list for work-related tasks, leaving personal reminders to rely solely on memory. We also found that people are juggling their to-dos – both personal and work – in many places: calendars, notebooks, productivity apps. So which is the best approach? Keep personal and work tasks separate, or together? Track tasks in one place, or several? While everyone has their own preference, our research suggests the more you use organizational systems and tools from your workplace to track all tasks, the better off you will be. Individuals who use an organizational system they learned at work are 1.4x more likely to consider themselves organized than those who rely on a system they designed on their own. Furthermore, organized individuals are twice as likely to use tools from their workplace to organize their personal to-dos. The disorganization domino effect Within a team, individual productivity is part of a highly complex and interconnected web. You may have all your ducks in a row, but a disorganized colleague can halt your (and your team’s) forward momentum. If you don’t consider yourself a particularly organized person, beware, as people have very little patience for their less organized coworkers. Almost 4 in 5 (78%) of respondents said they’d rather take on extra work than be forced to collaborate with a disorganized colleague. (Kind of like being the school group project member who throws their hands up and says, “fine, I’ll do it all myself.”) Furthermore, almost two-thirds of workers said they’d fire a disorganized team member if it meant improving overall results. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise how resentful workers can be of a less-than-organized teammate. The lack of order can cause serious delays – and serious bad feelings. Improve personal productivity in three steps Tip #1: Timebox An easy first step, we’ve found, to get a better handle of your to-dos, is to hone your ability to estimate how long a particular task is going to take. Then, set aside that time in your calendar, and do your best to protect it. This technique is called “timeboxing,” and it’s especially useful for people who struggle with procrastination or who often find themselves haplessly attempting to make progress on multiple projects at once, in the same short window. (Spoiler: this rarely works out. Your attention span is only so flexible.) Timeboxing is a tried-and-true technique for keeping productivity and alignment high. In a recent experiment with Atlassians, we found that 68% made more progress when they timeboxed their calendar, and goal clarity improved for 55%. The takeaway? When you orient your day around the most important tasks you need to accomplish, you’re – by design – identifying your most important work. Better yet: make your calendar visible to your whole team so they can see what you’re working on, when you’re doing it, and the amount of time it’ll take for you to see it through. Trello now includes a Planner feature that lets you move to-dos over to your calendar right from your Trello board – and vice versa. Tip #2: Give your to-do list a makeover Did you know that organized people are 1.4x more likely to delete items from their to-do list if they don’t complete them within a few days? Rather than letting tasks linger (and eventually end up on the chopping block), get in the habit of saying “no” earlier than later. And remember, if a task is neither impactful nor urgent, it may not need to be on your to-do list in the first place.With Trello, everyone can be freed from having to track down to-dos from multiple lists. All your captured to-dos land right in your Trello Inbox, where you can review, sort, and filter new to-dos and organize however you prefer. Tip #3: Chart your daily “top to-do” – and follow it! To-doing and timeboxing are all well and good, so long as you have a clear understanding of what you’re working toward. This is where the “top to-do” comes in. At the end of each workday, take a few minutes to set a top to-do for the following day, and rejigger your schedule to ensure it’s set up to enable you all the time and space you need to get it done. The top to-do should be one (just one!) high-impact task on your plate that you can’t delegate or ignore – or quietly delete from your to-do list. Starting small is key. Accomplishing ONE big thing every day gives you strong momentum. It’s easy for deep-working, task-accomplishing time to take a backseat to meetings, pings, and returning emails. Real productivity means making way for real work; a top to-do is a surefire way of getting there. Meet your personal productivity potential Our to-do lists are as much of a work in progress as we are. As our assignments, teams, and work styles evolve, so should the systems and tools we have in place to organize it all. Pairing a flexible to-do list tool like Trello* with the strategies outlined in this post will set you on your way toward a more organized version of yourself. Embrace the process! Check out our Product blog for all the nitty-gritty details on the all-new Trello! Read the blog Subscribe to Work LifeGet stories like this in your inbox Subscribe The post To-do list trickledown: How to stay organized and keep your team on track appeared first on Work Life by Atlassian. View the full article
  20. If you’re a small business owner looking to create a comprehensive employee training plan, you’re in luck! Here are training plan template options, each designed to help you develop your employees’ skills and knowledge. What is an Employee Training Plan Template? An employee training plan template is a document used to outline the training sessions and development activities a company plans to provide to its employees. What Should a Training Plan Template Include? A well-designed training plan template should include several key elements to ensure the success of any training session. These include… Identifying Training Needs A successful training plan template should begin with a thorough training needs assessment, a review of job descriptions and performance evaluations, and an identification of knowledge or skill gaps. Determine priority areas for training. Training Objectives Establish clear and measurable goals aligned with business strategy. Focus on relevant and timely topics and set realistic expectations for learning outcomes. Ensure objectives can be tracked and measured. A Scalable Training Process Develop a structured training program that incorporates different delivery methods, assign roles and responsibilities, and determine evaluation and feedback mechanisms. Ensure the process can be scaled to meet changing business needs. Learning Outcomes Define what learners should be able to do after training and create assessment criteria to measure progress. Ensure outcomes align with business needs and provide opportunities for ongoing learning and development. Track outcomes and evaluate the effectiveness of the training program. The Best Employee Training Plan Templates for Small Businesses Before you continue to the list that follows, you can reference this handy condensed table that summarizes the key features and offerings of the top employee training plan templates for small businesses. #Training Plan Template ProviderKey Features and Offerings 1.ZavvyExternal Training Library with on-demand video courses and live training. 