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Everything posted by ResidentialBusiness

  1. In a 2014 commencement address at her alma mater Dartmouth College, TV writer and producer Shonda Rhimes told students, “Whenever you see me somewhere succeeding in one area of my life, that almost certainly means I am failing in another area of my life. If I am killing it on a Scandal script for work, I am probably missing bath- and storytime at home.” Her comments are true reflections of what work-life balance is, says Janna Koretz, clinical psychologist and founder of Azimuth, a Boston-based provider of therapy services. “When people think about balance, they think about it feeling good and being the right amount of everything,” she says. “I think—especially moment to moment—that doesn’t exist. Instead, we should be thinking about how to successfully integrate [the] two things so that most of the time they’re possible.” To find the right blend, you need to examine your work life and determine where it’s negatively impacting your personal life. Koretz shares four common signs: Your identity is too tied to work To know if your work is infringing on your personal life, consider how you would respond if someone asked, “Tell me about yourself?” “Can you say things that aren’t about work?” asks Koretz. “A lot of times, [people] can’t come up with anything. They feel, ‘I don’t know who I am,’ especially if they’ve lost their job, and don’t have anything else.” If your job becomes your sole identity, it’s likely crowded out or replaced important things in your personal life. You feel guilty about other commitments Feeling guilty that you’re not doing enough in other realms is another sign that work is creeping into your personal life. For example, you may feel guilty that you have to pick up your kids because you have a lot of work waiting for you back at the office, says Koretz. “It’s not feeling guilty all the time, but guilty about the choices you’re making, whether they be personal or professional,” she says. You’re avoiding small tasks When people think about burnout, they usually think about being exhausted. While Koretz says that’s a big part of it, another aspect is avoidance. Avoidance and irritability go hand in hand during burnout, says Koretz. If you are avoiding small tasks at home, such as walking the dog, or at work, such as responding to emails, it could indicate that you don’t have enough emotional energy. “If there’s too much of this in your life, it’s getting in the way,” says Koretz. “Life becomes all about little irritants. They grate on you and become a chip on your shoulder.” You feel disconnected In addition to avoiding small tasks, you may start disconnecting from activities and interests you normally enjoy, which could be another sign that your emotional energy is drained. You may also feel emotionally disconnected from the people in your life. “A lot of people talk about living in a ‘roommate stage’ with their significant other,” says Koretz. “While people can go through ebbs and flows, it’s about not knowing what’s going on with your friends, not feeling like you have friends, or not feeling like you can call them with your worries because you haven’t spent a lot of time with them lately.” Spending time with friends and hobbies is about finding joy and having more baskets for your eggs, explains Koretz. “We are very tribal, social beings; it’s biological,” she says. “A World Health Organization study on older adults found that loneliness contributed significantly to cognitive decline and depression and death.” How to correct the problem If you recognize yourself, Koretz suggests asking yourself, “Why am I unhappy?” Go beyond the general reasons, such as feeling like you have too much work to do and dig a little further. Identify your core beliefs and values to make sure your job is still aligned with them. While your work doesn’t have to be meaningful 100% of the time, you shouldn’t feel like a cog in the wheel all the time, either. “A lot of people are doing work that isn’t meaningful to them and that contributes to overwhelm,” says Koretz. “What motivates people, what brings them joy, is finding meaning.” Once you understand what is meaningful to you, make a plan to design your life around it. Koretz says it doesn’t have to be executed right away, nor do you have to make giant strides. Identify small steps you can take and create a career map, figuring out what’s possible and when it makes sense. For example, you may decide to keep your high paying job until you pay off your student loans in five years. Knowing something isn’t forever can make it easier to bear, which Koretz likens to how doctors get through the burdensome schedule of the residency or fellowship stage. “Burnout can be due to feeling stuck,” says Koretz. “When you realize you can get out and you have tangible steps, you can become excited about where you’re heading, and that changes the dynamic so you can be better at integrating your personal and work life.” View the full article
  2. The 2017 fire that burned down much of Enchanted Hills Camp in Napa, California had a silver lining. The camp was originally designed in the early 1900s for people with sight, but it has become a beloved retreat for the blind and visually-impaired for the last 75 years. When more than a dozen of its buildings were destroyed in the fire, the chance arose to rebuild the camp for the unique needs of the people who have been using it for decades. “This really was never designed with the thought of access in mind,” says Helen Schneider, associate principal and project manager at Perkins & Will, the architecture firm that redesigned the camp. Working closely with the camp’s owner, the nonprofit Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the architects made accessibility a guiding principle in its design, from the process to the final product. [Photo: Emily Hagopian/courtesy Perkins & Will] The result is a modern wilderness retreat that integrates tactile and auditory clues throughout its site and buildings, making the camp experience more approachable for people with low- or no vision. The camp has been comprehensively reconsidered to accommodate its visually impaired visitors and staff, many of whom were consulted during the design process. The new design includes a camp-wide system of cane-detectable paths, hiking trails, and rooms designed to modulate background noises, and subtle details in interior furnishings. “This is an experience and a property that reflects that it was created by and for blind people. You can’t find that anywhere,” says Summer Dittmer, executive director of Lighthouse. The camp’s design was co-developed by Perkins & Will and an advisory board from Lighthouse, with blind and visually-impaired stakeholders offering feedback on early design proposals and insight into how the spaces in the camp would be used. During the early design stages, Perkins & Will created a large tabletop 3D model of the camp’s 311-acre site and 50-plus buildings and cabins. The model distinguished existing and proposed buildings by covering the new builds in rough sandpaper. Electrical tape and cords were used to mark the paths that weave up and down the camp’s 900 feet of elevation change. “People who have been coming to camp for 30, 40 years, this was the first time they really got to experience a true-to-scale map that described the topography and the relationships of the buildings, the topography, the streams, the lake,” says Schneider. [Photo: Emily Hagopian/courtesy Perkins & Will] Pathways were an important part of the overall planning of the project, according to Schneider. The architects integrated a system of pathways throughout the camp that have notable differences of materials at their edges, making them easier for individuals using canes to detect their edges. [Photo: Emily Hagopian/courtesy Perkins & Will] Perkins & Will also made special building plan drawings with raised ink to provide a tactical sense for the individual rooms and buildings they were proposing. This allowed visually-impaired stakeholders to offer pointed feedback on spatial layouts and the common challenges they face in conventional buildings, including disorienting furnishings, glaring light, and overwhelming acoustics. [Photo: Emily Hagopian/courtesy Perkins & Will] Schneider says that feedback was especially informative in the camp’s main cafeteria and gathering space. The architects lowered the height of the ceiling in the part of the room where people collect food or bring back empty plates, making it easier to hear others and avoid collisions compared to the louder seating area nearby. “The sound quality of being in the interstitial space of the building is a very different acoustic experience than being out in the open dining area,” Schneider says. Dome-shaped infrared heaters also double as diffused light sources there, providing light without the bothersome glare of direct light. Blind and visually-impaired camp users also informed some of the smaller details in the project, like the notches cut into the front reception desk, where people can prop up a cane, or the subtly recessed vertical stile in a bank of cubby holes that serves as a tactical wayfinding tool. “The places where the project shines are really in these moments where our stakeholders weighed in and said, you know, this is sometimes a pain point for me,” Schneider says. [Photo: Emily Hagopian/courtesy Perkins & Will] Given the site’s history of fire damage, fire resilience was another main focus of the design. Many of the camp’s new buildings feature fire-resistant exteriors of corrugated steel; others are clad in wood that’s an inch thicker than the code requires, adding additional fire resistance. A nearly 500,000-gallon water tank was built on site to store spring water in the summer, both for drinking and for emergency fire protection. Where possible, fire-prone building features like roof gutters, were removed completely. In one case, the design’s fire resilience and accessibility overlap. Perkins & Will designed a new dual-winged bathhouse for a swimming pool, and decided against using rain gutters that could be a trap for burning embers in the event of a fire. Instead, a gutter runs along the ground at the dripline of the roof to catch rainwater, and its metal grating serves as a cane-detectable surface and auditory clue. [Photo: Emily Hagopian/courtesy Perkins & Will] A breezeway between the two wings of the bathhouse becomes another form of wayfinding, with a louder environment than the areas along the edges and beneath the overhangs of each wing. “So there’s an audible cue for people who are entering the pool area,” Schneider says. “You know where you’re headed, both because you have this edge of the building to shoreline against with your cane, but you also have the audible cue that’s created spatially by the overhang.” [Photo: Emily Hagopian/courtesy Perkins & Will] Having this navigability built into the site and buildings of the camp opens new doors for the organization’s mission of promoting equity and opportunity for blind and visually impaired people. “It’s a place for learning,” Dittmer says. “This is where many of them get their first taste of independence, as campers.” The camp also operates year-round as a retreat, hosting corporate events and weddings. Many staff on site, from the head chef to the janitorial staff to the counselors, are blind or visually impaired, making the camp a kind of job training center and real-world case study of the role visually impaired people can play in society. Dittmer says hosting corporate events at the camp is becoming another way to advance the mission. “It’s not just that they’re exposed to a camp that is for blind kids in the summer,” she says. “Seeing people who are blind and low vision working jobs and doing them well only encourages these big companies to open their minds and hire blind and low vision people.” The camp’s new design, Dittmer says, makes all these goals achievable, from giving blind kids a place for exploration to providing low vision people the tools to find successful careers. “If architecture could reflect possibilities and opportunities, this does it perfectly,” she says. View the full article
  3. The top is a fine suede. The bottom is a stack of foam so tall you’ll instinctively pop an energy ball. You can wear it barefoot. You could run a marathon in it. I just . . . wish . . . it didn’t look like an orthopedic pair of Vans. This is the Ahnu Sequence 1.1. Suede, launching today for $240. While you may not have heard of Ahnu yet (the boutique brand launched quietly in 2024), you do know the company behind it. Deckers owns brands including Teva, Ugg, and Hoka, which has celebrated healthy growth across its acquired brand portfolio over the past few years—sales across Deckers were up 17% over the past year. [Photo: Ahnu] Unlike its sister brands, Ahnu is being homegrown at Deckers to serve as a vehicle into court shoes—think classic sneakers silhouettes like Converse All-Stars, Adidas Stan Smiths, or Nike Air Force Ones and Dunks. But instead of a vulcanized rubber or EVA midsole, Ahnu is equipped with the same high-tech foams and carbon plates found in advanced running shoes for maximized comfort. [Photo: Ahnu] “It very much looks like a classical sneaker, like something that’s more timeless, that’s easier to wear with any kind of garment,” says Jean-Luc Diard, one of the original cofounders of Hoka who leads innovation across Deckers today. “It packs in all the latest technologies without pushing it smash in your face. That’s the whole idea.” Diard, a former elite skier who made his way into outdoor equipment and footwear design, was leading development at Soloman until 2007, when he got the idea for building a maximal-but-lightweight trail-running shoe, which became the Hoka One. (Outside ran a fantastic profile on Diard a few years back.) [Photo: Ahnu] His latest vision is to sell a court shoe that’s sharp enough for a boardroom but performant enough to make a commute to work a breeze. The company has dubbed these “super sneakers,” and they’re designed to fill a hole in Deckers’s portfolio while establishing a new subcategory of shoe. “One thing we started to identify at the start was the fact that, as a group, we were not really involved in the sneaker business,” says Diard. “We had running shoes, we had casual shoes, we had sandals, but we didn’t have, let’s say, a significant effort being dedicated to the [traditional] sneaker.” The original prototype Hoka. [Photo: Hoka] The rise of the foam stack Since Adidas launched Ultraboosts a decade ago, thick foam stacks have been a kind of arm’s race, growing taller and taller like the blades on a Gillette razor. The modern era of performant foams—solidified when Nike Vaporfly shoes started breaking Olympic records, circa 2020—was just getting started when Deckers bought Hoka in 2012. Since then, Hoka’s rainbow-charred marshmallow midsoles have become comfort-first lifestyle shoes for many people. Their same elite technologies of advanced foams and carbon plates that lead marathoners to break records have a larger, second life for people who just want a softer day of walking for their knees. The aesthetic of shoes is shifting as a result. Midsoles have about doubled in height over the past decade, and what once seemed absurd is feeling more normal as the entire industry races toward what Diard calls “dynamic comfort.” Even the Jordan brand has launched a pillowy walking shoe. [Photo: Hoka] “There’s a gap in technology between running and casual shoes,” he says, and consumers who’ve stepped into the latest running technologies don’t have interest in returning. “[They say,] ‘No, that’s done now. Now, I’m moving to the next generation.’” Ahnu is essentially a running shoe, but its midsole foam has been tuned for a slightly lower impact of walking versus running, and its internal carbon plate is arced at a shallower angle than a racing shoe. With a rocker bottom, once you get used to your foot rolling forward with every step, I cannot deny that a pair of Ahnus become almost automatic to walk in. The grip of the TPU midsole is superb, even on wet surfaces (that brown you see on the bottom of the shoe isn’t rubber outsole, it’s just dye—allowing the entire midsole to be recycled as a single material). There are no stitches inside catching the top of your foot, either; and at just 200g apiece, they are a quarter the weight of a Converse All-Star. The shoes truly feel like a premium play on the lifestyle market. “On is more lifestyle than Hoka, and so you know, why wouldn’t that On customer possibly buy Ahnu a year from