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Everything posted by ResidentialBusiness

  1. Since I’ve completed my house in Bali and shared how amazing it is to have a home abroad, I’ve been glad to see the interest …View the full article
  2. In this episode of the Digital Nomads Daily podcast, Nienke Nina talks about a topic she's personally experienced: the balance between doing mode and being mode in entrepreneurship. Drawing from her own journey of rebuilding her business and the conversations she's had with fellow nomadic entrepreneurs, she explores the importance of slowing down, embracing being mode, and giving yourself the gift of just being. 🔥Differences between "doing mode" and "being mode" 🔥Practical strategies for incorporating more "being" moments 🔥Setting realistic expectations and focusing on progress over perfection 🔥Connecting with a supportive community for motivation Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  3. In this episode of the Digital Nomads Daily podcast, Nienke Nina talks about a topic she's personally experienced: the balance between doing mode and being mode in entrepreneurship. Drawing from her own journey of rebuilding her business and the conversations she's had with fellow nomadic entrepreneurs, she explores the importance of slowing down, embracing being mode, and giving yourself the gift of just being. 🔥Differences between "doing mode" and "being mode" 🔥Practical strategies for incorporating more "being" moments 🔥Setting realistic expectations and focusing on progress over perfection 🔥Connecting with a supportive community for motivation Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  4. In this episode of the Digital Nomads Daily podcast, Nienke Nina talks about a topic she's personally experienced: the balance between doing mode and being mode in entrepreneurship. Drawing from her own journey of rebuilding her business and the conversations she's had with fellow nomadic entrepreneurs, she explores the importance of slowing down, embracing being mode, and giving yourself the gift of just being. 🔥Differences between "doing mode" and "being mode" 🔥Practical strategies for incorporating more "being" moments 🔥Setting realistic expectations and focusing on progress over perfection 🔥Connecting with a supportive community for motivation Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  5. Real estate investing is often not a passive income stream. But it can be, if you keep Michael & Remington's advice in mind. In this episode, they explain how you can invest in real estate as a digital nomad, without having to worry about managing your investments and dealing with tenants. Connect with Michael & Remington: digitalinvestor101.com Connect with Anne: Leave a review or voice message at digitalnomadstories.coOn instagram @annes_nomadstoryLearn more about my business: The Podcast Babes
  6. by Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE “The best laid schemes of mice and men/often go astray.” ― Scottish poet Robert Burns Sometimes, unexpected events occur that tear apart a carefully planned life. Hopefully this hasn’t happened to you, but if it ever does, your productivity is likely to come crashing down… and really, no one could blame you. But some people might anyway. You may even lose a job, especially in this gig economy where speed reigns supreme. This recently happened to a colleague of mine, who had been his mother’s primary caregiver for several years. In March 2023, they experienced a perfect storm of health crises, culminating in his mother entering her final illness. My colleague focused tightly on his mother’s health, to the point where he ignored his clients, and ultimately lost a few. His mother died in June and his best friend followed a few months later, sending him into a deep malaise during which his output tanked. After a difficult recovery, he finally began to rebuild his clientele and productivity. When life throws you curve balls, you can and must fond the strength to rebuild your work-life and productivity until you recapture your previous level of efficiency. Your only other choice is to give up. Here are a few suggestions on how to rebuild: Ponder the problem. Consider how you can rectify your situation, first determining where you want to be and how to get there. This may be different from where you were before everything collapsed; indeed, it may have to be, if your original work situation triggered the collapse, or if there are things you simply no longer care to do. Whatever the case, break your rebound down into smaller, easier-to-accomplish pieces and lay out a rough version of the path from here to there, while leaving enough room to make any necessary changes as you go. Just get started. This advice is standard (if unsaid) for any project, but it’s doubly appropriate in this case. When you’ve hit an emotional roadblock, getting back in the saddle may be the hardest part of rebuilding. But you can’t remain stalled for long or you’ll just sink deeper into the mire, and it’ll become ever harder to move forward. So push yourself to start working on the first step ASAP, even if it feels like you’re pulling teeth just to get anything done. A famous exercise for breaking writer’s block, for example, is to start by typing the word “The” at the top of the page, and then to push yourself to keep writing until things make sense. Don’t take too long. It took my colleague eight months to even want to pick himself up off the ground, and he’s not yet back to his old productivity levels as of this writing (late-April 2024), though he’s working on it. Give yourself time to recover from whatever struck you down in the first place; but the quicker you can get moving again, the easier it will be for everyone involved. Approach lost clients with offers they can’t ignore… and