2.Monday.comWork OS platform for centralizing work, processes, and boosting productivity. 3.Whatfix18 free employee training plan templates tailored to individual needs. 4.Template.netEmployee Training Schedule Template in various formats for easy customization. 5.SharePointEmployee Training Management with features like scheduling and feedback collection. 6.SmartsheetFree training plan templates for staff, monthly, weekly, and more. 7.CreatelyCustomizable templates for planning and visualizing effective training programs. 8.ExcelDataProReady-to-use Employee Training Log Excel Template for managing training data. 9.Seismic (customer services)Pre-made customer service training manual with modification options. 10.Betterteam (onboarding)Employee Onboarding Process template and checklist for effective integration. 11.Stakeholdermap.comDownloadable training plan template in PDF and Word formats. 12.NorthpassEditable employee training manual PowerPoint template with tips and strategies. 13.VenngageCustomizable training plan templates, including new hire and manager training plans. 14.IndeedTraining plan templates for new employees, individuals, and corporate training. 15.WorkableNew hire training checklist for smooth onboarding. 16.WalkMeFree employee training templates for various purposes, including skills gap analysis. 17.HelpjuiceTemplates for needs assessment, employee development plans, and leadership training. 18.ScribeHowCustomizable employee training plan templates, including employee development. 19.TemplateLabNumerous employee training plan templates in Word and Excel formats. 20.StackbyEmployee Training Management Template for organizing and monitoring training programs. Creating an employee training plan can be challenging for small businesses. Fortunately, there are many pre-designed templates available that can simplify the process. Here are 20 of the best options. Zavvy Zavvy’s External Training Library offers various training resources in categories such as Compliance, Soft Skills, Sales, Marketing, Tech, Product & Design, and Data. These include on-demand video courses, live training, and immersive training. Monday.com Monday.com is a Work OS platform that helps teams centralize their work, processes, and tools and customize workflows to boost employee productivity. It offers tailored products for different business aspects and has over 180,000 customers globally. Whatfix Whatfix provides 18 free employee training plan templates to create an effective employee development plan tailored to individual employee needs. The templates include new-hire training, training needs assessment, individual employee training, and an employee development plan template. Template.net Template.net provides an Employee Training Schedule Template in multiple formats, including Word, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel, Apple Numbers, and Apple Pages. This allows for easy customization and effective organization of employee training schedules. You can also enjoy the convenience of instant downloads for improved efficiency. Sharepoint SharePoint Employee Training Management streamlines activities like scheduling, registration, material sharing, and feedback collection. Features include a training catalog, event scheduling, attendee enrollment, attendance status, and feedback. Source code available. Smartsheet Smartsheet provides free training plan templates for staff, monthly, weekly, daily, annual, employee, new hire, and project plans, with customizable Excel, Word, and PDF formats. They also offer cloud-based HR management tools. Creately Creately offers customizable templates and tools to help organizations plan and organize effective employee training programs. With real-time collaboration, multiple export options, and integrations, it simplifies creating, visualizing, and sharing training plans. Creately is trusted by over 10 million users, including NASA, Facebook, and Amazon. ExcelDataPro ExcelDataPro offers a ready-to-use Employee Training Log Excel Template with predefined formulas. The template allows for recording and managing employee training data, including employee details, training schedules, and training output. It is beneficial for HR professionals, consultants, and other HR staff to manage and record employee training data easily. Seismic (customer services) This free customer service training template by Seismic is a resource that offers a pre-made manual to achieve consistent and thorough training for customer service. The template covers basic principles, do’s and don’ts, and training tips that are easy to modify as needed. Betterteam (onboarding) Betterteam offers a free Employee Onboarding Process template and checklist in Excel format to help companies integrate new employees effectively by providing necessary knowledge and behaviors. The onboarding process is essential for new hires to perform effectively. Stakeholdermap.com Stakeholdermap.com offers a free downloadable training plan template in both PDF and Word formats for managers to deliver effective training and organizational change. The template is fully editable and contains everything needed for a successful training plan. Northpass Northpass offers an editable employee training manual PowerPoint template with tips and strategies to create effective training content. The template includes information on composition and structure and can be downloaded from their website. Venngage Venngage provides over 20 customizable training plan templates for businesses, including new hire and manager training plans, employee development plans, and training need assessments. Users can edit text, colors, and images with the drag-and-drop editor. Indeed Indeed offers three types of training plan templates including a new employee training plan, individual training plan, and corporate training plan. These templates can be customized to develop the skills of new hires and existing employees. Workable Workable suggests a new hire training checklist to smoothly onboard employees. The process includes company overview, policies, benefits