now?” Diard muses. But in my size 12, the Ahnu’s midsole proportions are just odd. An all-white Anhu colorway reads okay on my feet. With the suede top, I feel a bit like I’m wearing Mschf’s Super Baby crossed with a pair of Allbirds. Like, I’m Tom Hanks in Big. Diard takes the criticism in stride, fairly noting that, for traditionally feminine silhouettes, the taller stack reads a bit more typical. He says they’re still fine-tuning Ahnu’s design language before taking it to scale in what sounds like a surprisingly patient process for a brand that won’t target wide release until spring 2026. [Photo: Ahnu] “The worst mistake you can get is putting pressure too quickly, too early, and then having a product that you start to scale that is not completely right, that is not completely ready,” says Diard. “Sometimes, it’s just tiny things that make the difference between success and failure.” This patience is echoed by Deckers president and CEO Stefano Caroti, who sets a high bar for Ahnu, noting that the company doesn’t want to sustain smaller brands like Sanuk, which it sold off last year. “We want brands that can be at least half-a-billion dollars,” says Caroti. “Otherwise, it’s not really worth the effort, considering that we have two brands that are in excess of 2 billion with potential to be truly multibillion-dollar brands.” “Building a brand from scratch is not as easy as finding something that already works, and we have been good at amplifying brands, building brands that already had a DNA,” he continues. “We’ll see whether we . . . have the scalability and the know-how to do it. We’re fortunate to have the time.” [Photos: Ugg, Teva, Hoka] I will admit, though, having worn Anhus for a week now, my tastes have been slowly acclimating to their proportions, and perhaps my criticism will look archaic in a few years’ time. After all, we live in the age of the big midsole. And Deckers’s entire portfolio is embracing the thicker foam stack to fuel a genre-bending approach to otherwise traditional (and even tired?) shoe categories. “Across the brands in our group, you will see many, many evolutions in that direction,” says Diard. From the Teva Aventrail (an off-road running sandal) to the Hoka Speed Loafer (a sporty dress shoe that sold out a trial run in minutes) to the Ugg Tasman (an all-weather take on cozy). “I think these hybrids are going to create [new] segments for our business,” says Caroti. “What is important is that you stay true to your roots and stay true to the DNA of the brand. The minute you try to be somebody you’re not, something you’re not, the consumer smells it immediately.” View the full article
  4. Are you looking for a way to make some extra money? Why not try selling your art? You can create beautiful art pieces from recycled materials, and there is a huge market for upcycled art. This article will share some inspired upcycled art projects that you can make and sell online. These projects are ideal for small business owners looking to launch a side gig or incorporate handmade items into their shop. Let your creativity flow, and begin crafting stunning upcycled art today! Why You Should Create Art Projects Using Recycled Materials The increasing urgency of environmental issues and the increasing waste generated by modern consumerist societies make it crucial for us to find innovative and sustainable ways to repurpose what we might consider “trash.” Creating art projects using recycled materials not only promotes sustainability but also fosters creativity and innovation. Materials like discarded paper, old cardboard, fabric remnants, and even that pile of seemingly useless junk mail can serve as a basis for intricate artwork. Not only do they breathe life into things that would have ended up in the landfill, but they also challenge artists to think outside the box. When considering plastics, such as bottles and containers, the potential for transformation is immense. Think about the multitudes of these items that are discarded daily! Instead of adding to the growing environmental problem, we can turn them into functional or decorative pieces. Here are 4 reasons why it’s a good idea to create art projects to make and sell using upcycled materials: It’s good for the environment: When you create designs using recycled objects, you are helping the earth by reducing the amount of trash that ends up in dumps. That’s especially helpful when it comes to some plastics that take 450 years to decompose! It’s very cost-effective: Besides saving the earth, you can save money by using recycled old objects instead of purchasing new ones that will likely go—you guessed it—in the dump when you are done with them. It’s unique and eye-catching: Upcycled creations are gorgeous and niche, making them easy to sell online or at craft fairs/markets. Just make sure that your items have tags with prices so people know how much your stuff costs. It’s fun: When you make something new from old things, you’ll be surprised at what you can do when creativity strikes. If you have kids, it teaches them to be environmentally conscious in an entertaining way. Great Ideas for Upcycled Art Projects Several successful small businesses and individual artists generate revenue for their creations while also raising awareness of consumerism culture and the looming pollution crisis. But, unfortunately, not many companies serve a practical purpose while letting you do something you enjoy; therefore, it should be a nice change of pace. At the end of the day, you can start your business, so start looking for where to sell handmade items locally. Ready to start your own art project business? Here are 25 recycling ideas to get you started. Design Tin Can Butterflies Reimagining the humble tin can is both ecologically beneficial and creatively rewarding. Picture this: A tin can, which was once holding your favorite beans, now transformed into a beautiful butterfly sculpture. If you possess some basic tool skills and a pinch of imagination, these cans can metamorphose into intricate butterfly jewelry pins, garden decorations, or even a central piece in a themed wall art. Their metallic shimmer can capture light, adding a touch of whimsy to any setting. Want some inspiration? Then, check out Art Now and Then’s blog page. Make Portraits with Bottle Caps Bottlecap art is popular for a few good reasons: it’s easy and fun, and the results are often jaw-dropping. They are quite common, too, and you can find them in landfills everywhere. You can create all sorts of things with them, even floor tile, but our personal favorite is pixel mosaic art. You’re probably familiar with the Marilyn Monroe portrait made from colorful beer bottle caps, but there are all sorts of designs you can create. You can look at taza.co’s page for ideas. Paint Using Old Crayons Crayons, often relegated to childhood memories, can find their way back into our adult lives in the most artistic manner. By melting them, artists can create a cascade of vibrant colors, evoking emotions and memories. Moreover, merging these melted wonders with old pages, especially from books or dictionaries, provides a juxtaposition of the old and new, creating masterpieces with profound narratives. Make Memory Quilts from Old T-shirts Turning old clothes into something new is a great way to reduce waste and provide sentimental pieces of art at the same time. Upcycled tees are good to use for memory quilting, and you can design a really gorgeous bedspread with just a few fabric scraps. You can create new memories for children and teenagers with sports-themed quilts as well. If you’re unsure about how to quilt, there are numerous online tutorials available to guide you through the process. Turn Upcycled Magazines into Collages It’s a shame, but 85 million tons of paper waste is sent to the trash dump every year. Old mags we throw away are a part of this waste, but they are also a great source of colorful, interesting paper to use in your art projects. Another excellent way to reuse this paper and keep it out of the dumpster is to cut out images or words to design collages. You can also make three-dimensional sculptures by cutting pages into thin strips and gluing them together. If you’re feeling really adventurous, you can even try crocheting with old magazine pages. Teach Kids How to Make Plastic Bottle Planters The omnipresence of plastic bottles is undeniable, and their environmental impact is profound. But imagine turning this narrative around and using these bottles as tools for education and creativity. By converting these bottles into planters, we not only repurpose them but also impart valuable lessons to children about sustainability, creativity, and the joys of gardening. Seeing a seed sprout in a planter, they crafted can instill pride and a sense of responsibility in young minds. In essence, using recycled materials in art projects is a testament to humanity’s ability to innovate and cherish our environment. It underscores the adage that beauty, indeed, can be found in the most unexpected places. Make DIY Sea Glass Lamps Utilizing sea glass in your DIY endeavors can add a hint of coastal charm and nostalgia. These ocean-tumbled treasures come in a myriad of colors and translucencies, making them perfect centerpieces when paired with light. The delicate hues of green, blue, amber, and clear shimmer when backlit, capturing the essence of the ocean. If you don’t have access to a beach or don’t find enough sea glass, don’t fret. There are other alternatives that can still provide that ethereal glow. Marbles, with their rounded shape and varied colors, can be an interesting substitute. They can reflect light in similar ways, infusing your project with a whimsical element. Small stones, especially those that are semi-translucent, can replicate the appearance of sea glass when incorporated into lamp designs. Their natural textures and uneven shapes contribute an earthy, rustic quality to your lamp. Design Hubcap Sculptures The art of repurposing often involves looking at mundane objects with a fresh perspective. Consider hubcaps. These metal discs, which are often discarded or left abandoned, can be transformed into striking pieces of art. With just a dash of creativity, they can morph into vibrant flowers, captivating animals, or abstract sculptures that can enhance any indoor or outdoor space. Spray painting them in bold, bright colors can turn them into statement pieces, ideal for livening up a garden or patio. Mounting these painted hubcaps on a fence or wall can instantly turn a drab space into a focal point. Make Wearables out of Rubbish One man’s trash is another man’s fashion statement. With a little ingenuity, items that once seemed destined for the landfill can become the highlight of your wardrobe. An old, discarded sheet can be transformed into a chic summer top or a skirt. A t-shirt that’s seen better days might find a second life as a trendy tote bag. Upcycled jewelry is also gaining traction, with materials as varied as old books, discarded toys, defunct computer parts, and even melted plastic straws serving as the foundation for necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and more. Upcycle Old Vases with Hot Glue Vases are often overlooked in the realm of upcycling, but with some creativity, they can be given a fresh lease on life. Using hot glue, you can add intricate designs or textures to the exterior of a vase, making it look more high-end and unique. Moreover, once painted, these patterns can pop, making the vase look like an artisanal piece. Besides holding flowers, these embellished vases can serve as standalone decor items, candle holders, or even containers for creative centerpieces. The beauty of this project lies in its simplicity: all you need is an old vase, a hot glue gun, some paint, and a bit of imagination to breathe new life into an old piece. Repurpose Old Skate Boards Skateboarding fans are sure to love cool things like shelves, jewelry, guitar picks, and barbecue grills made out of old, broken skateboards. All you need is some paint and a little bit of creativity to turn these boards into something truly unique. If you are crafting rings from them, you might not need to use paint at all, as the stunning patterns on the boards are incredibly beautiful. Take a look at this for making skateboard rings here or this video that shows how to make guitar picks out of old skateboard material here. Read More: How to Start an Upcycling Business Design Recycled Haute Couture Recycled high fashion is big business, but they all had to start somewhere, right? If you are a fashionista with old clothes lying around, why not recycle them to make high-fashion garments? Fashion upcycling to make haute couture can be done with material lying around the house or from a local landfill. The material you can use includes old army blankets, parachutes, old pairs of jeans, and old band t-shirts. There is a niche for this type of style, so you can often find recycled fashion shows and exhibits that are good resources for peddling your wares. Recycle Old CDs The era of CDs has faded, replaced by digital streaming and downloads, but the charm and reflectiveness of these discs remain timeless. When the sun hits an old CD, it disperses a prism of colors – a phenomenon perfect for home decor. The iridescent shimmer of CDs can be used to create stunning sun catchers, placing them in your garden or by a window to catch light and create dancing rainbows. By breaking them into smaller shards, you can fashion mosaic-style ornaments or even unique wall mirrors. With the material’s flexibility, you can create striking patterns and designs. What makes recycling CDs so appealing? It’s not only an eco-friendly endeavor but also an economical one. With just a bit of creativity, what was once a medium for music can now resonate visually in your living space. Turn Your Old Car into a Masterpiece There’s something poignantly nostalgic about an old car, a silent witness to many journeys and memories. Instead of letting it rust away in a forgotten corner, turning it into a canvas for your artistic expression can breathe new life into it. With paint or chalkboard coatings, the car’s exterior can become a sprawling space for murals, designs, or even interactive art where visitors can leave messages or doodle. Perhaps turning it into a quirky garden feature by filling it with plants and flowers or retrofitting it into a unique seating area. The possibilities are as vast as the open road once was for that vehicle. And the best part? There’s no pressure of perfection; it’s all about creative expression and giving the old timer a new narrative. Craft with Discarded Light Bulbs Before you dispose of a burnt-out light bulb, consider its potential as an art piece. These bulbs, with their delicate glass encasings, offer a myriad of upcycling opportunities. For instance, they can be transformed into mini terrariums, holding tiny plants inside, suspended in the air by threads, or placed gracefully on a shelf. Alternatively, with a touch of paint, they can become ornamental designs for festivities, think of Christmas ornaments or Halloween decorations. For the more daring, filling them with colored water or other liquids can make a playful sun catcher. Repurpose Old Tires into Funky Furniture Tires may seem like they are just for cars, but did you know that they can also be used to make funky and stylish furniture? For example, you can paint them and turn them into a chair, table, lamp and even a sofa. The great advantage of this furniture is its durability; it is quite sturdy and designed to last for many years. If you prefer a more understated option, you can repurpose old tires to create garden tables, planters, and even holiday yard decorations. Even the tires themselves can be carved decoratively and painted. You can get donated old tires from the community or collect them from landfills. Put a Cork in It From USB drives to coasters, there are all sorts of things you can make with wine corks. You can also turn them into magnets and pins or even just use them to decorate some of your other projects (like the vases we mentioned earlier). You can dye them, paint them or just leave them as they are. Kids will have hours of fun with these DIY stamps (it’s knife intensive, so be sure to cut out the details for the younger kids before letting them use them). Make Soda Can Designs Soda cans are another fantastic item to upcycle, and there are all sorts of exciting projects you can make by reusing the aluminum in them. You can make animals, flowers, coasters, mirrors or even just some abstract designs. The best thing is that this type of art is pretty straightforward to do and