that won’t last forever. This assumes you still want to work for them. Keep in mind, however, that it’s often easier to mend a previously existing relationship than to rebuild your client list from scratch. A discount on the next project or a quicker deadline may prove attractive in these budget-conscious days, and might help you regain some of your clients or end-users if you have an otherwise excellent record. Speaking of which… Focus on quality. When you complete new products for your clients or end-users, focus on maintaining the highest level of quality as possible. Again, this is standard and usually goes unsaid, but it’s worth re-emphasizing. Give yourself extra lead times when you can, and be sure to review every part of the project before you turn it in. Don’t obsess (or you may never really get started), but give the project the time it requires to maximize its excellence. Don’t overdo it! Once you’ve started to pick up and rebuild, keep moving forward—but don’t take on more than you can handle. That’s another route to failure, especially if you over-promise and can’t deliver. Most clients can handle occasional slipped deadlines, as long as you maintain decent communication, and maybe one massive failure to communicate and/or produce, as happened with my colleague. But don’t expect them to accept it twice. Nor should they. It’s unprofessional once; twice, and you may find yourself starting over yet again. Got any other tips for recapturing productivity? Let us know in the comments! © 2024 Laura Stack. Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE is known as The Productivity Pro®. She is an award-winning keynote speaker, bestselling author, and noted authority on personal productivity. For 30+ years, she has given keynote speeches and workshops on increasing workplace productivity in high-stress environments. Stack has authored eight books, including the bestselling What to Do When There’s Too Much to Do. She is a past president of the National Speakers Association and a member of the exclusive Speaker Hall of Fame. To book Laura speak at an upcoming meeting or event, contact her at www.TheProductivityPro.com. View the full article
  7. by Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE “The best laid schemes of mice and men/often go astray.” ― Scottish poet Robert Burns Sometimes, unexpected events occur that tear apart a carefully planned life. Hopefully this hasn’t happened to you, but if it ever does, your productivity is likely to come crashing down… and really, no one could blame you. But some people might anyway. You may even lose a job, especially in this gig economy where speed reigns supreme. This recently happened to a colleague of mine, who had been his mother’s primary caregiver for several years. In March 2023, they experienced a perfect storm of health crises, culminating in his mother entering her final illness. My colleague focused tightly on his mother’s health, to the point where he ignored his clients, and ultimately lost a few. His mother died in June and his best friend followed a few months later, sending him into a deep malaise during which his output tanked. After a difficult recovery, he finally began to rebuild his clientele and productivity. When life throws you curve balls, you can and must fond the strength to rebuild your work-life and productivity until you recapture your previous level of efficiency. Your only other choice is to give up. Here are a few suggestions on how to rebuild: Ponder the problem. Consider how you can rectify your situation, first determining where you want to be and how to get there. This may be different from where you were before everything collapsed; indeed, it may have to be, if your original work situation triggered the collapse, or if there are things you simply no longer care to do. Whatever the case, break your rebound down into smaller, easier-to-accomplish pieces and lay out a rough version of the path from here to there, while leaving enough room to make any necessary changes as you go. Just get started. This advice is standard (if unsaid) for any project, but it’s doubly appropriate in this case. When you’ve hit an emotional roadblock, getting back in the saddle may be the hardest part of rebuilding. But you can’t remain stalled for long or you’ll just sink deeper into the mire, and it’ll become ever harder to move forward. So push yourself to start working on the first step ASAP, even if it feels like you’re pulling teeth just to get anything done. A famous exercise for breaking writer’s block, for example, is to start by typing the word “The” at the top of the page, and then to push yourself to keep writing until things make sense. Don’t take too long. It took my colleague eight months to even want to pick himself up off the ground, and he’s not yet back to his old productivity levels as of this writing (late-April 2024), though he’s working on it. Give yourself time to recover from whatever struck you down in the first place; but the quicker you can get moving again, the easier it will be for everyone involved. Approach lost clients with offers they can’t ignore… and that won’t last forever. This assumes you still want to work for them. Keep in mind, however, that it’s often easier to mend a previously existing relationship than to rebuild your client list from scratch. A discount on the next project or a quicker deadline may prove attractive in these budget-conscious days, and might help you regain some of your clients or end-users if you have an otherwise excellent record. Speaking of which… Focus on quality. When you complete new products for your clients or end-users, focus on maintaining the highest level of quality as possible. Again, this is standard and usually goes unsaid, but it’s worth re-emphasizing. Give yourself extra lead times when you can, and be sure to review every part of the project before you turn it in. Don’t obsess (or you may never really get started), but give the project the time it requires to maximize its excellence. Don’t overdo it! Once you’ve started to pick up and rebuild, keep moving forward—but don’t take on more than you can handle. That’s another route to failure, especially if you over-promise and can’t deliver. Most clients can handle occasional slipped deadlines, as long as you maintain decent communication, and maybe one massive failure to communicate and/or produce, as happened with my colleague. But don’t expect them to accept it twice. Nor should they. It’s unprofessional once; twice, and you may find yourself starting over yet again. Got any other tips for recapturing productivity? Let us know in the comments! © 2024 Laura Stack. Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE is known as The Productivity Pro®. She is an award-winning keynote speaker, bestselling author, and noted authority on personal productivity. For 30+ years, she has given keynote speeches and workshops on increasing workplace productivity in high-stress environments. Stack has authored eight books, including the bestselling What to Do When There’s Too Much to Do. She is a past president of the National Speakers Association and a member of the exclusive Speaker Hall of Fame. To book Laura speak at an upcoming meeting or event, contact her at www.TheProductivityPro.com. View the full article
  8. Have you ever felt pressured as a digital nomad? Well, here’s something for you! In this episode, Nienke Nina chats with digital nomad expert Maris Kohv, the CEO and founder of MINOMA. As a passionate advocate for slow living and personal growth, Maris shares her insights from 5 years of nomadding and hosting over 30 retreats. You will learn about the transformative power of slow living, creating authentic connections on the road, and what happened during the MINOMA Festival 2023. Get ready for a fun and inspiring conversation that will have you rethinking your approach to nomadic life! 🔥 How to embrace slow living as digital nomads 🔥 Importance of slow living as digital nomads 🔥 Overview of Retreat experiences 🔥 Cultivating genuine connections as digital nomads Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  9. Have you ever felt pressured as a digital nomad? Well, here’s something for you! In this episode, Nienke Nina chats with digital nomad expert Maris Kohv, the CEO and founder of MINOMA. As a passionate advocate for slow living and personal growth, Maris shares her insights from 5 years of nomadding and hosting over 30 retreats. You will learn about the transformative power of slow living, creating authentic connections on the road, and what happened during the MINOMA Festival 2023. Get ready for a fun and inspiring conversation that will have you rethinking your approach to nomadic life! 🔥 How to embrace slow living as digital nomads 🔥 Importance of slow living as digital nomads 🔥 Overview of Retreat experiences 🔥 Cultivating genuine connections as digital nomads Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  10. Have you ever felt pressured as a digital nomad? Well, here’s something for you! In this episode, Nienke Nina chats with digital nomad expert Maris Kohv, the CEO and founder of MINOMA. As a passionate advocate for slow living and personal growth, Maris shares her insights from 5 years of nomadding and hosting over 30 retreats. You will learn about the transformative power of slow living, creating authentic connections on the road, and what happened during the MINOMA Festival 2023. Get ready for a fun and inspiring conversation that will have you rethinking your approach to nomadic life! 🔥 How to embrace slow living as digital nomads 🔥 Importance of slow living as digital nomads 🔥 Overview of Retreat experiences 🔥 Cultivating genuine connections as digital nomads Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  11. Meet digital nomad under construction Paulina, a digital marketing freelancer and coach who swapped the security of a 9-to-5 to the freedom of the digital nomad life. Tune in to hear about Paulina's work-life balance while traveling, nomad friendships, and getting settled in new destinations. Connect with Paulina: paulinahermann.com@paulinahermanncoach on instagram Connect with Kendra: @selflove_journey_ on instagramOn her websiteLeave a review or voice message at digitalnomadstories.co
  12. Knowing project management terms and concepts is a necessity for anyone in the field. Learn the top project management terminology in this easy-to-understand glossary. The post 100+ Important Project Management Terms & Concepts to Know appeared first on project-management.com. View the full article
  13. In this episode, Nienke and Hannah talked about the nitty-gritty of building a thriving freelance career, from getting started as a VA to setting those crucial client boundaries. They tackled challenges head-on and have shared valuable insights and actionable tips to help you conquer the digital nomad world! As a VA and Freelancer Coach, Recruiter, and the Founder of Digital Nomad Kit, Hannah's rocking multiple income streams while helping thousands of others reach their nomadic goals. With her expertise highly sought-after by major publications like Business Insider, Entrepreneur, and Forbes, she really is shaping the future of digital nomadism! 