package, role-specific and IT setup training, followed by security and safety training a month and three months after the start date, respectively. WalkMe WalkMe provides a range of free employee training templates, which include new-hire training, individual employee training, employee development plans, training policies, SOPs, DEI training, skills gap analysis, and pre-training surveys. Helpjuice Helpjuice provides templates for pre-training needs assessment, employee development plans, better employee onboarding plans, and leadership training plans to facilitate professional growth, identify gaps in skills, and improve team performance. ScribeHow ScribeHow offers four customizable employee training plan templates, including employee development, training needs assessment, new-hire training, and individual employee training plans. These templates have a general format, with sections on how to duplicate and use them. TemplateLab TemplateLab provides 43 Employee Training Plan templates in Word and Excel formats, including training plans, schedules, training curricula, and program templates to help employers provide the necessary training that strengthens employees’ skills, reduces weaknesses, and boosts company growth. Stackby Stackby’s Employee Training Management Template lets you organize and monitor ongoing and upcoming employee training programs, including recording program details, participants, and feedback. Easy to use, customizable, and accessible with a simple copy. Training Plan Apps Training plan apps provide a convenient and efficient way for small businesses to manage their employee training programs. Here are some top training plan apps for your consideration: CYPHER Matrix LMS This is a comprehensive and customizable employee training platform with an intuitive UI, mobile app, and real-time analytics. It offers affordable pricing for all business sizes, starting at $549 monthly for 100 users. Gamification features keep employees engaged. iSpring Learn LMS iSpring Learn is a user-friendly LMS for employee, compliance, or product training. Plans start at $2.87 per user each month and include iSpring Suite for creating courses. Suitable for small to midsize businesses with an intuitive interface and affordable plans. TalentLMS TalentLMS offers an intuitive user interface with gamification features, including badges, points, and leaderboards. Small businesses can use the forever-free plan or choose from affordable plans with unlimited courses starting from $69 per month. Why Would a Small Business Owner Need an Employee Training Plan Template? A training plan template can help a small business owner ensure that employees are properly trained and that the company meets its objectives while improving productivity and enhancing employee performance. Before reading further, every business can use team members with excellent capabilities, Right? So be sure to check out this companion video on how to rapidly improve team capabilities with an Excel Skills & Matrix template. Types of Training Plan Template When it comes to designing an employee training plan, businesses have several types of templates to choose from. Here are some common types of training plan templates. Pre-Training Needs Assessment Before designing a training plan, identify employee skill and knowledge gaps, determine areas in which training is needed, and use assessment results to inform the training plan design. New Hire Training Plan A new hire training plan should orientate new employees to the company culture, cover basic policies and procedures, and train them on job-specific tasks and responsibilities to get them up to speed quickly. Safety Training Safety training is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of employees. It is important to educate employees on emergency response procedures and to review health and safety regulations in order to uphold a safe working environment. Specialized Training Specialized training helps employees develop specific skills, such as leadership or technical skills, and train them on new equipment or technology. This helps employees prepare for future career growth. Blended Learning Approaches Blended learning approaches are a game-changer in employee training. By combining traditional classroom methods with digital learning modules, businesses can cater to diverse learning preferences among their employees. This approach not only accommodates different learning styles but also offers the flexibility of time and location. Blended learning in your training plan ensures a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience, making it an essential component of any modern training strategy. Customizable Training Templates The one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in employee training. Recognizing this, customizable training templates are crucial. They allow businesses to tailor training content to specific business needs and employee roles. Customization can range from modifying existing content to creating entirely new modules specific to the business’s operations or industry. This flexibility ensures that the training is relevant, practical, and directly aligned with the company’s objectives. Continuous Learning and Development A dynamic business environment requires continuous learning and development. Training plans should not just focus on immediate skill gaps but also on long-term employee development. Incorporating elements like advanced training for future roles, leadership development, and cross-functional skills can foster a culture of growth and adaptability. This approach not only enhances employee skills but also prepares them for future challenges and opportunities within the company. Leveraging Technology in Training Technology plays a pivotal role in modern employee training. Leveraging tools like Learning Management Systems (LMS) can revolutionize the delivery and management of training programs. These systems allow for efficient tracking of employee progress, offer interactive and multimedia content, and can even provide personalized learning paths. Integrating technology in training not only streamlines the process but also enhances the learning experience for employees. Feedback and Evaluation Effective training plans are iterative, and feedback and evaluation are their cornerstones. Regular assessments, employee surveys, and feedback sessions are vital in understanding the effectiveness of the training. They provide insights into what works and what needs improvement. This ongoing evaluation process ensures that the training remains relevant, effective, and aligned with both employee needs and business goals. Training ROI Measurement Measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of training programs is essential in demonstrating their value to the business. This involves evaluating the impact of training on employee performance and overall business outcomes. Methods like performance metrics before and after training, employee productivity rates, and the quality of work can provide tangible data. Understanding the ROI helps in justifying the training expenses and guides future investment in employee development. Structured Training Program A structured training program establishes a comprehensive training plan using a variety of training methods to meet the needs of different learners. Measure progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the program. How Much Do Training Plan Templates Cost for a Small Business? The prices of training plan templates for small businesses can differ significantly; some are available for free online, while others may cost several hundred dollars. The Bottom Line Creating an employee training plan is essential for small businesses to ensure employee development and growth. With the help of the 20 training plan templates we discussed, businesses can design a comprehensive training plan, from pre-training needs assessment to structured training programs. Other essential business tasks such as employee onboarding, SWOT analysis, diversified employee benefits, using a work schedule app, having an action plan, employee bonus, employee of the month program, and giving an employee financial help can also be managed effectively with proper planning. To ensure your small business’s long-term success, consider investing time and resources to write a business plan. Employee Training Plan Template FAQs What is a Training Plan Outline? A training plan outline is a structured framework that identifies the goals, learning objectives, and methods of delivering training. What are The Basic Components of a Training Program? The basic components of a training program include goals and objectives, content, instructional methods, assessment, and evaluation. How Do You Write a New Hire Training Template? To create a new hire employee training plan template, begin with an orientation that introduces the company culture, followed by an overview of policies, procedures, and job-specific tasks. Are There Any Free Employee Training Plan Templates? Yes, many free employee training plan templates are available online. Look for reputable sources and customize templates to meet specific business needs. What are The 5 Steps in a Good Employee Training Program? A well-designed employee training program typically consists of the following five steps: Assessing Training Needs: Conduct a thorough analysis to identify the specific training needs within your organization. Determine the skills and knowledge gaps that exist and prioritize the areas that require attention. Consider factors such as job roles, performance evaluations, employee feedback, and future business goals to inform your assessment. Designing the Training Plan: Based on the identified training needs, develop a comprehensive plan outlining the objectives, content, and delivery methods of the training program. Select suitable training methods, including instructor-led sessions, e-learning modules, workshops, or on-the-job training, depending on the specific skills being taught. Define the timeline and logistics for the training, which includes scheduling, required resources, and participant prerequisites. Delivering the Training: Implement the training program according to the designed plan. Conduct training sessions using engaging instructional techniques, interactive activities, and practical examples to ensure effective learning. Provide clear instructions, resources, and support materials to facilitate understanding and skill acquisition. Utilize various training formats, such as classroom sessions, online modules, simulations, or a blend of different approaches, to cater to different learning styles and preferences. Evaluating the Training: Assess the effectiveness of the training program through various evaluation methods. Gather feedback from participants to gauge their satisfaction, understanding, and perceived value of the training. Measure the progress and improvement of participants’ skills and knowledge before and after the training using assessments, tests, or performance evaluations. Analyze the training outcomes against the predefined objectives to determine the program’s success and areas for improvement. Revising the Training Plan as Needed: Based on the evaluation results and feedback, identify areas where the training program can be enhanced or modified. Incorporate suggestions for improvement and adapt the training content, delivery methods, or instructional approach accordingly. Continuously monitor and update the training program to align with evolving business needs, industry trends, and employee development requirements. Here is the list of information in tabular form. You can hang it on a wall, put it on a clipboard, or bring it up on a smart device for easy viewing and reference: Steps in a Good Employee Training ProgramKey Actions and Considerations 1. Assessing Training Needs- Conduct a thorough analysis of training needs within the organization. - Identify skills and knowledge gaps. - Prioritize areas for training. 2. Designing the Training Plan- Develop a comprehensive plan with clear objectives and content. - Determine suitable training methods and delivery formats. - Establish a timeline and logistical details. 3. Delivering the Training- Implement the training using engaging and interactive instructional techniques. - Provide necessary resources and support materials. - Cater to different learning styles and preferences. 4. Evaluating the Training- Gather participant feedback and satisfaction levels. - Assess progress through assessments or performance evaluations. - Measure the effectiveness of the training against predefined objectives. 5. Revising the Training Plan- Incorporate feedback and suggestions for improvement. - Adapt the training content and methods based on evaluation results. - Continuously update the program to align with evolving needs. By following these five essential steps and using excellent employee training plan templates, organizations can create a robust employee training program that addresses skill gaps, enhances performance, and fosters continuous learning and development within the workforce. Image: Envato Elements This article, "Employee Training Plan Template Options for Small Businesses" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