doesn’t require a lot of supplies. Reimagine Broken Tiles Every now and then, home renovations or accidental mishaps can leave you with a pile of broken tiles. Rather than discarding them, these colorful ceramic pieces can be a goldmine for crafting enthusiasts. Mosaics are the first thing that springs to mind — a beautifully intricate tabletop or a vibrant pathway in the garden can be achieved by piecing together these shards. Even the smallest bits can be utilized to create detailed art frames or mirror edges, adding a rustic touch to your decor. Beyond the functional, broken tiles can also be transformed into jewelry pieces, such as pendants or brooches. The natural, earthy feel of the ceramic, combined with its glossy finish, can create a striking contrast. It’s a celebration of imperfection, where each crack or chip tells a story and adds to the character of your creations. Embellish with Discarded Copper Wiring Copper wiring has a distinctive color and texture, and it’s extremely versatile. It lends itself well to recycled art projects, and you can use it to make jewelry, wall hangings or even just sculpture pieces. For example, if you find some thick copper wiring, you can use it to create lovely hanging planters from light bulbs. Additionally, you can take regular wire and some paint to craft faux sea coral arrangements. Use Old Books to Make Chic Art Books may be great for your brain, but they can also be used to make some really chic-looking pieces. For example, you can turn them into book art sculptures or even just use pages from them as wallpaper. The good news is that you probably have lots of books lying around the house already, so you can toss a few in a pile for making some inexpensive artwork later. Make Holiday Wreaths Instead of using holly and pine fir, you can use things like maps, plastic bottles, and even old magazines and postcards to make holiday wreaths. To put a unique recycled spin on this familiar wall adornment, you can also use jeans or sweaters to make them. Doing so is a great way to give your home some festive flair, and you can use things like candy wrappers or gift-wrapping paper instead of traditional ribbons if you’d like. Another idea is to make heart-shaped wreaths with upcycled black roses all around with some recycled skeletons and bats sprinkled in that can work for either Valentine’s Day or Halloween (just switch red accents out for orange). For inspiration, look at the unique wreaths on JessMadeDesign here, or you could try your hand at making an upcycled Christmas wreath that is similar to this: Use Mixed Media Mixed media upcycling involves combining various materials to craft unique art pieces. This approach encourages artists to see potential in discarded items, from old book pages to forgotten lace or colorful flip-flops. Each material, whether it’s a delicate feather or a rugged scrap of fabric, brings its own texture and story to the artwork. By blending these diverse elements, mixed media not only transforms waste into wonder but also challenges and expands conventional artistic boundaries. This form of art celebrates the beauty of repurposing and the unexpected magic that arises from uniting different mediums Become an Artivist Artivists (Activist + Artist) like Banksy use their artwork to bring awareness to social and political issues. Artivist Alejandro Duran uses his artwork to bring awareness to the massive problems that pollution brings and to help save the earth. For his photo series, “Washed Up,” the artivist collected plastic rubbish that he collected along the shorelines of Sian Ka’an, a UNESCO World Heritage located on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. You can watch Alejandro Duran discuss “Washed Up” on Ted Talk by clicking here. Tackle an Ambitious Upcycling Project After you’ve gotten used to making a few upcycled projects, you can start tackling more ambitious ones like park projects. For those, you can pitch projects where you make things like sculptures, benches and tables to city officials. Alternatively, you can promote this service through a gallery on your website. While this project is more complex than the ones we’ve previously discussed, it is certainly worthwhile if you have the time and energy to invest. This project, a partnership between Music For Everyone and Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority, transformed pianos, once destined for trash, into beautiful art pieces. All proceeds from the art sales supported music programs throughout Lancaster County. Comparing Upcycled Art Project Ideas The table below provides a comparison of various upcycled art project ideas. Use this as a quick reference guide to gauge the level of difficulty, material requirements, and potential market appeal. Project IdeaPrimary MaterialsDifficulty Level (1-5, with 5 being most difficult)Potential Market Appeal (1-5, with 5 being most appealing) Design Tin Can ButterfliesTin cans34 Make Portraits with Bottle CapsBottle caps24 Paint Using Old CrayonsCrayons23 Make Memory Quilts from Old T-shirtsOld T-shirts45 Turn Upcycled Magazines into CollagesMagazines13 Make Plastic Bottle PlantersPlastic bottles23 Make DIY Sea Glass LampsSea glass or marbles34 Design Hubcap SculpturesHubcaps34 Make Wearables out of RubbishOld clothes, toys, etc.34 Upcycle Old Vases with Hot GlueOld vases, hot glue13 Repurpose Old Skate BoardsSkateboards44 Design Recycled Haute CoutureOld clothes55 Recycle Old CDsCDs13 Turn Your Old Car into a MasterpieceOld car, paint55 Repurpose Old Tires into FurnitureTires44 Put a Cork in ItWine corks12 Make Soda Can DesignsSoda cans23 DIY Light Bulb Terrarium/AquariumOld light bulbs23 Embellish with Copper WiringCopper wiring34 Use Old Books to Make Chic ArtOld books24 Make Holiday WreathsMaps, bottles, magazines24 Use Mixed MediaVarious recycled items45 How to Sell Art Projects that Use Upcycled Materials Once you’ve moved from dabbling in crafts to creating fine art, you can start selling your pieces and making money. There are many resources when it comes to where to sell art online. The best thing about selling upcycled creations is that it’s easier to find an audience for them, especially if they are eco-friendly and support a good cause. People love buying things made from repurposed items because they want to be part of this movement that is helping the earth. A good place to sell your recycled creations is at craft fairs, flea markets or on Etsy, which has a large following of people who are passionate about eco-friendly items. So, make sure to look into how to start a small business on Etsy as well as how to sell on Amazon Handmade. It’s also best if you have a website where potential clients can search and see examples of all the different types of work you’ve done in this medium and how much they cost, but you can also join a like-minded community such as the r/upcycling forum on Reddit. If you’re looking for more artistic inspiration and tips to help build your business as an artistic professional, check out the tutorials at CreativeLive. You’ll find everything from how to put together marketing plans that work wonders for your brand or photography workshops where they show you how to take better pictures in any situation. Have fun and let your imagination run wild as you create art projects that are truly unique and more beautiful than anything else out there! Image: Depositphotos This article, "Upcycled Art Projects to Make and Sell" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
  5. Are you looking for a way to make some extra money? Why not try selling your art? You can create beautiful art pieces from recycled materials, and there is a huge market for upcycled art. This article will share some inspired upcycled art projects that you can make and sell online. These projects are ideal for small business owners looking to launch a side gig or incorporate handmade items into their shop. Let your creativity flow, and begin crafting stunning upcycled art today! Why You Should Create Art Projects Using Recycled Materials The increasing urgency of environmental issues and the increasing waste generated by modern consumerist societies make it crucial for us to find innovative and sustainable ways to repurpose what we might consider “trash.” Creating art projects using recycled materials not only promotes sustainability but also fosters creativity and innovation. Materials like discarded paper, old cardboard, fabric remnants, and even that pile of seemingly useless junk mail can serve as a basis for intricate artwork. Not only do they breathe life into things that would have ended up in the landfill, but they also challenge artists to think outside the box. When considering plastics, such as bottles and containers, the potential for transformation is immense. Think about the multitudes of these items that are discarded daily! Instead of adding to the growing environmental problem, we can turn them into functional or decorative pieces. Here are 4 reasons why it’s a good idea to create art projects to make and sell using upcycled materials: It’s good for the environment: When you create designs using recycled objects, you are helping the earth by reducing the amount of trash that ends up in dumps. That’s especially helpful when it comes to some plastics that take 450 years to decompose! It’s very cost-effective: Besides saving the earth, you can save money by using recycled old objects instead of purchasing new ones that will likely go—you guessed it—in the dump when you are done with them. It’s unique and eye-catching: Upcycled creations are gorgeous and niche, making them easy to sell online or at craft fairs/markets. Just make sure that your items have tags with prices so people know how much your stuff costs. It’s fun: When you make something new from old things, you’ll be surprised at what you can do when creativity strikes. If you have kids, it teaches them to be environmentally conscious in an entertaining way. Great Ideas for Upcycled Art Projects Several successful small businesses and individual artists generate revenue for their creations while also raising awareness of consumerism culture and the looming pollution crisis. But, unfortunately, not many companies serve a practical purpose while letting you do something you enjoy; therefore, it should be a nice change of pace. At the end of the day, you can start your business, so start looking for where to sell handmade items locally. Ready to start your own art project business? Here are 25 recycling ideas to get you started. Design Tin Can Butterflies Reimagining the humble tin can is both ecologically beneficial and creatively rewarding. Picture this: A tin can, which was once holding your favorite beans, now transformed into a beautiful butterfly sculpture. If you possess some basic tool skills and a pinch of imagination, these cans can metamorphose into intricate butterfly jewelry pins, garden decorations, or even a central piece in a themed wall art. Their metallic shimmer can capture light, adding a touch of whimsy to any setting. Want some inspiration? Then, check out Art Now and Then’s blog page. Make Portraits with Bottle Caps Bottlecap art is popular for a few good reasons: it’s easy and fun, and the results are often jaw-dropping. They are quite common, too, and you can find them in landfills everywhere. You can create all sorts of things with them, even floor tile, but our personal favorite is pixel mosaic art. You’re probably familiar with the Marilyn Monroe portrait made from colorful beer bottle caps, but there are all sorts of designs you can create. You can look at taza.co’s page for ideas. Paint Using Old Crayons Crayons, often relegated to childhood memories, can find their way back into our adult lives in the most artistic manner. By melting them, artists can create a cascade of vibrant colors, evoking emotions and memories. Moreover, merging these melted wonders with old pages, especially from books or dictionaries, provides a juxtaposition of the old and new, creating masterpieces with profound narratives. Make Memory Quilts from Old T-shirts Turning old clothes into something new is a great way to reduce waste and provide sentimental pieces of art at the same time. Upcycled tees are good to use for memory quilting, and you can design a really gorgeous bedspread with just a few fabric scraps. You can create new memories for children and teenagers with sports-themed quilts as well. If you’re unsure about how to quilt, there are numerous online tutorials available to guide you through the process. Turn Upcycled Magazines into Collages It’s a shame, but 85 million tons of paper waste is sent to the trash dump every year. Old mags we throw away are a part of this waste, but they are also a great source of colorful, interesting paper to use in your art projects. Another excellent way to reuse this paper and keep it out of the dumpster is to cut out images or words to design collages. You can also make three-dimensional sculptures by cutting pages into thin strips and gluing them together. If you’re feeling really adventurous, you can even try crocheting with old magazine pages. Teach Kids How to Make Plastic Bottle Planters The omnipresence of plastic bottles is undeniable, and their environmental impact is profound. But imagine turning this narrative around and using these bottles as tools for education and creativity. By converting these bottles into planters, we not only repurpose them but also impart valuable lessons to children about sustainability, creativity, and the joys of gardening. Seeing a seed sprout in a planter, they crafted can instill pride and a sense of responsibility in young minds. In essence, using recycled materials in art projects is a testament to humanity’s ability to innovate and cherish our environment. It underscores the adage that beauty, indeed, can be found in the most unexpected places. Make DIY Sea Glass Lamps Utilizing sea glass in your DIY endeavors can add a hint of coastal charm and nostalgia. These ocean-tumbled treasures come in a myriad of colors and translucencies, making them perfect centerpieces when paired with light. The delicate hues of green, blue, amber, and clear shimmer when backlit, capturing the essence of the ocean. If you don’t have access to a beach or don’t find enough sea glass, don’t fret. There are other alternatives that can still provide that ethereal glow. Marbles, with their rounded shape and varied colors, can be an interesting substitute. They can reflect light in similar ways, infusing your project with a whimsical element. Small stones, especially those that are semi-translucent, can replicate the appearance of sea glass when incorporated into lamp designs. Their natural textures and uneven shapes contribute an earthy, rustic quality to your lamp. Design Hubcap Sculptures The art of repurposing often involves looking at mundane objects with a fresh perspective. Consider hubcaps. These metal discs, which are often discarded or left abandoned, can be transformed into striking pieces of art. With just a dash of creativity, they can morph into vibrant flowers, captivating animals, or abstract sculptures that can enhance any indoor or outdoor space. Spray painting them in bold, bright colors can turn them into statement pieces, ideal for livening up a garden or patio. Mounting these painted hubcaps on a fence or wall can instantly turn a drab space into a focal point. Make Wearables out of Rubbish One man’s trash is another man’s fashion statement. With a little ingenuity, items that once seemed destined for the landfill can become the highlight of your wardrobe. An old, discarded sheet can be transformed into a chic summer top or a skirt. A t-shirt that’s seen better days might find a second life as a trendy tote bag. Upcycled jewelry is also gaining traction, with materials as varied as old books, discarded toys, defunct computer parts, and even melted plastic straws serving as the foundation for necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and more. Upcycle Old Vases with Hot Glue Vases are often overlooked in the realm of upcycling, but with some creativity, they can be given a fresh lease on life. Using hot glue, you can add intricate designs or textures to the exterior of a vase, making it look more high-end and unique. Moreover, once painted, these patterns can pop, making the vase look like an artisanal piece. Besides holding flowers, these embellished vases can serve as standalone decor items, candle holders, or even containers for creative centerpieces. The beauty of this project lies in its simplicity: all you need is an old vase, a hot glue gun, some paint, and a bit of imagination to breathe new