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This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager.

A reader writes:

I have many questions about applying to internal jobs, something I have never done. At my current company, a new role came up that is a dream job for me. But it is also a reach, as it would be a bit of a career change. Knowing this job might open up, I’ve been making efforts to get to know the hiring manager, and I think we have a good relationship. But how do I actually navigate applying?

I know it’s best practice not to tell your manager when you are job hunting, but what about when the job you’re applying for is an internal one? My manager is fair and a nice person, but I still don’t want them to know I’m looking to move on.

Would it be beneficial for me to reach out to the hiring manager before the job is posted, or should I wait and apply through the usual process once the posting is live? I’m inclined to contact them first, as we have a solid, though relatively new, rapport.

If I tell the hiring manager discreetly about my interest in the job, can I ask them to keep my interest under wraps? Or is that weird and not done? I’ve expressed a lot of interest in their work, so I don’t think it will be a massive surprise that I want to apply.

I believe I have a better chance at a stretch job at a company where I already work and have a strong reputation, compared to applying for a stretch job externally. However, is it worth the risk of upsetting my current manager or damaging my reputation here for an internal opportunity? If I want to apply for a job that’s a reach, would it be less risky to do it outside my company?

My preference is to get this internal job, but if I don’t, I’ll be applying outside the company eventually, although I’m in no huge rush. I think the smart thing to do would be to start my external job hunt at the same time as internally applying, so if my manager is upset or my reputation is dinged, I’ll hopefully have other options.

Honestly, I’m feeling super overwhelmed just thinking about a full-on job hunt with everything else going on in my life! But do I just need to buckle down and go for it?

You can read my answer to this letter at New York Magazine today. Head over there to read it.

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