  21. If you’re a small business owner looking to create a comprehensive employee training plan, you’re in luck! Here are training plan template options, each designed to help you develop your employees’ skills and knowledge. What is an Employee Training Plan Template? An employee training plan template is a document used to outline the training sessions and development activities a company plans to provide to its employees. What Should a Training Plan Template Include? A well-designed training plan template should include several key elements to ensure the success of any training session. These include… Identifying Training Needs A successful training plan template should begin with a thorough training needs assessment, a review of job descriptions and performance evaluations, and an identification of knowledge or skill gaps. Determine priority areas for training. Training Objectives Establish clear and measurable goals aligned with business strategy. Focus on relevant and timely topics and set realistic expectations for learning outcomes. Ensure objectives can be tracked and measured. A Scalable Training Process Develop a structured training program that incorporates different delivery methods, assign roles and responsibilities, and determine evaluation and feedback mechanisms. Ensure the process can be scaled to meet changing business needs. Learning Outcomes Define what learners should be able to do after training and create assessment criteria to measure progress. Ensure outcomes align with business needs and provide opportunities for ongoing learning and development. Track outcomes and evaluate the effectiveness of the training program. The Best Employee Training Plan Templates for Small Businesses Before you continue to the list that follows, you can reference this handy condensed table that summarizes the key features and offerings of the top employee training plan templates for small businesses. #Training Plan Template ProviderKey Features and Offerings 1.ZavvyExternal Training Library with on-demand video courses and live training. 2.Monday.comWork OS platform for centralizing work, processes, and boosting productivity. 3.Whatfix18 free employee training plan templates tailored to individual needs. 4.Template.netEmployee Training Schedule Template in various formats for easy customization. 5.SharePointEmployee Training Management with features like scheduling and feedback collection. 6.SmartsheetFree training plan templates for staff, monthly, weekly, and more. 7.CreatelyCustomizable templates for planning and visualizing effective training programs. 8.ExcelDataProReady-to-use Employee Training Log Excel Template for managing training data. 9.Seismic (customer services)Pre-made customer service training manual with modification options. 10.Betterteam (onboarding)Employee Onboarding Process template and checklist for effective integration. 11.Stakeholdermap.comDownloadable training plan template in PDF and Word formats. 12.NorthpassEditable employee training manual PowerPoint template with tips and strategies. 13.VenngageCustomizable training plan templates, including new hire and manager training plans. 14.IndeedTraining plan templates for new employees, individuals, and corporate training. 15.WorkableNew hire training checklist for smooth onboarding. 16.WalkMeFree employee training templates for various purposes, including skills gap analysis. 17.HelpjuiceTemplates for needs assessment, employee development plans, and leadership training. 18.ScribeHowCustomizable employee training plan templates, including employee development. 19.TemplateLabNumerous employee training plan templates in Word and Excel formats. 20.StackbyEmployee Training Management Template for organizing and monitoring training programs. Creating an employee training plan can be challenging for small businesses. Fortunately, there are many pre-designed templates available that can simplify the process. Here are 20 of the best options. Zavvy Zavvy’s External Training Library offers various training resources in categories such as Compliance, Soft Skills, Sales, Marketing, Tech, Product & Design, and Data. These include on-demand video courses, live training, and immersive training. Monday.com Monday.com is a Work OS platform that helps teams centralize their work, processes, and tools and customize workflows to boost employee productivity. It offers tailored products for different business aspects and has over 180,000 customers globally. Whatfix Whatfix provides 18 free employee training plan templates to create an effective employee development plan tailored to individual employee needs. The templates include new-hire training, training needs assessment, individual employee training, and an employee development plan template. Template.net Template.net provides an Employee Training Schedule Template in multiple formats, including Word, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel, Apple Numbers, and Apple Pages. This allows for easy customization and effective organization of employee training schedules. You can also enjoy the convenience of instant downloads for improved efficiency. Sharepoint SharePoint Employee Training Management streamlines activities like scheduling, registration, material sharing, and feedback collection. Features include a training catalog, event scheduling, attendee enrollment, attendance status, and feedback. Source code available. Smartsheet Smartsheet provides free training plan templates for staff, monthly, weekly, daily, annual, employee, new hire, and project plans, with customizable Excel, Word, and PDF formats. They also offer cloud-based HR management tools. Creately Creately offers customizable templates and tools to help organizations plan and organize effective employee training programs. With real-time collaboration, multiple export options, and integrations, it simplifies creating, visualizing, and sharing training plans. Creately is trusted by over 10 million users, including NASA, Facebook, and Amazon. ExcelDataPro ExcelDataPro offers a ready-to-use Employee Training Log Excel Template with predefined formulas. The template allows for recording and managing employee training data, including employee details, training schedules, and training output. It is beneficial for HR professionals, consultants, and other HR staff to manage and record employee training data easily. Seismic (customer services) This free customer service training template by Seismic is a resource that offers a pre-made manual to achieve consistent and thorough training for customer service. The template covers basic principles, do’s and don’ts, and training tips that are easy to modify as needed. Betterteam (onboarding) Betterteam offers a free Employee Onboarding Process template and checklist in Excel format to help companies