life into an old piece. Repurpose Old Skate Boards Skateboarding fans are sure to love cool things like shelves, jewelry, guitar picks, and barbecue grills made out of old, broken skateboards. All you need is some paint and a little bit of creativity to turn these boards into something truly unique. If you are crafting rings from them, you might not need to use paint at all, as the stunning patterns on the boards are incredibly beautiful. Take a look at this for making skateboard rings here or this video that shows how to make guitar picks out of old skateboard material here. Read More: How to Start an Upcycling Business Design Recycled Haute Couture Recycled high fashion is big business, but they all had to start somewhere, right? If you are a fashionista with old clothes lying around, why not recycle them to make high-fashion garments? Fashion upcycling to make haute couture can be done with material lying around the house or from a local landfill. The material you can use includes old army blankets, parachutes, old pairs of jeans, and old band t-shirts. There is a niche for this type of style, so you can often find recycled fashion shows and exhibits that are good resources for peddling your wares. Recycle Old CDs The era of CDs has faded, replaced by digital streaming and downloads, but the charm and reflectiveness of these discs remain timeless. When the sun hits an old CD, it disperses a prism of colors – a phenomenon perfect for home decor. The iridescent shimmer of CDs can be used to create stunning sun catchers, placing them in your garden or by a window to catch light and create dancing rainbows. By breaking them into smaller shards, you can fashion mosaic-style ornaments or even unique wall mirrors. With the material’s flexibility, you can create striking patterns and designs. What makes recycling CDs so appealing? It’s not only an eco-friendly endeavor but also an economical one. With just a bit of creativity, what was once a medium for music can now resonate visually in your living space. Turn Your Old Car into a Masterpiece There’s something poignantly nostalgic about an old car, a silent witness to many journeys and memories. Instead of letting it rust away in a forgotten corner, turning it into a canvas for your artistic expression can breathe new life into it. With paint or chalkboard coatings, the car’s exterior can become a sprawling space for murals, designs, or even interactive art where visitors can leave messages or doodle. Perhaps turning it into a quirky garden feature by filling it with plants and flowers or retrofitting it into a unique seating area. The possibilities are as vast as the open road once was for that vehicle. And the best part? There’s no pressure of perfection; it’s all about creative expression and giving the old timer a new narrative. Craft with Discarded Light Bulbs Before you dispose of a burnt-out light bulb, consider its potential as an art piece. These bulbs, with their delicate glass encasings, offer a myriad of upcycling opportunities. For instance, they can be transformed into mini terrariums, holding tiny plants inside, suspended in the air by threads, or placed gracefully on a shelf. Alternatively, with a touch of paint, they can become ornamental designs for festivities, think of Christmas ornaments or Halloween decorations. For the more daring, filling them with colored water or other liquids can make a playful sun catcher. Repurpose Old Tires into Funky Furniture Tires may seem like they are just for cars, but did you know that they can also be used to make funky and stylish furniture? For example, you can paint them and turn them into a chair, table, lamp and even a sofa. The great advantage of this furniture is its durability; it is quite sturdy and designed to last for many years. If you prefer a more understated option, you can repurpose old tires to create garden tables, planters, and even holiday yard decorations. Even the tires themselves can be carved decoratively and painted. You can get donated old tires from the community or collect them from landfills. Put a Cork in It From USB drives to coasters, there are all sorts of things you can make with wine corks. You can also turn them into magnets and pins or even just use them to decorate some of your other projects (like the vases we mentioned earlier). You can dye them, paint them or just leave them as they are. Kids will have hours of fun with these DIY stamps (it’s knife intensive, so be sure to cut out the details for the younger kids before letting them use them). Make Soda Can Designs Soda cans are another fantastic item to upcycle, and there are all sorts of exciting projects you can make by reusing the aluminum in them. You can make animals, flowers, coasters, mirrors or even just some abstract designs. The best thing is that this type of art is pretty straightforward to do and doesn’t require a lot of supplies. Reimagine Broken Tiles Every now and then, home renovations or accidental mishaps can leave you with a pile of broken tiles. Rather than discarding them, these colorful ceramic pieces can be a goldmine for crafting enthusiasts. Mosaics are the first thing that springs to mind — a beautifully intricate tabletop or a vibrant pathway in the garden can be achieved by piecing together these shards. Even the smallest bits can be utilized to create detailed art frames or mirror edges, adding a rustic touch to your decor. Beyond the functional, broken tiles can also be transformed into jewelry pieces, such as pendants or brooches. The natural, earthy feel of the ceramic, combined with its glossy finish, can create a striking contrast. It’s a celebration of imperfection, where each crack or chip tells a story and adds to the character of your creations. Embellish with Discarded Copper Wiring Copper wiring has a distinctive color and texture, and it’s extremely versatile. It lends itself well to recycled art projects, and you can use it to make jewelry, wall hangings or even just sculpture pieces. For example, if you find some thick copper wiring, you can use it to create lovely hanging planters from light bulbs. Additionally, you can take regular wire and some paint to craft faux sea coral arrangements. Use Old Books to Make Chic Art Books may be great for your brain, but they can also be used to make some really chic-looking pieces. For example, you can turn them into book art sculptures or even just use pages from them as wallpaper. The good news is that you probably have lots of books lying around the house already, so you can toss a few in a pile for making some inexpensive artwork later. Make Holiday Wreaths Instead of using holly and pine fir, you can use things like maps, plastic bottles, and even old magazines and postcards to make holiday wreaths. To put a unique recycled spin on this familiar wall adornment, you can also use jeans or sweaters to make them. Doing so is a great way to give your home some festive flair, and you can use things like candy wrappers or gift-wrapping paper instead of traditional ribbons if you’d like. Another idea is to make heart-shaped wreaths with upcycled black roses all around with some recycled skeletons and bats sprinkled in that can work for either Valentine’s Day or Halloween (just switch red accents out for orange). For inspiration, look at the unique wreaths on JessMadeDesign here, or you could try your hand at making an upcycled Christmas wreath that is similar to this: Use Mixed Media Mixed media upcycling involves combining various materials to craft unique art pieces. This approach encourages artists to see potential in discarded items, from old book pages to forgotten lace or colorful flip-flops. Each material, whether it’s a delicate feather or a rugged scrap of fabric, brings its own texture and story to the artwork. By blending these diverse elements, mixed media not only transforms waste into wonder but also challenges and expands conventional artistic boundaries. This form of art celebrates the beauty of repurposing and the unexpected magic that arises from uniting different mediums Become an Artivist Artivists (Activist + Artist) like Banksy use their artwork to bring awareness to social and political issues. Artivist Alejandro Duran uses his artwork to bring awareness to the massive problems that pollution brings and to help save the earth. For his photo series, “Washed Up,” the artivist collected plastic rubbish that he collected along the shorelines of Sian Ka’an, a UNESCO World Heritage located on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. You can watch Alejandro Duran discuss “Washed Up” on Ted Talk by clicking here. Tackle an Ambitious Upcycling Project After you’ve gotten used to making a few upcycled projects, you can start tackling more ambitious ones like park projects. For those, you can pitch projects where you make things like sculptures, benches and tables to city officials. Alternatively, you can promote this service through a gallery on your website. While this project is more complex than the ones we’ve previously discussed, it is certainly worthwhile if you have the time and energy to invest. This project, a partnership between Music For Everyone and Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority, transformed pianos, once destined for trash, into beautiful art pieces. All proceeds from the art sales supported music programs throughout Lancaster County. Comparing Upcycled Art Project Ideas The table below provides a comparison of various upcycled art project ideas. Use this as a quick reference guide to gauge the level of difficulty, material requirements, and potential market appeal. Project IdeaPrimary MaterialsDifficulty Level (1-5, with 5 being most difficult)Potential Market Appeal (1-5, with 5 being most appealing) Design Tin Can ButterfliesTin cans34 Make Portraits with Bottle CapsBottle caps24 Paint Using Old CrayonsCrayons23 Make Memory Quilts from Old T-shirtsOld T-shirts45 Turn Upcycled Magazines into CollagesMagazines13 Make Plastic Bottle PlantersPlastic bottles23 Make DIY Sea Glass LampsSea glass or marbles34 Design Hubcap SculpturesHubcaps34 Make Wearables out of RubbishOld clothes, toys, etc.34 Upcycle Old Vases with Hot GlueOld vases, hot glue13 Repurpose Old Skate BoardsSkateboards44 Design Recycled Haute CoutureOld clothes55 Recycle Old CDsCDs13 Turn Your Old Car into a MasterpieceOld car, paint55 Repurpose Old Tires into FurnitureTires44 Put a Cork in ItWine corks12 Make Soda Can DesignsSoda cans23 DIY Light Bulb Terrarium/AquariumOld light bulbs23 Embellish with Copper WiringCopper wiring34 Use Old Books to Make Chic ArtOld books24 Make Holiday WreathsMaps, bottles, magazines24 Use Mixed MediaVarious recycled items45 How to Sell Art Projects that Use Upcycled Materials Once you’ve moved from dabbling in crafts to creating fine art, you can start selling your pieces and making money. There are many resources when it comes to where to sell art online. The best thing about selling upcycled creations is that it’s easier to find an audience for them, especially if they are eco-friendly and support a good cause. People love buying things made from repurposed items because they want to be part of this movement that is helping the earth. A good place to sell your recycled creations is at craft fairs, flea markets or on Etsy, which has a large following of people who are passionate about eco-friendly items. So, make sure to look into how to start a small business on Etsy as well as how to sell on Amazon Handmade. It’s also best if you have a website where potential clients can search and see examples of all the different types of work you’ve done in this medium and how much they cost, but you can also join a like-minded community such as the r/upcycling forum on Reddit. If you’re looking for more artistic inspiration and tips to help build your business as an artistic professional, check out the tutorials at CreativeLive. You’ll find everything from how to put together marketing plans that work wonders for your brand or photography workshops where they show you how to take better pictures in any situation. Have fun and let your imagination run wild as you create art projects that are truly unique and more beautiful than anything else out there! Image: Depositphotos This article, "Upcycled Art Projects to Make and Sell" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
  6. As President Donald Trump’s administration takes a sledgehammer to government agencies, Senate Democrats are opening their inboxes to whistleblowers. On Monday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York announced a portal for people to send in their complaints. The cleanly designed website shows just a few boxes to enter details including name, organization, and contact information; there’s a submit button at the bottom of the page, and a short description at the top: “Whistleblowers are a vital part of Congressional oversight to hold the administration accountable. If you would like to submit a whistleblower complaint, you can submit it here.” It’s frictionless design applied to government oversight. The portal lets users lodge complaints about issues including retaliation, wasteful spending, fraud, and criminal activity, and Schumer said those who submit complaints will receive the legal protections afforded to whistleblowers. According to the Department of Justice, it is “unlawful for any personnel action to be taken against you because of your whistleblowing,” and other federal agencies have similar language about whistleblower protections. [Screenshot: Senate Democrats] “Senate Democrats have a responsibility to fight back on behalf of American families as Republicans look the other way in obedience to Donald Trump,” Schumer said in a letter Monday to his Senate colleagues. “We are committed to working with these brave whistleblowers across America to fight back against the Trump administration’s cruel and illegal actions.” The website is a first step by the party out of power seeking to exercise oversight, and an alternate route for whistleblowers to air their complaints as Trump nominees take over federal agencies. Since Trump’s taken office and tapped Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, to lead a rebranded government agency to cut government spending without transparency, Democrats have criticized these efforts as overreach. “I think this is the most serious constitutional crisis the country has faced, certainly since Watergate,” Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, told ABC News’s This Week on Sunday. “The president is attempting to seize control of power, and for corrupt purposes. The president wants to be able decide how and where money is spent so that he can reward his political friends. He can punish his political enemies. That is the evisceration of democracy.” The judicial branch has exercised its checks and balances over the executive branch, with judges blocking Musk’s team from accessing Treasury Department records, staying a deferred resignation offer to federal workers, and ordering an unfreezing of federal spending, among other rulings. In the minority in both chambers of Congress, though, there are limits to how Democrats can now respond. A viral moment in which Rep. Maxwell Frost, a Florida Democrat, asked fellow lawmakers “what do we need?” only to be met with a jumble of indecipherable answers seemed to sum up the opposition party’s flat-footed response. With their new whistleblowers site, though, Senate Democrats have landed on something coherent. What do we need? Your information about corruption, abuses of power, and threats to public safety. When do we need it? Now. View the full article
  7. The ongoing operatic rivalry between the billionaire and OpenAI chief Sam Altman remains a major subtextView the full article
  8. Conversion rate optimization means increasing the percentage of users who convert (buy, sign up, etc). View the full article
