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There’s a special place in you-know-where for spam callers. They’re annoying. They waste time. They’re also dangerous. And while it’s challenging to eliminate spam calls entirely, the good news is that with a little time and effort, you can significantly reduce the number of spam calls you receive. Here’s what to do. Add yourself to the FTC’s Do Not Call list One of the easiest and longest-lasting ways to reduce spam calls is to add your phone number to the National Do Not Call Registry, which is a free service managed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Once you’ve added your number, telemarketers have a month to remove you from their lists so you don’t get any more calls. These days, however, whether they will abide by these rules is another story, so read on for some more effective alternatives. Use call-blocking features and/or apps While the Do Not Call list relies on the . . . ahem . . . good nature of above-board telemarketers to take you off their lists, it’s largely ineffective against the real culprits: scammers and illegal telemarketers. Luckily, modern smartphones are packed with features designed to help combat spam. Most have built-in features that allow you to block individual numbers. While this won’t stop spoofed numbers, it can help you get rid of repeat offenders. Here’s how to block numbers on iPhone, and here’s how to do it on Android if you use Google’s Phone app. You can also send unknown callers to voicemail. This is a handy feature that lets legitimate callers leave a message while ideally discouraging nefarious callers from doing the same. The two links in the previous paragraph contains information about how to enable the feature. And if all else fails, consider third-party call-blocking apps. Popular options include Hiya, Robokiller, Truecaller, and Nomorobo. These apps use crowdsourced data, known-offender databases, and AI to identify and automatically block or flag potential spam calls. While they’re not perfect, they can significantly reduce the number of unwanted calls you receive. Protect your personal info in the first place Spammers thrive on data, so the less information you share, the less likely you are to be targeted. Make sure to be cautious online. Think twice before entering your phone number on websites, especially those that seem suspicious or offer freebies in exchange for your information. If the caution ship has already sailed, look into opting out of data brokerages. Data brokers collect and sell your personal information, including your phone number, to just about anyone willing to pay for it. While it takes some effort, you can opt out of these services to reduce your online footprint. A quick Google search for “opt out data brokers” will provide a list of resources to help you get started. And finally, just don’t engage. Never answer calls from unknown numbers, and never provide any personal information to callers you don’t recognize. Even answering the phone signals to spammers that you’ve got a live, active number. Just let the call go to voicemail and screen it later. View the full article
Noticed all the blondes going back to their natural hair color lately? As much as many try to claim it’s because of a “hair health journey,” other factors seem to be at play here. “How’s the economy?” one TikTok user asks in a viral video. “Well, hasn’t been good for a while seems like my indicators tell me,” the former blonde says, measuring the inches of her incoming roots with her fingers. “THIS IS SO ACCURATE,” one commenter responded. I’m no expert, but root length has always been a pretty solid way to tell how people are doing financially. “Remember when balayage became really popular in 2009?” asked one person in the comments. During the 2007-to-2009 recession, blonde celebrities were embracing their darker roots, a trend that mirrored the economic downturn. Now, in 2025, we’re seeing the same thing happening all over again. One in six Americans admit to spending more on beauty and wellness than they can afford and, if you’ve ever colored your hair, you know how expensive the upkeep is. So, when purse strings tighten, expensive salon visits are the first to go. With some hairstylists interviewed in a recent Washington Post piece charging at least $100 an hour for cuts, color, bleaching and balayage, being blonde is a luxury not everyone can afford. Suddenly, grown-out roots have become the hottest trend—and a leading economic indicator. “When someone says they like my natural hair color better and I agree, when in reality I can no longer afford to upkeep the blonde, and this is my brunette recession era,” one TikTok post with 2.3 million views reads. “Recession brunette is back,” another TikTok user declared. The Wall Street Journal reported that “lived-in color,” referring to partial highlights or balayage, was last year’s trend among hairstylists. Not unlike the “lipstick effect”—the phenomenon, during an economic downturn, of consumers continuing to spend on small luxury items, such as lipstick—”lived-in color” and the “recession brunette” may be the latest stylish indicators of an economy in crisis. Bottom line: If blondes really do have more fun, these days it’s fair to presume they also have more money. View the full article