integrate new employees effectively by providing necessary knowledge and behaviors. The onboarding process is essential for new hires to perform effectively. Stakeholdermap.com Stakeholdermap.com offers a free downloadable training plan template in both PDF and Word formats for managers to deliver effective training and organizational change. The template is fully editable and contains everything needed for a successful training plan. Northpass Northpass offers an editable employee training manual PowerPoint template with tips and strategies to create effective training content. The template includes information on composition and structure and can be downloaded from their website. Venngage Venngage provides over 20 customizable training plan templates for businesses, including new hire and manager training plans, employee development plans, and training need assessments. Users can edit text, colors, and images with the drag-and-drop editor. Indeed Indeed offers three types of training plan templates including a new employee training plan, individual training plan, and corporate training plan. These templates can be customized to develop the skills of new hires and existing employees. Workable Workable suggests a new hire training checklist to smoothly onboard employees. The process includes company overview, policies, benefits package, role-specific and IT setup training, followed by security and safety training a month and three months after the start date, respectively. WalkMe WalkMe provides a range of free employee training templates, which include new-hire training, individual employee training, employee development plans, training policies, SOPs, DEI training, skills gap analysis, and pre-training surveys. Helpjuice Helpjuice provides templates for pre-training needs assessment, employee development plans, better employee onboarding plans, and leadership training plans to facilitate professional growth, identify gaps in skills, and improve team performance. ScribeHow ScribeHow offers four customizable employee training plan templates, including employee development, training needs assessment, new-hire training, and individual employee training plans. These templates have a general format, with sections on how to duplicate and use them. TemplateLab TemplateLab provides 43 Employee Training Plan templates in Word and Excel formats, including training plans, schedules, training curricula, and program templates to help employers provide the necessary training that strengthens employees’ skills, reduces weaknesses, and boosts company growth. Stackby Stackby’s Employee Training Management Template lets you organize and monitor ongoing and upcoming employee training programs, including recording program details, participants, and feedback. Easy to use, customizable, and accessible with a simple copy. Training Plan Apps Training plan apps provide a convenient and efficient way for small businesses to manage their employee training programs. Here are some top training plan apps for your consideration: CYPHER Matrix LMS This is a comprehensive and customizable employee training platform with an intuitive UI, mobile app, and real-time analytics. It offers affordable pricing for all business sizes, starting at $549 monthly for 100 users. Gamification features keep employees engaged. iSpring Learn LMS iSpring Learn is a user-friendly LMS for employee, compliance, or product training. Plans start at $2.87 per user each month and include iSpring Suite for creating courses. Suitable for small to midsize businesses with an intuitive interface and affordable plans. TalentLMS TalentLMS offers an intuitive user interface with gamification features, including badges, points, and leaderboards. Small businesses can use the forever-free plan or choose from affordable plans with unlimited courses starting from $69 per month. Why Would a Small Business Owner Need an Employee Training Plan Template? A training plan template can help a small business owner ensure that employees are properly trained and that the company meets its objectives while improving productivity and enhancing employee performance. Before reading further, every business can use team members with excellent capabilities, Right? So be sure to check out this companion video on how to rapidly improve team capabilities with an Excel Skills & Matrix template. Types of Training Plan Template When it comes to designing an employee training plan, businesses have several types of templates to choose from. Here are some common types of training plan templates. Pre-Training Needs Assessment Before designing a training plan, identify employee skill and knowledge gaps, determine areas in which training is needed, and use assessment results to inform the training plan design. New Hire Training Plan A new hire training plan should orientate new employees to the company culture, cover basic policies and procedures, and train them on job-specific tasks and responsibilities to get them up to speed quickly. Safety Training Safety training is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of employees. It is important to educate employees on emergency response procedures and to review health and safety regulations in order to uphold a safe working environment. Specialized Training Specialized training helps employees develop specific skills, such as leadership or technical skills, and train them on new equipment or technology. This helps employees prepare for future career growth. Blended Learning Approaches Blended learning approaches are a game-changer in employee training. By combining traditional classroom methods with digital learning modules, businesses can cater to diverse learning preferences among their employees. This approach not only accommodates different learning styles but also offers the flexibility of time and location. Blended learning in your training plan ensures a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience, making it an essential component of any modern training strategy. Customizable Training Templates The one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in employee training. Recognizing this, customizable training templates are crucial. They allow businesses to tailor training content to specific business needs and employee roles. Customization can range from modifying existing content to creating entirely new modules specific to the business’s operations or industry. This flexibility ensures that the training is relevant, practical, and directly aligned with the company’s objectives. Continuous Learning and Development A dynamic business environment requires continuous learning and development. Training plans should not just focus on immediate skill gaps