  9. Funny, poignant, catchy — trending sounds are the backbone of TikTok virality and can often make or break a video’s success. According to TikTok research, “sound is the anti-scroll on TikTok”. With their data, it’s not hard to see why. Eighty-eight percent of TikTok users said that “sound is essential to the TikTok experience,” while 73% admitted they would "stop and look" at ads on TikTok with audio. Both of these stats are significantly higher than other platforms, TikTok said (though they didn’t offer a comparison). Of course, it’s not always easy to find TikTok audio at the peak of its popularity — and no one wants to add a phased-out sound to a video clip that’s taken them ages to film. Learn how to source trending TikTok songs and sounds for your social media posts while they’re still popular. Plus, we'll surface some examples of TikTok sounds with staying power: a selection of the best tracks in 2025. Whether you're a content creator, social media manager, or business owner, we'll help you stay ahead of the audio trends on TikTok. ⚡Schedule your TikTok videos and reach a new audience with Buffer: Plan, create, and schedule content to get more exposure and engagement with Buffer's TikTok scheduling and analytics tools.10 ways to find new trending sounds on TikTokYes, you could spend hours scrolling through the platform to try to find the best audio for your next TikTok (honestly, I wouldn’t complain). But if you’re a busy content creator, business owner, or social media manager, you probably just don’t have time for it. Luckily, there are a few little shortcuts you can take to make this process easier so you can get back to the most important part of content creation on TikTok — filming and editing your short-form videos and still-photo posts. Let's take a look at how to find trending TikTok sounds. A note for businesses: Not all music is cleared for business use on TikTok, even if it's being used in another post. Original sounds are OK to reuse, but for tracks that might have copyrights on them, look for the "Approved for business use" tag on TikTok. Read TikTok's official statement on the commercial use of music. 1. Browse TikTok’s Creative CenterIf you haven't checked out TikTok’s Creative Center yet, the link is worth a bookmark. It's effectively a guide to the biggest trends on the platform within a timeframe of your choice, including creators, hashtags, and — you guessed it — songs trending on TikTok. Another great feature? You can choose specific regions to pinpoint exactly what is resonating there. 2. Use TikTok’s search functionYou may have heard about TikTok SEO or that TikTok is the new Google. According to The New York Times, it’s Gen Z’s search engine of choice. It's not hard to see why. The platform has a pretty great search function — and it’s probably one of the simplest ways to discover trending sounds. Here’s how to do it: Tap the magnifying glass icon on the top right of the app to open the search tool in the TikTok app.In the search bar, type a phrase like “viral sound.”Tap the "Sounds" tab and scroll through, paying special attention to the ones labeled "popular."When you find a sound you like, tap on the "Use this sound" button on the bottom right to add the sound to the editor.Record or add your clips, and you’re ready to post!3. Check out what TikTok recommends for youOne cool sound discovery feature in TikTok makes it a breeze to find suitable audio for your content. When you're creating a post in the app, you'll get recommended music once you add your content. Here's how to find it: Tap the "+" button on the bottom middle of your screen.Add your content.Tap the "Add music" button at the top.Voile! Curated music based on your content.For me, you can see once I added a video of my new, glittery manicure, I received fitting suggestions from TikTok, like "All Sparkles, Like Magic!" and "My nails will be done." 4. TikTok's music chartsTikTok partnered with Billboard to curate the most popular songs on TikTok in the United States that week. It's surprisingly well hidden on the platform. Access it from any sound's page by clicking the "Music Charts" button in the top right of your screen: There, you'll see a list of the top 50 trending TikTok songs. 5. Explore TikTok’s playlistsTikTok has curated a sound library of sorts based on genre, category, and what’s performing well in your area. It's just takes a few more steps from our last tip to find them: After tapping the "Add music" button in the editor, click the magnifying glass on the right.Instead of searching, tap "Discover more sounds."There, you’ll find sounds recommended for you, plus a host of playlists created by TikTok.💡Pro tip: If you come across a video with a sound you like, you can save it for later by tapping the sound/artist name at the bottom of the screen and then "Add to favorites." When you want to find that sound again, follow the instructions in the bulleted list above and tap the "Favorites" tab.6. Follow accounts devoted to viral soundsYou’ll notice that when you search for viral sounds on TikTok, some profiles will pop up, too. There are tons of creators who highlight trending TikTok audio. One account we've found helpful is @brettwolkey. Brett covers music exclusively (no audio clips), but his videos are a great source of inspiration. He has fun compilations like "Country songs that hit way too hard," which can help you find something with a specific vibe. And he has roundups of viral TikTok songs like this one: 7. Check out TokchartTokchart is entirely devoted to tracking trending TikTok audio. Check it out to find the hottest trending songs of the last 24 hours. 8. Try CapCut templatesThe CapCut app is a great way to identify emerging trends. This powerful video editing software is often a source of trending sounds and templates. To find Capcut templates: Search for posts tagged #capcut or just "capcut template."Find a recent post you like and tap the "CapCut - Try this template" button.Tap the "Use template in CapCut" button.You’ll be taken to Capcut or prompted to download the app if you haven’t already.In CapCut, add your clips to the template and make whatever tweaks you need to.Download the clip to share on TikTok (or use Buffer to repurpose it for Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, too).9. Find trending audio on InstagramSounds trending on Instagram are often great for TikTok, too. Check out our full guide to find trending audio on Instagram. But the easiest way to find trending audio is by creating an Instagram Reel. After you've added your content, tap the music icon and look for the "Trending" tab. There, you'll find Instagram's top 50 trending tracks, complete with their chart positions and popularity trajectory. 10. Check out SpotifyThere's a plethora of Spotify playlists that curate trending songs on TikTok. Just search "TikTok" to find them. You could also go straight to the source: TikTok has its own Spotify profile, where you’ll find a few playlists featuring the top TikTok songs. Bonus tip: Know how the sound is being usedFinding the TikTok sound or audio is half the battle. It’s important to know how they’re being used to tap into the trend. To make sure you’re not missing out on important context, use TikTok’s search function to find the audio. Hit the magnifying glass on the top right of the screen, type in the name of the song, tap the "Sounds" tab at the top of the screen, then tap on the sound to see how other users have used it in their videos. Top trending TikTok sounds in 2025Using several of the methods above, here's a list of TikTok songs and sounds that, as Brett Wolkey would say, hit hard. Here’s a list, plus examples of how creators and businesses have used them well. Remember: You can save any sound to your favorites collection to use later. 1. Gas PedalThis is the perfect example of a TikTok song that's being used in a particular way. This bassy beat by Sage the Gemini is currently topping the charts and has a specific dance TikTokers are performing to it. Of course, if you know the trend, you can put your own spin on it like @austinpepito did by taking the lyrics a little more literally in his dance: 2. Life is beautifulLooking for something uplifting? This track could have the positive vibes you're looking for. It's great for day-in-the-life or get-ready-with-me videos. In this post, @olivia_chukwu styles her hair: 3. Love You SoThis punky love song from 2005 is used by a whopping 3.7 million posts on TikTok. The uplifting tune is perfect for celebratory moments or fun behind-the-scene shots like Crumbl does in this short team skit: 4. MemoriesIf you're in a somber or reverent mood, an ambient instrumental track like this can be a suitable backdrop to your next video. This trending TikTok audio provides a majestic tone to a video of lions and elephants: 5. "But look at you. Look at how far you've come."This audio is all about perseverance. It's a quote from a therapist character in the Netflix Series Never Have I Ever. People are using this audio to celebrate how far they've come. It's often used in carousels, as this medical student has done in this video, or in transformation clips like @theloseitlog has done below: 6. Who are you?People are using this trending TikTok song by Saga Faye to show their aesthetic transformation over time, often using TikTok Carousels and starting with a photo of them as a kid. Here's another creative example: 7. Little HotI'm obsessed with this trending audio for in-process videos. This fun 80s-style beat is a great way to spice up a speech-free clip. The song's fast pace works well for videos with fast cuts, like @thefoodever did here with a baking video: 8. Send My Love (To Your New Lover)This Adele hit, and a dance to go with it, has been making the rounds. Some use it as a celebratory dance of something ending, often a breakup. Others are just doing the dance for fun, like this cute family video: 9. Paper PlanesAs a Millennial, I'll never get tired of M.I.A.'s 2008 hit Paper Planes, which was featured in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. And it looks like TikTok isn't tired of it either. This fun beat is a flexible pick, whether you want to show a day-in-the-life moment, in-process video, or just dance to it! Here, @mathcustomfootwear uses it as background music to customize a pair of sneakers: 10. "She's an icon"This trending TikTok sound is surprisingly versatile. The Wendy Williams quote, "She's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment." is being used in videos to celebrate powerful women or show off a new look: 11. DtMFThis bittersweet song by Bad Bunny has become a popular track for users to share memories or post videos of loved ones and pets who have passed away. It's also a great tune for setting the mood for something low-key like a night drive, as @gryffin.the.corgi does here: 12. Chill VibesIf you're looking for some chill low-fi, this trending sound has your back. For a slow tune, it's got an uplifting vibe. And it's super flexible. I've seen it used for makeup tutorials, cake decorating, and a car tour. Notion uses it to give followers a glimpse into their New York office: Happy posting!There you have it. Ten solid ways to find top trending sounds for your next TikTok — plus a few great tracks to try for yourself. The key to success with TikTok audio is to understand how thye're being used and putting your own creative spin on them. Whether you're creating content for your business or personal brand, staying on top of TikTok's audio trends can help you reach new audiences and keep your content fresh. Start with one or two of the methods we discussed to find trending sounds — and don't forget to save your favorites for later. If you've created a TikTok post with trending audio from this list, we'd love to see it. Tag @bufferapp on TikTok so we can find you! View the full article
  10. The acting leader is a co-author of the conservative playbook in which a former Fannie Mae and HUD director calls for abolishing the regulator. View the full article
  11. The Mortgage Collaborative, Lereta welcome new CEOs, Planet Financial adds retail sales, title execs, Southern Bancorp names new head of production plus more industry moves. View the full article
  12. You’ve signed up to attend a conference or industry event, and when the day finally arrives, you probably experience some regret. Thoughts run through your head, such as “Why do I have to go?” “I have too much work to do.” “I won’t know anyone.” “I can make connections online.” Sound familiar? Entering a room full of strangers or, worse yet, people in your field that you admire can make you feel like you’re a kid again, walking into your first day of kindergarten. It’s intimidating, but worth it because nothing replaces live connections, says Rebecca Grinnals, cofounder of the luxury wedding and event business conference Engage! Summits. “You can’t put a price on the value of connecting with people meaningfully in person—we certainly saw that over the last five years,” she says. “It’s a cliché, but your net worth is your network. In-person networking is more vital than it’s ever been in this age of AI and social media.” While online connections are important and a good first step, they’re also limiting, says Kathryn Arce, Engage! Summits cofounder. “You can miss out on the benefit of being connected to people, finding your group, and being inspired,” she says. “Everyone needs to be a part of something a little bit bigger. In-person events get you away from your office and computer. They’re like fresh air for your soul.” Your success will depend on attitude and planning. Here are five networking tips that will help put your nerves aside and open the door for meaningful connections with others: 1. Set An Intention Before the day arrives, decide what you want to get out of the event. In other words, don’t come without a plan, says Grinnals. Some conferences will provide you with a list of attendees. Other times, there will be a Facebook page set up for the conference and you may be able to see the names of people in the group. If the event hasn’t provided access to attendees, you can still review the speakers, workshop facilitators, and organizers. Then, identify three to five people you would like to meet and have a good conversation with over the course of the event. 2. Find a Warm Connection Once you have a list of people you hope to meet, research them on LinkedIn, social media, and news sites to see if you have anything in common that could serve as a way to connect. Maybe you both attended the same school. Or perhaps you share a friend or colleague. If you don’t find a commonality, you can still use what you learn as a conversation starter. For example, if they’re from Philadelphia, you can ask how they felt about the Super Bowl. “It helps to be more personal and genuine before you go into any type of business conversation,” says Arce. 3. Be Genuine There’s a fine line between introducing yourself and promoting yourself and leading with an elevator pitch can be off-putting, says Grinnals. “People often go to networking events with their chest puffed out, like a peacock,” she says. “They want to tell everybody, ‘I’m a big deal in my market,’ or ‘You should know me.’ That’s the wrong way to go about it. Nobody wants to feel sold to.” Instead, be authentic and vulnerable. “It’s better to come in and say, ‘How’s business been? I’ve had a couple of challenges this year and don’t know if you’ve experienced it as well,’” says Grinnals. “That immediately takes people a little off their guard and allows for a much more meaningful conversation and connection.” You can also ask for advice. “Instead of being another person trying to pitch their business, it’s refreshing and unexpected when someone says, ‘I’m a big fan of your work. This is something I’m struggling with and wondered if you’ve got any advice?’” adds Grinnals. “Everyone loves to be asked for advice. They don’t love to be asked for their business right off the bat.” Offering help can also be a powerful way to connect. “Sometimes people feel like, ‘I’ve made an investment, and so I am just here to receive,’” says Grinnals. “An easy icebreaker is, ‘Is there anything I can help you with? Is there anybody I could introduce you to?’ The more you help other people achieve their goals, the more you’re going to feel good and have your goals achieved as well.” 4. Be Open It’s common to go into a conference focusing on what your return on investment needs to be, but this opens the door to leaving disappointed. Have a plan and a target list of connections but stay open to the organic meetings that can happen, too. “People too often focus on the power players or the movers and shakers in an industry, hoping they will crack open a new opportunity or change you and your business forever, but that’s not always true,” says Grinnals. “More often than not, it is the people that you least expect that you may be sitting next to on a shuttle ride or being seated next to in a session that actually turn out to be the most valuable people.” Strike up conversations without expectation of what anyone can do for you, says Arce. “There needs to be a nice balance of being open and letting things happen in the moment,” she says. 5. Follow Up It’s easy to leave a conference and move on with your life. However, intentional and thoughtful follow-up is the key to building your network. After the event, carve out time to reach out to interesting connections but be mindful of not spamming people. “Take careful notes each day about who you met,” says Grinnals. If you want to connect with the speaker, for example, you could send a follow up email specifically calling out something they said that was meaningful to you. If it’s someone you spoke with, recall a part of the conversation you remembered. Be specific, personal, and thoughtful, as opposed to just saying, ‘It was great meeting you.’” Don’t expect to go to one event and walk away with a lot of connections, answers, or business. That’s not the purpose, says Grinnals. “The purpose is to start conversations with people and make initial connections,” she says. “Like anything in life, consistency is key. Plant the seeds and water them. Networking is a long game.” View the full article