This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Talking to an employee about body odor I manage a large department with several sub-departments. I have been working myself up to addressing an issue for quite some time, because it is a sensitive issue that I don’t know how to handle without fallout: personal hygiene. One of the staff members who has been with me for several years has been showing up to work for the past year with an odor that is less than pleasant. This was not an issue previously, and I attribute it to becoming more comfortable in the environment and slipping into a pattern of lackluster personal habits. I do not see any outward signs of depression or mental health issues. They are as happy and chipper as ever. I know that we all wear masks and more could be going on, but these are my observations. Some days are better than others, but much of the time it is bad. So bad that I do not want them in my very small office if I can avoid it. But the other staff members don’t have a choice, and it is my job to advocate for their comfort. This person is extremely sensitive, and my fear has been that the talk I know I need to have will cause so much embarrassment for them that they will quit. Over the years we have given this person more and more responsibility, and they are highly skilled and a rare commodity in our field. I asked my assistant manager what they thought I should do, because they often see things that I don’t, which is a huge asset. They suggested that instead of singling the offender out, I talk to the group and just set some expectations about weekly washing of outerwear and a request to focus on personal hygiene in general. I thought this was a great idea until I realized that it is very possible that my newest employee, who has only been with us a month, may feel that it is about them, since they are the most recent addition. I don’t want to alienate them, especially before I have really formed a bond with them. To add even more layers to this, I also employ a family member of the person in question, who could also become a collateral damage loss. I would love your thoughts on this. Am I overthinking this? Do I just need to buck up and deal with it directly, come what may? Yes, you need to buck up and deal with it. Definitely do not do the group conversation! Addressing problems with the whole group when you really only need to talk to one person is almost a guaranteed way to ensure that other people will worry you’re talking about them, while very often the person who actually needs to hear the message will blithely ignore it. I understand the impulse — it feels much easier since it won’t feel as personal — but it’s not fair to the rest of the group, and it’s actually not fair to the employee in question either, since they deserve the hear the message more directly, and delivered in a more sensitive way than in front of other people. It is an awkward conversation; there’s no way around that. But it’s very unlikely that your employee will quit over it, let alone their family member, as long as you’re respectful. The best thing you can do is to be direct but as kind as possible. Meet with the person privately (ideally toward the end of the day so they can go home afterwards and not feel self-conscious all day) and say something like, “This is awkward for me to bring up, and I hope I don’t offend you because I value you greatly. I’ve noticed you’ve had a noticeable odor lately. It might be a need to do laundry more often or shower more, or it could be a medical thing. I know it might not be something you realized, so I wanted to bring it to your attention and ask you to see what you can do about it.” It might help you steel yourself to have the conversation if you consider that it’s a kindness to the employee to say something. If the problem is at the point where people don’t want to be near them, that’s something they deserve the opportunity to know about and fix. Related: how to talk to an employee about body odor I’m the smelly coworker 2. Adjusting to not having work friends now that I’m everyone’s manager I’m adjusting to a fairly recent promotion (five months ago) from assistant manager to manager. In my previous role, I had four direct reports, while two other staff and I all reported to the manager. While I had more decision-making authority than the other two, we were very friendly and there wasn’t any question of them reporting to me. Now, after some restructuring, my previous direct reports and my two former coworkers and two new staff are all reporting to me. That’s everyone at our location. I have been very excited about this promotion. My team is awesome, and it was a very positive change for everyone. My problem is this; what can I do to fill the work-friend void? I know from your own advice, from the advice of my current boss, and from my own sense of the fitness of things that I can’t develop close friendships with my team. They are all my employees. But I spend a lot of time at work and I have small kids at home who take up my evenings. I can’t go join a new activity or hobby group. Should I reach out virtually to managers of other locations in my organization? I just don’t know when I’d have time to actually spend with them since we work in different buildings. Do I just need to resign myself to feeling lonely at work? Yeah, it does require a shift, and it can be a lonely one! You absolutely can try building bonds with managers of other locations within your org, and sometimes that can be done virtually (Slack or similar?) but it likely won’t feel the same as having work friends right there in your office who know your day-to-day context the way your closer coworkers do. It can help to look for other types of fulfillment at work, like the satisfaction of being a warm, supportive manager who is a thoughtful presence for your staff … which can be extremely fulfilling! It just won’t scratch the same itch as work friends do, which is indeed a lonely part of managing at a certain level. Ideally, once your kids are older, you’ll have more room for building connections outside of work, which will help. But the next few years may be more spartan that you’d prefer on the friend front. (That can change as they become more independent, though!) 