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Starting your own direct sales business



If you are starting your own direct sales business then you are going to put yourself out on the front line. You will need to dream up ideas that you think will work and start to get an understanding of how this type of business works. Door to door, telephone sales or even direct advertising are all considered to be direct sales because there are no intermediaries involved between your and your clients.

You will need to do some research into important factors like location, competition, storage, shipping and advertisement. Doing your homework will pay off in the end, and make you more confident in what you know and what your going to do.



Taking these initial first steps can often be the hardest for most people and sometimes don't even happen, so you are going to need to commit to this if you are serious about making it work. Businesses often fail within the first 6 months because of cash flow problems, miss-spending or lack or organization and focus.

You should set your goals high and work towards them, even if your business is comparatively small compared to other local competition. One of your goals should be to make a profitable business. Careful planning and organization can help you achieve this. Looking at possible problems and working out strategies to solve them is one way to help you prepare.


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Guest WilliamHen


Why a rare image of one of Malaysia’s last tigers is giving conservationists hope
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Emmanuel Rondeau has photographed tigers across Asia for the past decade, from the remotest recesses of Siberia to the pristine valleys of Bhutan. But when he set out to photograph the tigers in the ancient rainforests of Malaysia, he had his doubts.

“We were really not sure that this was going to work,” says the French wildlife photographer. That’s because the country has just 150 tigers left, hidden across tens of thousands of square kilometers of dense rainforest.

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“Tiger numbers in Malaysia have been going down, down, down, at an alarming rate,” says Rondeau. In the 1950s, Malaysia had around 3,000 tigers, but a combination of habitat loss, a decline in prey, and poaching decimated the population. By 2010, there were just 500 left, according to WWF, and the number has continued to fall.

The Malayan tiger is a subspecies native to Peninsular Malaysia, and it’s the smallest of the tiger subspecies in Southeast Asia.

“We are in this moment where, if things suddenly go bad, in five years the Malayan tiger could be a figure of the past, and it goes into the history books,” Rondeau adds.

Determined not to let that happen, Rondeau joined forces with WWF-Malaysia last year to profile the elusive big cat and put a face to the nation’s conservation work.

It took 12 weeks of preparations, eight cameras, 300 pounds of equipment, five months of patient photography and countless miles trekked through the 117,500-hectare Royal Belum State Park… but finally, in November, Rondeau got the shot that he hopes can inspire the next generation of conservationists.

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“This image is the last image of the Malayan tiger — or it’s the first image of the return of the Malayan tiger,” he says.
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Guest NevaHab


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Guest AlonzoTieli


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