but also on long-term employee development. Incorporating elements like advanced training for future roles, leadership development, and cross-functional skills can foster a culture of growth and adaptability. This approach not only enhances employee skills but also prepares them for future challenges and opportunities within the company. Leveraging Technology in Training Technology plays a pivotal role in modern employee training. Leveraging tools like Learning Management Systems (LMS) can revolutionize the delivery and management of training programs. These systems allow for efficient tracking of employee progress, offer interactive and multimedia content, and can even provide personalized learning paths. Integrating technology in training not only streamlines the process but also enhances the learning experience for employees. Feedback and Evaluation Effective training plans are iterative, and feedback and evaluation are their cornerstones. Regular assessments, employee surveys, and feedback sessions are vital in understanding the effectiveness of the training. They provide insights into what works and what needs improvement. This ongoing evaluation process ensures that the training remains relevant, effective, and aligned with both employee needs and business goals. Training ROI Measurement Measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of training programs is essential in demonstrating their value to the business. This involves evaluating the impact of training on employee performance and overall business outcomes. Methods like performance metrics before and after training, employee productivity rates, and the quality of work can provide tangible data. Understanding the ROI helps in justifying the training expenses and guides future investment in employee development. Structured Training Program A structured training program establishes a comprehensive training plan using a variety of training methods to meet the needs of different learners. Measure progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the program. How Much Do Training Plan Templates Cost for a Small Business? The prices of training plan templates for small businesses can differ significantly; some are available for free online, while others may cost several hundred dollars. The Bottom Line Creating an employee training plan is essential for small businesses to ensure employee development and growth. With the help of the 20 training plan templates we discussed, businesses can design a comprehensive training plan, from pre-training needs assessment to structured training programs. Other essential business tasks such as employee onboarding, SWOT analysis, diversified employee benefits, using a work schedule app, having an action plan, employee bonus, employee of the month program, and giving an employee financial help can also be managed effectively with proper planning. To ensure your small business’s long-term success, consider investing time and resources to write a business plan. Employee Training Plan Template FAQs What is a Training Plan Outline? A training plan outline is a structured framework that identifies the goals, learning objectives, and methods of delivering training. What are The Basic Components of a Training Program? The basic components of a training program include goals and objectives, content, instructional methods, assessment, and evaluation. How Do You Write a New Hire Training Template? To create a new hire employee training plan template, begin with an orientation that introduces the company culture, followed by an overview of policies, procedures, and job-specific tasks. Are There Any Free Employee Training Plan Templates? Yes, many free employee training plan templates are available online. Look for reputable sources and customize templates to meet specific business needs. What are The 5 Steps in a Good Employee Training Program? A well-designed employee training program typically consists of the following five steps: Assessing Training Needs: Conduct a thorough analysis to identify the specific training needs within your organization. Determine the skills and knowledge gaps that exist and prioritize the areas that require attention. Consider factors such as job roles, performance evaluations, employee feedback, and future business goals to inform your assessment. Designing the Training Plan: Based on the identified training needs, develop a comprehensive plan outlining the objectives, content, and delivery methods of the training program. Select suitable training methods, including instructor-led sessions, e-learning modules, workshops, or on-the-job training, depending on the specific skills being taught. Define the timeline and logistics for the training, which includes scheduling, required resources, and participant prerequisites. Delivering the Training: Implement the training program according to the designed plan. Conduct training sessions using engaging instructional techniques, interactive activities, and practical examples to ensure effective learning. Provide clear instructions, resources, and support materials to facilitate understanding and skill acquisition. Utilize various training formats, such as classroom sessions, online modules, simulations, or a blend of different approaches, to cater to different learning styles and preferences. Evaluating the Training: Assess the effectiveness of the training program through various evaluation methods. Gather feedback from participants to gauge their satisfaction, understanding, and perceived value of the training. Measure the progress and improvement of participants’ skills and knowledge before and after the training using assessments, tests, or performance evaluations. Analyze the training outcomes against the predefined objectives to determine the program’s success and areas for improvement. Revising the Training Plan as Needed: Based on the evaluation results and feedback, identify areas where the training program can be enhanced or modified. Incorporate suggestions for improvement and adapt the training content, delivery methods, or instructional approach accordingly. Continuously monitor and update the training program to align with evolving business needs, industry trends, and employee development requirements. Here is the list of information in tabular form. You can hang it on a wall, put it on a clipboard, or bring it up on a smart device for easy viewing and reference: Steps in a Good Employee Training ProgramKey Actions and Considerations 1. Assessing Training Needs- Conduct a thorough analysis of training needs within the organization. - Identify skills and knowledge gaps. - Prioritize areas for training. 