3. Applying to work as a historically Black college as a white person Is it appropriate for a white person to apply for a leadership position at a HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities)? It would be more administrative work than public-facing, if that makes a difference? I’m not asking about legalities; I know we are not supposed to use race in hiring. But ethically? If you support the mission and are qualified for the job, you should apply. There are lots of non-black employees at HBCU’s; it won’t be weird. 4. My more junior coworker go the promotion I wanted I might be emotional right now because this just happened, but I can’t stop thinking about it so here we go. I just got the news that I did not recieve the promotion I really wanted, to supervisor over my current team. My coworker, also on my team but several years behind me in seniority, received it. I totally put my foot in my mouth because after I got the news I went to share with her and accidentally put her in the awkward position to tell me it was her who got it. (Lesson learned, wait for the official announcement before talking to other people who applied.) I did tell her I was happy that if it wasn’t me, and it wasn’t an external hire, that I was glad it was her (and I was honest about that). At the same time, I know she could tell that finding out was extra crushing to me, because she’d told me earlier that she didn’t expect to get it, was applying because “why not,” and fully expected that if it was between the two of us, it would go to me. Objectively, I see why she got it. The rejection was also a feedback session. They said that the things I identified with wanting in a leader, I also identified as my own weaknesses, and that I need to come out of my shell and lead people more in project settings before I take on a role like this. My coworker is much more of a people person; we’ve had an influx of new people, and she’s taken the lead with most of their training. We both jumped in, but she volunteered for more and I felt like I didn’t have as much time because of my own workload. Now I feel like I let her edge me out. Do you have any advice? Part of me wonders if I should stay in this department. The feedback session alluded to “next time,” but the truth is these roles don’t open up very often. In four years, this is only the second time a supervisor position has been open. Don’t decide anything now, when you’re still processing the news! Wait and see how you’re feeling a few months after your coworker has started in the position. You might discover you really liking working for her! Or you might not — but let yourself off the hook for any kind of decision-making right now while you’re still adjusting to the news. I do think there’s potentially a real growth opportunity here if you approach it that way: if you agree that most of what you said you want in a leader are also things you feel are weaknesses of your own, that’s hugely useful information! It’s a road map of the areas to focus on to make yourself a stronger candidate for future management roles (whether here or in a different organization). You want to prepare not just for getting hired into the job, but for doing the job well for years afterwards (which is something that a lot of managers overlook) — and this is insight into the specific skills to work on building comfort with, and then also demonstrating. 5. Obscene messages in the snow I work in higher ed in a snowy climate. The other day, someone went out into the snow and tracked a giant penis across the entire quad — it was very visible from several offices. Another day, someone tracked a (non-hateful, but very specific) religious message into the snow, also visible from many offices. Obviously this is just par for the course when you live and work in a residential setting and on a public campus, but it made me wonder: what would (should?) a company do if someone puts something inappropriate into the snow around their office building? And if it should be removed, who should be the person who actually does the removing (presumably “go into the snow and track it around to hide the penis” isn’t in anyone’s job description)? Ahh, college, how I miss you! No one makes giant snow penises outside where I live anymore. (When I was in college, one giant snow penis was so controversial that it became the subject of multiple letters-to-the-editor in the campus paper, which is amazing.) Anyway, if it happened a different workplace, whoever handled your facilities work would deal with having it removed — maybe that’s your grounds workers, maybe it’s whoever would handle it if an exterior wall were vandalized, maybe it’s the building management company, and so forth. View the full article