  13. There are certain social media rules we can all agree on: Ghosting a conversation is impolite, and replying “k” to a text is the equivalent of a backhand slap (violent, wrong, and rude). But what about the rest of the rules? When can we really remind someone of our old Venmo request? What happens when someone tries to flirt with you on LinkedIn? Fortunately, terminally online writers Delia Cai and Steffi Cao are here to answer all your digital quandaries, big or small. For Fast Company’s final installment of our advice column, Posting Playbook, Steffi Cao and Delia Cai tackle your biggest questions about online careerism and Venmo etiquette. I feel like I should be posting more on social media to further my career as an artist. Am I going to fall behind if I don’t? Steffi: I see it as a kind of add-on situation: Posting on social media can be a great tool to promote your work and get different eyeballs on your art, but it’s not crucial to your development as an artist. What matters the most is honing your skill and actually making stuff, after all—once you start caring more about your Instagram posts than your product, then it’s time to sit back and reevaluate your life. But it’s silly to say that you can totally eschew social media to further any public-facing career now. Everyone, regardless of their industry, has some kind of pressure to advertise their lives, and romanticize their high-powered careers through the bells and whistles of mirror selfies, party photos, a medley of vague, brooding slice-of-life shots featuring glasses of white wine and overlays of books. But you can’t believe everything you see on social media. That’s always the rule. This includes the smoke-and-mirrors of glamorous industry parties where everyone seems to be dressed well and rubbing shoulders with the right circles of people, who seem to be getting further in their artistic endeavors because they’re drinking champagne with the right people. Connections are deeply important to any creative industry, this is always true, but it’s not worth it to stress about if you’re falling behind because you saw someone post their Getty Images from last night’s downtown indie soiree. That way lies madness. I say, put aside time to post on the platform that feels least annoying to you, then you’re free to ignore it for the rest of the week. Nothing about it should be super high-investment, since this is free content, but just throw a bone out there to say, who want me? Then you can spend the rest of your precious time actually making something that feels good to you. This shouldn’t be your number-one priority anyway, and it really shouldn’t take up the most valuable real estate in your brain. Delia: Not necessarily. Social media is certainly useful both as a de facto business card and a method of updating people about your work. But the real secret to using it to advance one’s career, I think, is that it humanizes you to prospective clients, collaborators, etc. and essentially helps people feel like they already “know” you. And of course, everyone prefers working with people they know. That’s a bit of a cynical read on the state of parasocialism, but perhaps it might be helpful for you to consider the strategy of your posting in that way, outside of simply having to “post more.” Still, if the idea of tending to your social media as an artist just totally deadens your heart, there’s no rule that says you post, or be left behind. I do think that if you choose to opt out of posting, I would still take the time to set up your page with a few highlights and basic info (like how to get in touch or where to see your work), and then you can leave it be. Otherwise, you’re likely will miss out on opportunities any time someone decides to look you up on social media first. If you’re worried about falling behind—or at least, being less top-of-mind than your more post-happy peers—you may have to commit a little more energy into IRL networking and promoting your work. Whether it’s giving yourself a goal of going on a couple of coffee meetings per month or looking into other forms of online self-promotion (newsletters, a traditional website), go with the method that feels most in alignment with you. What’s the correct Venmo request/reminder/payment etiquette? Delia: As a personal rule, I try to never put the lender (the person who is owed the money on Venmo) in a position where they have to raise the topic with me first. If a friend offers to cover drinks at the bar, I’ll make a point of asking them to Venmo request me, though I think it’s classier to simply take a look at the bill at the end of the night and proactively send the money through immediately. On the other end, of course, it’s trickier. I tend to always use emojis in the description of a Venmo request to soften the feeling of like, itemizing my relationships, and I will never use the actual Venmo “remind” button, because that seems passive-aggressive. If more than a week goes by and the request hasn’t been paid, I’ll shoot a text to that person and feign a bit of relatable urgency: “Hi! So sorry, but do you mind Venmoing me for last week’s movie? Have to pay my landlord today!” That subtly shifts the issue to be a matter of payment timing, and not my (real) annoyance about not getting paid back. If that text gets ignored (or “lost in the shuffle”), I might bring it up with this person the next time I see them in person, but otherwise, I might cut my losses and begin reevaluating the friendship itself. Because then it’s just rude! Steffi: For everyone’s peace of mind, it’s incredibly important to have a common understanding with your loved ones about how you prefer to Venmo each other. A lack of communication around money has been the impetus for many ends of friendships, relationships, marriages and more—so when you’re out with your friends, it’s always important to ask if you’d prefer to split the bill evenly or put it on one card and Venmo request. Also, like Delia said, be proactive about paying people back when they cover for you. As for those bigger days out where multiple cards are getting put down on the table (long nights out, weeklong trips, bachelorette parties), I think it’s very important to set an expectation with people before the bill gets paid about how these Venmo requests are about to work. It doesn’t need to be a long conversation, but it’s important to get on the same page about it. Whether it’s one card operating as a tab that charges everyone back or splitting evenly each time, as long as you’re all comfortable with it ahead of time, that’s all that matters. To be honest, my best friends and I Venmo request each other line-by-line, even if we’ve all effectively paid the same amount, because we all do not play about our budget spreadsheets. Perhaps it might be considered overkill, but I’ve never worried about covering for them as a result, because we’ve had a quiet agreement on how we respect each other’s money for a decade. I’ve never used the “remind” button as a result. Frankly, I think people need to be more annoyingly candid about money. Look around us! Eggs are ten dollars, tariffs are sending prices to the moon, the cost of living is outpacing income by a mile. Get real and stop putting your card down for people you don’t know just because you’re worried about being impolite. Venmo request everyone immediately if they haven’t already paid you back. It all boils down to the time-worn adage—treat people how you would want to be treated. Wouldn’t that also apply to your own hard-earned money? View the full article
  14. When he was 17 years old, Arne Hillerns moved from his small village in Northern Germany to spend a year in Wausau, Wisconsin. For a brief period of time, he felt like the foreign exchange high school student that he was: “People look at you [and think,] ‘Who’s that kid?‘“ he recalls. Just a year prior, Hillerns had discovered skateboarding, and the skate scene in Wisconsin was buzzing. Within three days or so, he had found a community of skateboarders. “Skating made me so much more open in my personality and gave me confidence,” he says. “It was a very easy entry to this new world for me.” Fast-forward 25 years, and Hillerns’s passion for skateboarding has spread across almost every continent. Hillerns is now the founder of an NGO called Make Life Skate Life, which works to make skating accessible to underserved youth all over the world. Over the past decade, his team has designed and built more than a dozen skateparks in countries including Laos, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Brazil, and Morocco. [Photo: courtesy Make Life Skate Life] Earlier this month, they completed the first-ever skate park in Baghdad, Iraq. Five years in the making—the longest it’s ever taken them to build one—Baghdad Skatepark features a variety of ramps and obstacles tailored to people of all skill levels. One ramp was even designed to look like a magic carpet (which locals are yet to paint) as a nod to the 2019 Disney movie, Aladdin, which is set in a city based on Baghdad. (Even Disney’s 1992 animated Aladdin was initially to take place in Baghdad, but for the First Gulf War, which broke out in 1991.) [Photo: courtesy Make Life Skate Life] “We like to have local elements that represent the culture or the country,” Hillerns tells me. In Taghazout, a coastal city in the south of Morocco, they incorporated a quintessentially Moroccan arched door. In Inukjuak, an Inuit community in Northern Quebec, they built a structure resembling an igloo. Hillerns founded Make Life Skate Life in 2013, but the seeds for the NGO were sown a year prior. By then, Hillerns had returned to Germany, where he’d spent five years “looking up how to mix concrete” and ultimately transforming a post-industrial site in Hanover into what became one of Europe’s biggest DIY skateparks. In 2012, he set off for India in an attempt to share his learnings—and try to replicate the community he had built. “Not everyone has the possibility of skating in front of their house,” he says. “For me, it comes down to having a space to skate.” Bangalore [Photo: courtesy Make Life Skate Life] After crisscrossing the country looking for skateboarders, Hillerns and the two friends he was traveling with finally came across a group in Bangalore who had found a patch of land but didn’t know how to turn it into a skatepark. With Hillerns’s help—and funding from Levi’s Skateboarding—India’s first free skatepark was born. (Due to legal issues in the residential area where it was built, the skatepark shuttered a year after it opened, but Holystoked, the local group, has since constructed more than 20 skateparks in the country.) After that first build in Bangalore, Hillerns founded Make Life Skate Life, and projects grew organically in places like La Paz, Bolivia, where the team built the city’s first skatepark and Amman, Jordan. Hillerns says there is no set formula for the way each skatepark evolves, but the action plan is usually the same: find a skating community, find funds, find land. [Photo: courtesy Make Life Skate Life] An eager community is the easiest to find. (Abidjan, in Ivory Coast, for example, has a thriving skate scene and it is where Hillerns hopes to go next.) Funds often come from a combination of crowdfunding, corporate sponsorships, and help from local embassies. In the case of Baghdad, the park was financed with the help of the German and French Embassies, as well as a local NGO that did a round of fundraising a few years ago. But the original idea for the park never materialized because they couldn’t find land. Which brings us to the land problem. [Photo: courtesy Make Life Skate Life] A typical skatepark is only as big as two-to-four tennis courts, but that much land isn’t always easy to find, especially in parts of the city that are easy to access. Some years ago, the team struggled to find such spot in Laos, but ended up making an arrangement with a private individual who agreed to let them build a skatepark on his own land and open it to the public. They also tried building a skatepark in Kathmandu, Nepal, but the project fell through because, again, they couldn’t find land. In Baghdad, the team’s search could’ve been met with the same fate, but Hillerns says they refused to give up. In 2018, Make Life Skate Life built Iraq’s first skatepark in Sulaymaniyah, 165 miles north of Baghdad. Suli Skatepark was such a success that kids living in Baghdad spent six hours on a bus just to go skate there. This motivated Hillerns and the team them to keep looking. [Photo: courtesy Make Life Skate Life] Hillerns blames expensive land and corruption for delaying the process. Eventually, the team managed to secure a patch of land on the Ministry of Youth and Sports complex near Al-Shaab International Stadium. The city required security guards on site to ensure that nobody “misinterpreted” the skatepark for something else; but it is well-located, and in a city where so-called third places are virtually nonexistent. It’s a place that Iraqi kids can make their own. Now, Baghdad’s first skatepark has made international headlines, and Hillerns is hopeful it will help change the way Baghdad is portrayed in the media. He dreams of a world where, much like foodies travel to eat, and cyclists travel to bike, skaters would travel to skate. “You wouldn’t think of Baghdad as a tourist destination, but it’s very easy to get into the country and it’s a city like every other city,” he says. A skating pilgrimage to Baghdad would’ve been unthinkable even a month ago. Now, it’s a distinct possibility. View the full article