2. Designing the Training Plan- Develop a comprehensive plan with clear objectives and content. - Determine suitable training methods and delivery formats. - Establish a timeline and logistical details. 3. Delivering the Training- Implement the training using engaging and interactive instructional techniques. - Provide necessary resources and support materials. - Cater to different learning styles and preferences. 4. Evaluating the Training- Gather participant feedback and satisfaction levels. - Assess progress through assessments or performance evaluations. - Measure the effectiveness of the training against predefined objectives. 5. Revising the Training Plan- Incorporate feedback and suggestions for improvement. - Adapt the training content and methods based on evaluation results. - Continuously update the program to align with evolving needs. By following these five essential steps and using excellent employee training plan templates, organizations can create a robust employee training program that addresses skill gaps, enhances performance, and fosters continuous learning and development within the workforce. Image: Envato Elements This article, "Employee Training Plan Template Options for Small Businesses" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
  22. New York City collected $48.6 million in revenue from the first month of its congestion pricing program that the Trump administration has moved to kill, a transit agency said. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) said on Monday that in January the program reduced congestion and raised $48.6 million with $11.1 million in expenses and net operating revenue of $37.5 million. New York Governor Kathy Hochul met with President Donald Trump on Friday to make the case for the congestion pricing program. Under the program, which launched on January 5, most passenger vehicles are charged $9 during peak periods to enter Manhattan south of 60th Street. Trucks and buses pay up to $21.60. The fee is reduced by 75% at night. The MTA, which has issued $900 million in debt for the congestion system infrastructure costs and capital projects, projected Monday it is on track to raise $500 million in net revenue the first year, noting it only collected revenue for 27 days in January. In total, 68% of revenue came from passenger vehicles, 22% taxis and ride share vehicles, 9% from trucks and 1% motorcycles and buses. The MTA sued last week seeking to block Trump’s effort to terminate the program. Hochul has said that funds raised from the program would underpin $15 billion in debt financing for mass transit capital improvements. The program was approved in the final months of former President Joe Biden’s administration. Charged via electronic license plate readers, private cars pay once a day regardless of how many trips they make into the central business district. A few other cities have implemented congestion pricing systems. London, which began its system in 2003, now charges 15 pounds ($18.70). Singapore and Sweden also have congestion pricing plans. Before the fee, New York said more than 700,000 vehicles entered the Manhattan central business district daily, slowing traffic to around 7 miles per hour (11 kph) on average, which is 23% slower than in 2010. —David Shepardson, Reuters View the full article
  23. Peter Navarro wants to increase pressure on country that Donald Trump has threatened to annexView the full article
  24. As Fashion Week takes over New York, London, and Milan, designers aren’t just showcasing their collections on the runway—they’re taking over LinkedIn. The job-seeking platform reports a fivefold increase in live fashion show broadcasts over the past three years, with 85% of luxury brands turning to the professional social network to reach those with money to spend. LVMH and Louis Vuitton set the trend in 2019, making live fashion shows on LinkedIn the core of their engagement strategy. The move quickly paid off. After unveiling a new men’s collection in Shanghai, the brand drew nearly a million potential luxury buyers in just three days. Soon fashion powerhouses like Hermès, Dior, Prada, and Balenciaga followed suit, bringing high fashion to the professional network. Since then, LinkedIn has proven to be an essential marketing tool for meeting high-net-worth clients where they are at. After all, every successful professional comes with purchasing power. With over one billion members, more than 30% of LinkedIn users are interested in fashion, a much higher figure than on other social networks. LinkedIn data also reveals that 67% of luxury purchases happen after a career promotion or job change. Brands can tap into these pivotal moments using the platform’s “Career Changers” feature, which identifies users in professional transition, right when they’re most likely to splurge. “Fashion is deeply tied to self-expression, and on LinkedIn, where professional identity plays a key role, luxury brands have the opportunity to engage with their audiences in a way that feels relevant, whether it’s dressing for a leadership role, investing in timeless pieces, or aligning with a particular lifestyle,” Stephanie Barret, head of luxury at LinkedIn, tells Fast Company. “Unlike mainstream social media, where fashion content competes with a wide range of entertainment-driven content, LinkedIn offers a focused, high-quality environment where professionals engage with premium storytelling.” Beyond its corporate roots, the networking platform is adapting to offer services that go further than simple job searches. Features like Live Event Ads enable brands to engage audiences before, during, and after major fashion shows. Additionally, luxury brands looking for ways to promote their content from members or influencers can make use of LinkedIn’s Thought Leader Ads, generating 2.3 times more clicks than traditional ads. LinkedIn’s efforts are paying off. A study by influence management platform AmazingContent reveals LinkedIn as the preferred platform by luxury leaders– 70% of luxury content engagement is on LinkedIn (compared to 20% on Instagram and 10% on X). “At the core, success on LinkedIn is about narrative-driven engagement—using livestreams, industry voices, and interactive content to showcase craftsmanship, heritage, and innovation in a way that resonates with high-intent consumers,” says Barret. “By tapping into LinkedIn’s professional audience, brands can align their messaging with key career moments, ensuring they reach people at times when they are naturally inclined to invest in luxury.” View the full article
  25. Do the work that fulfills you. The Disruptors With Liz Farr Go PRO for members-only access to more Liz Farr. View the full article
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