Featuring Ben Lamm, Founder and CEO, Colossal Biosciences and Joe Manganiello, Actor, Producer. Moderated by Kc Ifeanyi, Executive Director of Editorial Programming, Fast Company Since Colossal Biosciences launched in 2021, it’s skyrocketed to a $10.2 billion valuation to fund its mission of de-extinction. For Colossal, it’s more than the buzzy headlines that its resurrecting the woolly mammoth or the dodo—the company’s aim is to combat biodiversity loss and regenerate ecosystems and climates that have degraded over time. Hear from Colossal CEO Ben Lamm on how he’s making science fiction a reality—and how it could benefit us all. View the full article
Constant Contact has released its latest Small Business Now report, revealing that new small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are leveraging social media and technology to drive growth and navigate economic challenges. The study surveyed 1,600 SMBs across the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada that have been in operation for five years or less. The report finds that social media is the dominant marketing tool for early-stage entrepreneurs. According to the study, 63% of new SMBs rely on social media as their primary marketing channel, and 73% of respondents said that both paid and unpaid social media posts are their biggest revenue drivers. Despite this focus, many small businesses are looking to diversify their marketing strategies. 33% of new SMBs consider email marketing an underutilized tool, and only 15% leverage SMS marketing despite its strong engagement potential. New SMBs are also turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline operations and enhance their marketing efforts. The report found that 72% of SMBs plan to use AI for marketing in 2025, with AI being used for tasks such as content creation (37%), customer data analysis (32%), and personalized messaging (31%). Additionally, 41% of highly confident SMB owners are already using AI to analyze customer data. “It’s difficult to be a small business right now, but what’s clear from our study is that the spirit, passion, and resilience of the SMB is still quite strong,” said Frank Vella, CEO at Constant Contact. “The newest entrepreneurs are digitally savvy, and they understand that adaptability isn’t just a survival tactic, it’s a growth strategy.” While optimism is high, small business owners acknowledge ongoing challenges. Nearly half (45%) of new SMB owners feel very confident in their business growth for 2025, while 55% express concerns due to factors like customer acquisition, rising costs, and shifting consumer habits. Additionally, 35% believe economic factors will significantly impact their success in the coming year. Despite these challenges, 95% of entrepreneurs said they would choose small business ownership again, with 71% expressing excitement and 57% feeling proud to be part of the SMB community. Constant Contact’s findings highlight the adaptability of new entrepreneurs as they integrate social media and AI-driven technology into their growth strategies. As SMBs seek to expand their marketing efforts beyond social media, AI and automation are set to play a critical role in helping businesses remain competitive in an evolving economic landscape. “By harnessing social media to enhance customer relationships and embracing advanced technologies like AI to maintain stability and work smarter, they’re turning challenges into opportunities and redefining what it means to thrive in any economic landscape,” Vella added. This article, "Constant Contact Report Highlights Social-First, Tech-Driven Small Businesses" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
Constant Contact has released its latest Small Business Now report, revealing that new small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are leveraging social media and technology to drive growth and navigate economic challenges. The study surveyed 1,600 SMBs across the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada that have been in operation for five years or less. The report finds that social media is the dominant marketing tool for early-stage entrepreneurs. According to the study, 63% of new SMBs rely on social media as their primary marketing channel, and 73% of respondents said that both paid and unpaid social media posts are their biggest revenue drivers. Despite this focus, many small businesses are looking to diversify their marketing strategies. 33% of new SMBs consider email marketing an underutilized tool, and only 15% leverage SMS marketing despite its strong engagement potential. New SMBs are also turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline operations and enhance their marketing efforts. The report found that 72% of SMBs plan to use AI for marketing in 2025, with AI being used for tasks such as content creation (37%), customer data analysis (32%), and personalized messaging (31%). Additionally, 41% of highly confident SMB owners are already using AI to analyze customer data. “It’s difficult to be a small business right now, but what’s clear from our study is that the spirit, passion, and resilience of the SMB is still quite strong,” said Frank Vella, CEO at Constant Contact. “The newest entrepreneurs are digitally savvy, and they understand that adaptability isn’t just a survival tactic, it’s a growth strategy.” While optimism is high, small business owners acknowledge ongoing challenges. Nearly half (45%) of new SMB owners feel very confident in their business growth for 2025, while 55% express concerns due to factors like customer acquisition, rising costs, and shifting consumer habits. Additionally, 35% believe economic factors will significantly impact their success in the coming year. Despite these