🔥 Actionable steps to start your career as a freelancer or VA 🔥 Mastering clarity in your offerings and upskilling strategies for success 🔥 Tips for maintaining balance & setting expectations with clients 🔥 Building a sustainable freelance career from Hannah's 15-year journey Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  14. In this episode, Nienke and Hannah talked about the nitty-gritty of building a thriving freelance career, from getting started as a VA to setting those crucial client boundaries. They tackled challenges head-on and have shared valuable insights and actionable tips to help you conquer the digital nomad world! As a VA and Freelancer Coach, Recruiter, and the Founder of Digital Nomad Kit, Hannah's rocking multiple income streams while helping thousands of others reach their nomadic goals. With her expertise highly sought-after by major publications like Business Insider, Entrepreneur, and Forbes, she really is shaping the future of digital nomadism! 🔥 Actionable steps to start your career as a freelancer or VA 🔥 Mastering clarity in your offerings and upskilling strategies for success 🔥 Tips for maintaining balance & setting expectations with clients 🔥 Building a sustainable freelance career from Hannah's 15-year journey Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  15. In this episode, Nienke and Hannah talked about the nitty-gritty of building a thriving freelance career, from getting started as a VA to setting those crucial client boundaries. They tackled challenges head-on and have shared valuable insights and actionable tips to help you conquer the digital nomad world! As a VA and Freelancer Coach, Recruiter, and the Founder of Digital Nomad Kit, Hannah's rocking multiple income streams while helping thousands of others reach their nomadic goals. With her expertise highly sought-after by major publications like Business Insider, Entrepreneur, and Forbes, she really is shaping the future of digital nomadism! 🔥 Actionable steps to start your career as a freelancer or VA 🔥 Mastering clarity in your offerings and upskilling strategies for success 🔥 Tips for maintaining balance & setting expectations with clients 🔥 Building a sustainable freelance career from Hannah's 15-year journey Support the show Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week! 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎 Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients. If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. 💎 CLICK HERE TO APPLY 💎
  16. Is it possible to travel across different climates with only hand luggage? According to Paul and Sandra it is. They've been traveling for years, focusing on minimalism and sustainability. And they've come on the podcast to share their tips with us! Connect with Paul and Sandra: MinimalistJourneys.com Connect with Anne: Leave a review or voice message at digitalnomadstories.coOn instagram @annes_nomadstoryLearn more about my business: The Podcast Babes
  17. A RACI matrix assigns clear roles for each team member for the duration of a project. Every member of the project team is assigned a clear role and expectations: The post What Is a RACI Matrix? Definition, Examples, Uses appeared first on project-management.com. View the full article
  18. In this blog post, I want to show you 8 new remote jobs for introverts that are currently high in demand and relatively new on the market. These jobs can be done from anywhere in the world and they don’t require you to make calls or participate in meetings. Here you have minimal interactions with […] The post 8 New Remote Jobs for Introverts – Trending Work from Home Jobs appeared first on Digital Nomad Soul. View the full article
  19. Team meetings are beneficial to keep everyone aligned no matter where they're located. If you're a remote team manager or a leader within your company, it's important to consider every time you ask your team to join a meeting if the meeting is necessary, beneficial to everyone involved, and at a time that is convenient to all remote team members. View the full article
  20. For nomads and travelers wandering South America, it’s part of the goal of travel to explore and experience all of the highlights and significant locations …View the full article
  21. 6 months ago, Elizabeth traded her Orange County cubicle in for the vibrant streets of Medellín. She took her corporate career with her on the road and started her own business as a human design expert. Connect with Elizabeth: @elizabeth_enlightens on instagramHuman design reading Connect with Kendra: @selflove_journey_ on instagramOn her websiteLeave a review or voice message at digitalnomadstories.co
  22. Mendoza, Argentina is one of the global capitals for wine production, known for growing and vinting wine that competes with the best from France, Italy, …View the full article
  23. Managing students in the classroom can be a challenge on its own, but teachers are now faced with the difficult task of facilitating students both in the classroom and from home now that hybrid learning has become so prevalent. Transitioning to hybrid learning is bound to come with some challenges, but by investing in the right classroom technology tools those challenges can easily be overcome. View the full article
  24. IT departments are the backbone of any modern company, but they're only as strong as the software that supports them. They're responsible for employee technology, company security, data infrastructure, and more. Though their work days may often consist of telling people to “Try turning it off and turning it back on again,” the support they provide is essential for any company, from large enterprise organizations to new small businesses. View the full article
  25. Hybrid work has surged in popularity in recent years, rapidly becoming the preferred model for countless organizations worldwide. This rise in popularity can be attributed to several factors, including advancements in technology that enable seamless remote collaboration, the growing emphasis on work-life balance, and the realization that hybrid arrangements offer the flexibility and autonomy that many employees crave. View the full article
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