  15. A recent report by the Government Accountability office found that 3.8 million college students—23% of the total student population—experienced food insecurity, forcing them to skip meals because they couldn’t afford to eat. While past administrations have made strides in addressing student hunger, the current political landscape presents new challenges that demand urgent action at the institutional and state levels. I know this firsthand. When I started college, I quickly realized that tuition was just one part of the financial burden. I worked multiple jobs—sometimes 30+ hours a week—while juggling classes and struggling to afford food. I often skipped meals or relied on cheap, unhealthy options just to get by. I met countless other students in the same situation, many unaware that food assistance programs existed or unsure how to apply. Through my research job studying food insecurity, I saw how colleges and financial aid offices were failing to connect students to the support they needed. That experience drove me to co-found the Student Basic Needs Coalition (SBNC) in 2019; the student-led movement focuses on ensuring all students have the support they need to stay in school. The urgency of this issue has only grown with reports that the Trump administration is drafting an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education and weaken provisions for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) under the 2025 Farm Bill. These proposed changes threaten the progress made in recent years and could exacerbate existing disparities. Now, more than ever, we must strengthen social support mechanisms and ensure that colleges and states take proactive steps to protect students from food insecurity. A Critical Moment for Student Food Assistance The threat to SNAP and student benefits is not hypothetical; it’s already unfolding. The House Ways and Means Committee has proposed harmful policies that would restrict access to food assistance, including limiting broad-based categorical eligibility, expanding work requirements, and capping SNAP benefits based on household size. These reflect changes that Trump’s administration supported during his first term. While the federal government has authority over the SNAP eligibility requirements in general, the rules currently provide several flexibilities that states can leverage to allow more people to qualify. These measures would disproportionately harm students, many of whom already face significant barriers to accessing SNAP due to complex eligibility rules and inconsistent state policies. One of the most alarming changes for students is the threat to Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility. BBCE allows states to expand SNAP eligibility up to 200% of the federal poverty guidelines, preventing abrupt loss of benefits due to small income increases. Currently, 19 states have leveraged this full flexibility, while nine states have increased the income limit to 130% of federal poverty. Without BBCE, students and low-income families face a hunger cliff, where exceeding 130% of the federal poverty level—just $25,820 annually for a family of three in 2024—would immediately disqualify them from food assistance. BBCE also allows states to remove SNAP asset limits, enabling families to build savings and cover unexpected expenses without jeopardizing their benefits. Currently, 36 states use this flexibility. This is especially important for students, who often face financial instability due to irregular income, limited access to emergency funds, and unexpected costs like medical bills or car repairs. Without BBCE, students who save money for tuition or emergencies could risk losing their SNAP eligibility, making it harder for them to stay enrolled and succeed in college. Rolling back BBCE, as mentioned in the Ways and Means Committee proposal, would push more students into food insecurity, undermining college retention and completion rates. Scaling Solutions That Work Despite federal uncertainty, there are clear steps that colleges and state governments can take to ensure students have access to food assistance. One of the most effective strategies is improving outreach and application assistance. Many students who qualify for SNAP never apply because they don’t know they’re eligible or struggle with the cumbersome application process. Recent guidance from the Department of Education clarified that institutions can notify students of their potential eligibility without violating FERPA regulations, yet many colleges remain hesitant to act. Institutions must take advantage of this guidance and implement proactive outreach strategies, similar to the CalFresh Outreach Project. Through the Foundation for California Community Colleges, this project has helped more than 5,500 students apply for food assistance. These efforts can serve as a model for other states looking to reduce administrative burdens and ensure students receive the support they need to stay in school. While institutional and state-level interventions are crucial, student-led initiatives have also proven to be highly effective in addressing food insecurity. At the Student Basic Needs Coalition, we run a peer navigator program that empowers students to support their peers in accessing SNAP and other essential resources, which has unlocked $1.6 million in food assistance across 9 active partner institutions. Peer navigators—students who have experienced food insecurity themselves—help their classmates navigate complex applications, understand eligibility requirements, and connect with campus and community resources. While the training takes place virtually, these students partner with their campus food pantries to provide in-person outreach and application assistance to their peers. Research shows that students are more likely to seek assistance when information comes from their peers rather than administrators, making this model particularly effective. Investing in student leadership not only helps connect more students to benefits but also builds long-term capacity for advocacy and policy change. Technology presents another opportunity to improve benefit access at scale. AI-driven tools are being developed to proactively identify eligible students and simplify the application process, reducing the administrative burdens that often deter students from applying. Complete College America has launched an AI Council that brings together higher education leaders and technology experts to explore ways AI can enhance student success, including basic needs support. Additionally, SBNC is developing an AI-driven tool with support from the GitLab Foundation to streamline SNAP enrollment, ensuring that students are connected to benefits before they reach a financial crisis. Still, these moves are largely happening at the grassroots level. Policymakers and university leaders must embrace these innovations to create a more efficient and equitable support system for students. Moving Forward in the Face of Uncertainty With potential cuts to SNAP and the Department of Education looming, colleges and states cannot afford to wait for federal solutions. The reality is that the current financial aid and social support systems were never designed with low-income students in mind. To create an equitable higher education system, we must acknowledge that tuition is only part of the financial burden students face. Ensuring that every student has access to food is not just about alleviating hunger; it is about enabling students to stay in school, complete their degrees, and break cycles of poverty. Institutions must take action by expanding SNAP outreach, establishing peer support programs, and leveraging technology to connect students with critical resources. States should invest in data-sharing agreements and policy changes that simplify SNAP access for students, ensuring that eligibility pathways are clear and accessible regardless of shifting federal priorities. These efforts are essential to making sure students do not have to choose between staying in school and putting food on the table. Now is the time to act. Colleges and policymakers must prioritize solutions that help students access the nutrition they need to succeed. View the full article
  16. A survey of senior bank officers at community banks by fintech firm IntraFi found bankers nearly evenly divided on the idea of merging federal bank regulators, while an overwhelming 93% support maintaining agency independence. View the full article
  17. A marketing calendar helps you plan and execute marketing activities consistently. Learn how to build one. View the full article
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  19. Quality Score is a tool that helps you measure the quality and relevance of your Google ad campaigns. View the full article
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  21. Discover 30 of the best instant messaging apps that can improve communication and collaboration within your team. From popular tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams to lesser-known options, this article will provide you with a comprehensive list of IM apps your business could use. What is an instant messaging app? An instant messaging app is a software application that facilitates real-time messaging between users. These instant messengers allow individuals or groups to communicate swiftly and effectively via text, voice, or video chat, eliminating the necessity for second phone number apps or mail apps. Instant messaging apps have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and ease of use, making them essential tools for personal and business communication alike. What are the benefits of using instant messaging for business communication? Instant messaging can revolutionize the way businesses communicate, providing a range of benefits that traditional methods like email and phone calls cannot match. Here are five reasons why your business should consider using instant messaging: Enhanced efficiency: Instant messaging apps facilitate fast and straightforward communication, minimizing the time required to exchange messages. Increased productivity: With instant messaging, teams can collaborate more effectively, leading to increased productivity levels. Cost-effective: Many instant messaging apps are free or low-cost, making them an affordable solution for businesses of all sizes. Real-time communication: Instant messaging facilitates real-time conversations, allowing team members to get answers to their questions immediately. Easier remote work: As more businesses move towards remote work arrangements, instant messaging makes it easier for employees to stay connected and engaged with their colleagues. Be sure to check out this video, ‘Instant Messaging Etiquette,’ by GCFLearnFree, to learn the right instant messaging etiquette if you’re new to the whole thing: What is the best app for instant messaging in a business setting? Slack is the most popular messaging app for businesses of all sizes. It offers real-time messaging, file sharing, video conferencing, and collaboration tools to enhance team productivity. Slack is highly customizable, secure, and integrates with other business software. It has a free tier with affordable paid plans, making it a cost-effective solution. While Slack leads the pack for business-focused messaging, Microsoft Teams emerges as a strong runner-up in this category. A part of the Microsoft 365 suite of tools, Teams is an especially popular choice among businesses that already leverage Microsoft’s range of services. Microsoft Teams offers many of the same features as Slack, including instant messaging, file sharing, and video conferencing. However, where it shines is in its seamless integration with other Microsoft products like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. This makes it incredibly easy for team members to collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations without leaving the team environment. Our Methodology to Pick the Top Instant Messaging Apps In our fast-paced, interconnected world, instant messaging apps have become essential tools for businesses to maintain fluid communication, whether internally or with clients. The utility of these apps goes beyond just sending messages; they facilitate collaboration and quick information exchange and help in maintaining a log of conversations. For entrepreneurs and small business owners, choosing the appropriate app can greatly improve operational efficiency and collaboration. In selecting the top instant messaging apps for both personal and professional use, we’ve assessed various factors. These criteria are rated on a scale from 10 (most important) to 1 (least important), to ensure that our recommendations cater to the needs of effective and efficient communication. Ease of Use and User Interface: Importance 10/10 Intuitive and user-friendly design for easy navigation. Accessibility for users with varying levels of tech expertise. Clear and concise layout of chat features. Reliability and Speed: Importance 9/10 Consistent and fast message delivery. Minimal downtime and technical issues. Reliable performance across different devices and networks. Security and Privacy: Importance 8/10 Strong encryption for message privacy. Secure data storage and transmission. Clear privacy policies and user control over data. Features and Functionality: Importance 7/10 Variety of messaging features (text, voice, video, file sharing). Additional functionalities like group chats, stickers, and GIFs. Customization options for notifications and chat appearance. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Importance 7/10 Availability on various platforms (iOS, Android, web, desktop). Synchronization of chats and data across devices. Consistent user experience on all platforms. Integration with Other Tools: Importance 6/10 Compatibility with other productivity and communication tools. Integration features for professional or business use. Options for API access or custom integrations. Customer Support and Community: Importance 5/10 Availability of support for troubleshooting and inquiries. Active user community for feedback and tips. Access to help resources and documentation. Pricing and Subscription Models: Importance 5/10 Free access to essential messaging features. Reasonable pricing for premium or business features. Transparency in pricing and subscription terms. Our selections are based on comprehensive research and analysis, ensuring that the recommended instant messaging apps are not only robust in features and security but also conducive to enhancing business communication and collaboration. Top Instant Messaging Apps As technology continues to evolve, so do the instant messaging services that businesses depend on for communication. Popular instant messaging platforms provide a variety of features and advantages to assist teams in collaborating more effectively and efficiently. Here are some of the top business instant messaging apps to monitor. Quick Reference Table The table below serves as a quick reference for those looking for a brief overview of the best instant messaging apps available. This table offers a description of each application, summarizing its key features. The details of each application, including its strengths, weaknesses, and unique features, will be discussed more extensively in the subsequent sections. No.NameDescription 1.SlackA widely used digital platform for the workplace that boosts productivity and integrates with various services and tools. 2.Microsoft TeamsA platform offering features like video conferencing, file sharing, and chat to streamline communication. 3.WhatsApp for BusinessDesigned for small businesses to interact with customers, featuring messaging tools and a business profile. 4.DiscordFacilitates easy conversation among groups, making it ideal for businesses to connect with their teams or clients. 5.Facebook Messenger for BusinessEnables businesses to interact with customers on one of the most popular social media sites. 6.Zoho CliqA business communication software that simplifies internal communication, making it possible for teams to work together from anywhere. 7.Signal Private MessengerA messaging app that prioritizes privacy, using end-to-end encryption to secure conversations. 8.Telegram Messenger AppA fast, simple, free messaging app that lets users send messages and any file type, supports end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls. 9.TeamViewer MeetingA videoconferencing and collaboration platform that enables secure online meetings, audio and video calls, instant messages, screen sharing, and more. 10.Google ChatAn instant messaging app that offers secure and private communications for teams. 11.RingCentralProvides simplified business communication for 5 million users globally, enables productivity and connectivity from anywhere. 12.MattermostA unified platform for technical and operational teams to collaborate through channels, automation, and project management. 13.Amazon ChimeA communications service that enables users to easily connect with colleagues and customers in real time. 14.WebEx by CiscoAn all-in-one cloud platform for calling, meetings, messaging, and events, trusted by 95% of Fortune 500 companies. 15.Troop MessengerA platform for teams that offers instant messenger, audio and video calling, group messaging, and more. 16.FlockA team collaboration platform for cross-functional work. 17.WorkplaceA tool by Meta that offers familiar, secure, mobile, integrated, and inclusive technology for enhancing the employee experience. 18.iMessageAn Apple messaging app for texting, sending photos, videos, and more. 19.Android MessagesThe official messaging app for Android users for text and multimedia messages. 20.ClaritiA free digital collaboration tool that allows teams to communicate via email, chat, audio calling, and more in one place. 21.SpikeA collaborative email platform that combines the simplicity of chat and the power of email. 22.WireOffers end-to-end encrypted messaging, conferencing, and file sharing for cloud, private cloud, and on-premises deployment options. 23.RyverA team collaboration app designed to address the "email problem" by enabling efficient communication, task management, and business process automation. 24.TwistAn asynchronous messaging app designed to improve workplace communication and collaboration. 25.ChatworkOffers a group chat service for global teams, aiming to improve teamwork without drama and reduce email overload. 26.LINEMore than just a messenger app, it offers various services such as LINE Pay for easy and safe payments, and Clova for AI assistance. 27.WickrOffers a secure communication and collaboration platform with end-to-end encryption, advanced security features, and data retention policies. 28.ViberOffers free and secure messaging and calling features for anyone, anywhere. 