challenges, 95% of entrepreneurs said they would choose small business ownership again, with 71% expressing excitement and 57% feeling proud to be part of the SMB community. Constant Contact’s findings highlight the adaptability of new entrepreneurs as they integrate social media and AI-driven technology into their growth strategies. As SMBs seek to expand their marketing efforts beyond social media, AI and automation are set to play a critical role in helping businesses remain competitive in an evolving economic landscape. “By harnessing social media to enhance customer relationships and embracing advanced technologies like AI to maintain stability and work smarter, they’re turning challenges into opportunities and redefining what it means to thrive in any economic landscape,” Vella added. This article, "Constant Contact Report Highlights Social-First, Tech-Driven Small Businesses" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
No one has time to waste on repetitive tasks like manually updating workflows or making endless custom rules for different Jira projects. This work needs to be done, but does it need to be done by you? The answer is probably “no.” But if you’re not doing it all, who will? No one has to. In this article, you’ll find two different tools that can help you automate and integrate Jira workflows and customize the tools in your tech stack to help you work smarter, not harder. Let’s cover the difference between Unito and ScriptRunner for Jira, what features and benefits they include, associated costs, and what option will best fit your needs. Unito vs. ScriptRunner for Jira: key takeaways ScriptRunner for JiraUnitoAutomation functionalityDynamic field rules, conditional logic, custom data calculation, and more.Automated issue creation, status updates, comment creation, and more.Integration capabilityStrong within Atlassian products, limited with other tools.Deed, two-way integrations for over 50 tools.Ease of useBuilding scripts with code and APIs.No-code, drag-and-drop interface.CompatibilityJira Cloud, Jira Data CenterJira Cloud, Jira Data Center Know your goals: Unito and ScriptRunner have different purposes. Depending on your unique needs and business goals, one may be a better option than the other. No-code vs. Groovy: Unito requires zero technical knowledge or coding expertise, whereas ScriptRunner utilizes Groovy scripts and requires some coding knowledge. Integration vs. enhancements: With Unito you can easily integrate tools and apps and sync data between them. ScriptRunner, however, is used primarily to enhance your Jira workflows and sync with other Atlassian products. Overview: Understanding the differences between Jira ScriptRunner and Unito Unito powers 2-way syncs for over 50 tools, including Jira, Trello, Confluence, Bitbucket, and ServiceNow. What does each product do? It’s important to note that Unito and ScriptRunner have different purposes. Unito focuses on synchronizing data between tools so teams can collaborate seamlessly. Say your development team works in Jira but customer service favors HubSpot. A Unito flow can push updates across both platforms so everyone is in sync. When you set up your integrations in Unito you can also create customized rules for specific fields such as comments, tags, and assignees. You can also sync custom fields from Trello and Jira, which many other integration platforms don’t support. Other components you can sync include attachments, workflows, permissions, and more. Everything syncs in real-time, so everyone involved is kept in the loop. Unito’s flow builder has a simple, drag-and-drop interface that’s easy to use while allowing for deep customizability. ScriptRunner, on the other hand, focuses more on boosting the overall functionality of Atlassian products. If your Jira workflow requires more alerts, custom fields, or specific rules for progression or escalation, ScriptRunner can help. ScriptRunner’s interface makes it easier for less technical users to build scripts that automate Jira and other Atlassian tools. ScriptRunner will also let you customize your Jira instance and modify the way users can interact with items. Its integrations are more limited than Unito, which we’ll explain below. Integrations Unito currently integrates with over 40 different apps and tools, with more in development slated to be available soon. With options ranging from Asana to Slack, Salesforce, GitHub, Confluence, and even accounting software like Xero, there’s something for everyone. With Unito’s 2-Way Sync you can easily set up information to flow between tools, which will boost efficiency, accessibility, and overall communication within your direct team and across your entire company. ScriptRunner, however, will easily work with Atlassian products — Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket — but requires custom scripts to integrate with third-party tools and apps. On their website, it states Slack as an option for integration and explains that with custom scripts you can access data to store in Jira so information for projects is contained in one spot. There isn’t much information readily available, though, so you’ll likely have to do some digging and sift through their Script Library for resources on more integrations, and what exactly is doable. Different target audiences Each tool has a different target audience because of their individual purposes. Unito is great for companies that utilize multiple tools but need to ensure teams stay synced. It can be used regardless of industry, and for various teams within a single business unit. ScriptRunner is used specifically for Atlassian products, so it serves a more niche audience. It’s often used by developers or project managers who use Jira every day. Each tool has a lot of awesome features, but knowing if you fit their target audience is key when deciding between the two. No-code vs. Groovy Unito has a user-friendly integration platform that requires no coding, meaning anyone can set it up. It’s quick and easy to get started with and takes under 15 minutes to set up a workflow. ScriptRunner, however, is built on Groovy scripting, an open-source programming language. While there is a ScriptRunner Library with ready-to-use scripts, it can be overwhelming to navigate if you have little-to-no knowledge of this language. ScriptRunner’s script library allows users to deploy pre-built automations instead of building it all themselves from the ground up. Security Features Using third-party apps to synchronize, customize, or manipulate work always raises questions about security features, and rightfully so! Thankfully, both products come with robust security measures. Unito and ScriptRunner are both SOC 2 Type 2 certified, which follows industry regulations for keeping customer data safe. On top of that, ScriptRunner holds an ISO 20071 accreditation which aligns with the international standard for information security. Unito also follows European GDPR, California CCPA, and Québec Loi 25 privacy laws. Regardless of which option you pick, you can relax knowing that your data and private information will be kept safe. Pricing Unito Pricing Unito offers different pricing tiers, and the exact price changes depending on how many work items you sync every month. With the Basic plan, you can sync one tool to as many other tools as you need. This plan starts at 750 items in sync for $65 a month, scaling up to 2,000 items in sync for $139 a month. You won’t be able to sync custom fields with this plan. The Pro plan also lets you sync one tool to multiple other tools, while supporting custom fields, subtasks, and more. This plan starts at 2,500 items in sync for $299 a month, scaling up to 10,000 items in sync for $769 a month. The Enterprise plan offers premium integrations, unlimited tool combinations, unlimited workspaces, and advanced security features. This plan starts at $21,000 a year, with custom features for each organization. Unito’s pricing plans allow all organizations to build flows that suit their needs. You can check out the options to see what fits best with your needs and sign up for a 14-day free trial to test things out before signing up for a paid plan. ScriptRunner for Jira Prices Pricing options for ScriptRunner for Jira vary depending on whether you’re using it with Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center. For Jira Cloud, you’ll pay a flat price per user, though that price decreases the more users you have. That means the exact price you’ll pay will vary, but you’ll find a pricing calculator in the app’s Atlassian marketplace listing. The app is free to use for up to 10 users, after which you’ll pay anywhere from $2.38 to $0.14 per user depending on how many you have. The Cloud pricing calculator gives you an estimate of what you can expect to pay for ScriptRunner. For Jira Data Center, you’ll pay a flat fee based on the number of users your workspace has. These plans start at $504 per year for up to 50 users and scaling up from there, up to 50,001 users and more at $78,000 a year. The pricing plans for the Jira Data Center version of ScriptRunner are based on the number of users in your Jira workspace. Whether you’re using ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center*, you can try it for free for 30 days. *Since Atlassian has discontinued Jira Server, you won’t be able to use this app with your Server installation. When to choose Jira ScriptRunner over Unito Using ScriptRunner would be ideal in the following scenarios: You use primarily Atlassian products in your tech stack. Integrations with non-Atlassian products are limited, but if you’re only using these tools and don’t need to sync with others, ScriptRunner would be a good choice. You can write Groovy scripts. Every script is written in Groovy, so having this technical knowledge makes this app much more powerful. You want to enhance or customize Jira. If your company lives and breathes Jira tickets but you want to build them out and customize everything to fit your business needs, ScriptRunner would be a powerful tool. When to choose Unito over Jira ScriptRunner You should consider using Unito in the following scenarios: You want to collaborate more across different platforms. Unito was developed specifically to sync information across multiple platforms, so it’s an invaluable tool to have in your tech stack if collaboration is a goal. Teams will easily be able to communicate and stay on top of tasks. You need to integrate information seamlessly. Unito allows you to sync current and historical data seamlessly and automatically; integration has never been easier! You’re looking for an accessible option. There’s no code required, and setup is simple. Since there’s no technical knowledge required, anyone on your team regardless of expertise, can use Unito. Ready to get more out of Jira? Try Unito for 14 days, absolutely free. Try it free FAQ: ScriptRunner for Jira vs. Unito What is ScriptRunner for Jira? ScriptRunner for Jira is an app that allows Jira admins to run scripts that completely customize their Jira instance. These scripts can be used to hide certain fields unless certain conditions are met, build conditional logic into Jira issues, and even change Jira’s UI. How do I add ScriptRunner in Jira? To install ScriptRunner to your Jira instance, follow these steps: Log in to Jira as an admin. Find the Apps dropdown in the top bar and click Explore new apps. Type ScriptRunner for Jira in the search bar to find the app. Click Try it Free. Where can I find ScriptRunner for Jira? You can find ScriptRunner for Jira on the Atlassian Marketplace. From there, you’ll find out how much it costs, what it can do, and how you can install it. You’ll also be able to try it free for 30 days. Can you automate Jira tickets? There are multiple ways to automate Jira tickets and other work items: Using ScriptRunner for Jira, which allows users to create scripts that customize certain parts of Jira and automate some actions. Unitocreates 2-way syncs between Jira projects, as well as from Jira to other tools. Zapiercan automate actions in Jira as well as automatically pushing data from Jira to other tools. View the full article
It’s hard to imagine any industry not having to contend with the deepening sociopolitical division in America—brand marketing included. McCann Worldgroup’s intelligence unit Truth Central creates studies on what their clients are grappling with including data privacy, wellness, and Gen Z. And the past few years have paved a clear path toward their latest study: The Truth About America, which the team exclusively unveiled this weekend at the Fast Company Grill at SXSW. “We saw that not just our clients in America but our clients everywhere were asking more and more questions about America. What is going on in this moment? How do we navigate this market?” says Laura Simpson, chief intelligence officer of McCann Worldgroup and president of McCann Truth Central. “I think other markets always look to America for a lead on some of those issues. So when it feels like things are changing, I think everywhere clients want to understand why it’s changing and how it’s changing and how they should be responding.” [Image: McCann] And what’s evolving is the idea of the American Dream. Concerns of inflation, the war of DEI, automation, and more have made 72% of Americans believe there’s never been a more complicated time to be an American, according to the study. And that sentiment has contributed to what the study calls the “Dream Gap,” the growing divide between what Americans want out of life versus the actual accessibility to those aspirations. While 52% of Americans believe the American Dream still exists today, 70% say it’s harder to get ahead no matter how hard they work. Deeper still, 77% of Americans believe the country still provides good opportunities, but they’re becoming more concentrated among fewer people. [Image: McCann] Despite the division, McCann’s study asserts there are forces that are holding the country together, namely creativity, which 88% of respondents said has the power to unite people. “We know creativity is a strong force capable of bridging divides and helping to shape the future of our country,” says Elly Dembo, global head of data and intelligence at McCann. “And we believe that brands have the power to reignite a culture of creativity in America again.” “Brands have, to some extent, always existed to show people what could be: Here is a vision, a world, a dream, something that you could aspire to,” Simpson adds. “That tension between dreaming and reality and frustrations has been really pronounced in America over the last few years. And we want to be in a position to help guide our clients: How much should you be dialing up dream and aspiration versus being more of a mirror to the reality of what people are experiencing in their daily lives?” You can find the full results of The Truth About American study here. View the full article
Featuring Tarana Burke, Author, Activist, Founder of the “Me Too” Movement. Moderated by Yasmin Gagne, Staff Editor. Just eight years ago, the Me Too movement inspired a viral hashtag, sparked a global conversation, and championed the voices of survivors. But it didn’t take long for opposing forces to mobilize. In the past few years, we’ve seen the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the platforming of influencers who proudly self-identify as incels, and sitting politicians perpetuating sexual abuse. Join Tarana Burke, founder of the Me Too movement and chief visionary officer of Me Too International, for a one-on-one conversation exploring what it means to plan for the movement’s future while existing in a climate that’s hostile to its mission. View the full article
Apple has announced the launch of the latest MacBook Air, featuring the powerful M4 chip, up to 18 hours of battery life, and a new 12MP Center Stage camera. The new MacBook Air models now start at $999, $100 less than the previous version, with an education pricing option of $899. Available in 13-inch and 15-inch sizes, the laptops can be pre-ordered today and will be available in stores starting March 12. The new MacBook Air models are powered by Apple’s latest M4 chip, which features a 10-core CPU and an up to 10-core GPU. According to Apple, the M4 model is “up to 2x faster than the M1 model” and offers “up to 23x faster performance” when compared to Intel-based MacBook Air models. The chip’s Neural Engine, which enhances AI-based tasks, is “up to 3x faster than on MacBook Air with M1.” Apple states that the M4 chip improves efficiency in everyday tasks such as web browsing, spreadsheet calculations, and video editing. Battery life remains a key feature, with Apple claiming “up to 18 hours” of use on a single charge. Apple has introduced an all-new sky blue color option, which joins the existing lineup of midnight, starlight, and silver. The new MacBook Air continues to feature its signature thin and light design, making it portable and suitable for work, study, and entertainment. The updated MacBook Air includes a 12MP Center Stage camera that automatically adjusts to keep users in the frame during video calls. It also now supports “up to two external 6K displays” when the laptop lid is closed, expanding its use for professionals and students who need a multi-screen setup. The new MacBook Air is designed to take advantage of Apple Intelligence, enabling features such as Image Playground for creative visuals, Genmoji for personalized emoji creation, and advanced writing tools. The integration of ChatGPT into Siri and Writing Tools allows users to access AI-powered assistance with built-in privacy protections. The macOS Sequoia operating system enhances the user experience with features such as iPhone Mirroring, improved Safari browsing, and better gaming support. Apple highlights its environmental commitment with the MacBook Air, which features “over 55 percent recycled content,” including a 100 percent recycled aluminum enclosure. The company continues its transition to renewable electricity for manufacturing as part of its Apple 2030 initiative. Customers can pre-order the new MacBook Air models now, with availability beginning on March 12. The 13-inch model starts at $999, while the 15-inch model starts at $1,199, with education pricing available for both. Additional details and configurations are available on Apple’s website. Image: Apple This article, "Apple Unveils New MacBook Air with M4 Chip and Lower Starting Price" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
Apple has announced the launch of the latest MacBook Air, featuring the powerful M4 chip, up to 18 hours of battery life, and a new 12MP Center Stage camera. The new MacBook Air models now start at $999, $100 less than the previous version, with an education pricing option of $899. Available in 13-inch and 15-inch sizes, the laptops can be pre-ordered today and will be available in stores starting March 12. The new MacBook Air models are powered by Apple’s latest M4 chip, which features a 10-core CPU and an up to 10-core GPU. According to Apple, the M4 model is “up to 2x faster than the M1 model” and offers “up to 23x faster performance” when compared to Intel-based MacBook Air models. The chip’s Neural Engine, which enhances AI-based tasks, is “up to 3x faster than on MacBook Air with M1.” Apple states that the M4 chip improves efficiency in everyday tasks such as web browsing, spreadsheet calculations, and video editing. Battery life remains a key feature, with Apple claiming “up to 18 hours” of use on a single charge. Apple has introduced an all-new sky blue color option, which joins the existing lineup of midnight, starlight, and silver. The new MacBook Air continues to feature its signature thin and light design, making it portable and suitable for work, study, and entertainment. The updated MacBook Air includes a 12MP Center Stage camera that automatically adjusts to keep users in the frame during video calls. It also now supports “up to two external 6K displays” when the laptop lid is closed, expanding its use for professionals and students who need a multi-screen setup. The new MacBook Air is designed to take advantage of Apple Intelligence, enabling features such as Image Playground for creative visuals, Genmoji for personalized emoji creation, and advanced writing tools. The integration of ChatGPT into Siri and Writing Tools allows users to access AI-powered assistance with built-in privacy protections. The macOS Sequoia operating system enhances the user experience with features such as iPhone Mirroring, improved Safari browsing, and better gaming support. Apple highlights its environmental commitment with the MacBook Air, which features “over 55 percent recycled content,” including a 100 percent recycled aluminum enclosure. The company continues its transition to renewable electricity for manufacturing as part of its Apple 2030 initiative. Customers can pre-order the new MacBook Air models now, with availability beginning on March 12. The 13-inch model starts at $999, while the 15-inch model starts at $1,199, with education pricing available for both. Additional details and configurations are available on Apple’s website. Image: Apple This article, "Apple Unveils New MacBook Air with M4 Chip and Lower Starting Price" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
Featuring Paul Feig, Founder, FeigCo; and Director and Producer, Another Simple Favor. Moderated by Kc Ifeanyi, Executive Director of Editorial Programming, Fast Company. Producer and director Paul Feig is looking to strike gold twice with the follow-up to his 2018 hit film A Simple Favor starring Blake Lively, Anna Kendrick, and Henry Golding. Beyond the plot twists and intrigue, Feig’s sequel further exemplifies his commitment to telling women-led stories including Jackpot!, Ghostbusters, Spy, The Heat, and Bridesmaids. Join Feig for a one-on-one conversation on his unique approach to comedic storytelling with complex female lead characters at the center. View the full article