29.SilenceA free, open-source SMS and MMS messaging app that encrypts messages locally and over the air for privacy and security. 30.BrosixComes with unique features and tools for boosting team collaboration and productivity such as being able to tailor shared chat spaces. Slack Millions of people around the globe rely on Slack, which is recognized as one of the most user-friendly and effective messaging apps designed specifically for the workplace. It enhances business communication, connects various systems, improves productivity, and offers enterprise key management. With Slack’s API and over 2,500 integrations, users can connect a wide range of services and tools to streamline their tasks and add context to their conversations. Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform designed for businesses of all sizes. It offers a variety of features such as video conferencing, file sharing, and chat to streamline communication and improve productivity. Teams integrates with various Microsoft 365 allowing team collaboration throughout the entire Microsoft office toolkit. WhatsApp for Business WhatsApp Business is a free popular messaging app for Android and iPhone designed for small business owners to interact with customers. It includes secure, encrypted messaging tools and a business profile and allows the use of a landline/fixed phone number. Both WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger can be installed on the same phone with different numbers. The app includes the ability to send multimedia, make free calls, and send free international messages. Discord Discord is a communication platform with 150 million monthly active users and 19 million active servers per week. It facilitates easy conversation among groups, making it ideal for businesses to connect with their teams or clients. With 4 billion server conversation minutes daily, Discord offers a reliable and efficient way to communicate with others. Facebook Messenger for Business Facebook Messenger for Business is a communication tool that enables businesses to interact with customers on one of the most popular social media sites. The platform offers various features, including Facebook messenger tags, that allow businesses to sort and prioritize conversations. Customers can communicate with businesses through the platform and receive quick responses. However, if users prefer more privacy, they can learn how to turn off read receipts, which will prevent others from seeing when they’ve read a message. Since many businesses already have Facebook profiles, Messenger is one of the easiest platforms to start using. Zoho Cliq Zoho Cliq is a business communication tool designed to enhance internal communication, enabling teams to collaborate effectively from any location. It offers organized conversations, searchable messages, and integrations with preferred tools, allowing teams to work together transparently and efficiently through its user-friendly interface. Additionally, the software includes custom bots, voice calls, video messages, and data encryption to maintain data security. Signal Private Messenger Signal is a messaging app that prioritizes privacy, using end-to-end encryption to secure conversations. It allows users to share text and voice messages, media, and files for free, make crystal-clear calls, and join group chats. Signal is free and independent of major tech companies, with no ads or tracking. It is supported by grants and donations. Telegram Messenger App Telegram Messenger App is a fast, simple, free messaging app that lets users send messages and any file type. It supports end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls and allows for large group chats and channels. Telegram is for anyone who wants fast and reliable messaging and calls, including business users and small teams. TeamViewer Meeting TeamViewer Meeting is a videoconferencing and collaboration platform that enables secure online meetings, audio and video calls, instant messages, screen sharing, and more. It offers built-in security features such as end-to-end encryption, meeting lock, passwords, and compliance with GDPR and HIPAA. With TeamViewer Meeting, you can host and join meetings from any device, collaborate closely with your team, and simplify remote education and training. Google Chat Google Chat is one of the other instant messaging apps that offers secure and private communications for teams. It enables you to communicate with your teammates, partners, and customers in real time. With Google Chat, you can quickly connect through text, audio, or video calls. You can also share files easily, collaborate on documents in Google Drive, assign tasks to team members, and use bots to automate tasks. RingCentral RingCentral provides simplified business communication for 5 million users globally. Their impact report highlights their support for diversity and communities, while their trust center and customer support ensure secure and reliable conversations. They have been recognized as a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for UCaaS. With 22 offices in 14 countries, RingCentral enables productivity and connectivity from anywhere. Mattermost Mattermost is a unified platform for technical and operational teams to collaborate through channels, automation, and project management. It offers productivity solutions, including Playbooks for workflows and Boards for project tracking, and integrates with other tools through Connections. The platform is open source, secure, and customizable for on-premise or secure cloud deployment. Amazon Chime Amazon Chime is a communications service that enables users to easily connect with colleagues and customers in real-time. It offers voice, video, chat, and screen-sharing capabilities for high-quality collaboration. Amazon Chime also includes tools such as audio conferencing and file sharing. With end-to-end encryption and enhanced security features, Amazon Chime helps to ensure data protection. WebEx by Cisco Webex is a comprehensive cloud platform designed for calling, meetings, messaging, and events, and it is trusted by 95% of Fortune 500 companies. It is flexible, adaptable, and secure, boasting features such as immersive sharing, team messaging, and interactive audience tools. Webex seamlessly integrates with more than 100 industry-leading applications and provides zero-trust security along with end-to-end encryption. Troop Messenger Troop Messenger is a platform for teams that offers instant messenger, audio and video calling, group messaging, and more. It also provides end-to-end encryption, Chat API, a custom app, and a range of affordable plans. Flock Flock is a team collaboration platform for cross-functional work. It offers channels for streamlined communication and video conferencing with enhanced features like screen sharing, productivity tools, and secure file sharing. Flock provides personalized onboarding, data security, and 24/7 support. The platform is favored by growing businesses to improve productivity and efficiency. It has been rated as the top team chat alternative and a hot product for team collaboration. Workplace Workplace by Meta offers familiar, secure, mobile, integrated, and inclusive technology for enhancing the employee experience. It is designed to work with your current tools and offers Workplace for Good program for eligible non-profits. Workplace prioritizes security and privacy and keeps data separate from Facebook without showing ads. iMessage iMessage is an Apple messaging app for texting, sending photos, videos, and more. iMessage works with iOS devices and Mac computers to let you easily communicate with friends, family, and colleagues on any device. It also offers powerful features like end-to-end encryption, real-time typing indicators, message effects, support for group conversations, and more. Android Messages For Android users, Android Messages is the official messaging app for text and multimedia messages. It has all the features you need to stay in touch with family, friends, and colleagues, including smart replies and an AI-powered conversation assistant. Android Messages offers end-to-end encryption to keep conversations private and secure. Clariti Clariti is a free digital collaboration tool that allows teams to communicate via email, chat, audio calling, and more in one place, eliminating the need to waste time searching across multiple tools. It automatically connects related information across different tools in threads to save time and increase productivity. It supports up to four email accounts and allows for instant chat with geographically dispersed team members. Spike Spike is a collaborative email platform that combines the simplicity of chat and the power of email to help teams connect, create, and collaborate. Its conversational email feature removes stiff formalities and makes communication more natural, while its intelligent priority inbox removes distractions. Spike also includes a note app, task manager, team chat, reminders, unified calendar, and support for multiple email accounts. Wire Wire offers end-to-end encrypted messaging, conferencing, and file sharing for cloud, private cloud, and on-premises deployment options. The platform is independently audited and open source. Wire can be used across the web, mobile devices, and PC, and offers crisis collaboration, secure file sharing, and government compliance features. Ryver Ryver is a team collaboration app designed to address the “email problem” by enabling efficient communication, task management, and business process automation. It features custom conversation channels, fully integrated collaboration spaces, and tools for optimizing business processes. With unlimited collaboration and strict data security measures, Ryver can help teams work more productively while keeping their data safe. Twist Twist is an asynchronous messaging app that enhances communication and collaboration in the workplace. Its thread-based design organizes conversations effectively, and structured channels help dismantle team silos. By offering smarter notifications and eliminating online status bubbles or notification dots, Twist reduces digital stress and minimizes distractions. Customers have commended Twist for boosting productivity and facilitating deep work by decreasing the frequency of back-to-back meetings. Chatwork Chatwork offers a group chat service for global teams, aiming to improve teamwork without drama and reduce email overload. They also provide project-specific video chats to replace unproductive meetings and organize files for easy access. Security is their top priority, using 256-bit encryption and ISO27001 certification to ensure data protection. LINE LINE is more than just a messenger app, it offers various services such as LINE Pay for easy and safe payments, and Clova for AI assistance. The messenger app allows for free texts, voice, and video calls, and OpenChat for meeting new friends. Users can also use LINE Wallet to make payments and access various financial services. Wickr Wickr offers a secure communication and collaboration platform with end-to-end encryption, advanced security features, and data retention policies for the military, government agencies, enterprises, and individuals. Viber Viber offers free and secure messaging and calling features for anyone, anywhere. Its features include voice and video calls, group chats and calls, and communities. Viber is available for your desktop or mobile device, with chats being synced across all devices. Silence Silence is a free, open-source SMS and MMS messaging app that encrypts messages locally and over the air for privacy and security. It works like a regular SMS app, and users don’t need to sign up for anything. Brosix Brosix comes with unique features and tools for boosting team collaboration and productivity, such as being able to tailor shared chat spaces. It is cloud-based, suitable for teams of all sizes, and can accommodate changing team sizes with different available levels of upgrades. What is the difference between texting and instant messaging? While texting and instant messaging are both forms of digital communication, there are some key differences between the two. Texting refers specifically to sending short messages via SMS, while instant messaging apps allow for more real-time communication with features such as group chats and file sharing. Is there a difference between chat apps and messaging apps? Chat apps and messaging apps are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two. While both tools typically include a chat feature, messaging apps tend to offer more robust functionality, such as video calls, file sharing, and group chats. Yelp messaging is a good example of a simple chat app. What is the most-used instant messaging app? When it comes to instant messaging apps, WhatsApp reigns supreme as the most-used app globally, boasting over 2 billion monthly active users across more than 150 countries. This application has since become a cornerstone of modern digital communication. However, it’s important to recognize that competition in this area is intense, with apps such as Facebook Messenger and Telegram also boasting substantial user bases. Despite this, WhatsApp’s extensive user base, cross-platform compatibility, and diverse features help it to distinguish itself as the top player among instant messaging apps. Is instant messaging as secure as email? In the context of security, let’s compare instant messaging and email, two of the most widely used forms of digital communication. Here’s a breakdown of how they stack up against each other: Both instant messaging and emails are susceptible to malware, implying that they can be exploited by cybercriminals to deliver harmful software to users’ devices. Emails, in particular, are more prone to malware and viruses. This is primarily due to their format, which often includes attachments and links that can hide malicious content. Although emails are usually encrypted during transit (when sent from one server to another), they are generally stored unencrypted on the email server. This method of storage implies that if the email server is breached, the stored emails can be accessed and read without requiring any decryption keys. In contrast, many instant messaging apps are designed with a strong emphasis on security and privacy. For example, apps like WhatsApp use end-to-end encryption, which means only the sender and receiver can read the messages, while anyone else, including the service provider, can’t decipher the content. While end-to-end encryption on instant messaging apps makes them safer than email, it’s important to remember that no system is entirely invulnerable, and best practices such as regularly updating software, not clicking on suspicious links, and using strong, unique passwords should always be followed to ensure optimal security. What is the most discreet messaging app? Signal Private Messenger is a discreet messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption for secure communication. Users can create encrypted groups and share media with complete privacy. There are no separate logins or passwords to manage – just use your existing mobile number and address book for registration. Should businesses use instant messaging platforms for video calls? Instant messaging platforms can be a practical option for businesses to conduct video calls, with useful features like screen sharing and virtual backgrounds. However, security and privacy concerns should not be overlooked. Businesses must ensure that the platform they use meets their security standards and complies with relevant regulations. Image: Envato Elements This article, "Instant Messaging Apps Your Business Could Use" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
  22. Discover 30 of the best instant messaging apps that can improve communication and collaboration within your team. From popular tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams to lesser-known options, this article will provide you with a comprehensive list of IM apps your business could use. What is an instant messaging app? An instant messaging app is a software application that facilitates real-time messaging between users. These instant messengers allow individuals or groups to communicate swiftly and effectively via text, voice, or video chat, eliminating the necessity for second phone number apps or mail apps. Instant messaging apps have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and ease of use, making them essential tools for personal and business communication alike. What are the benefits of using instant messaging for business communication? Instant messaging can revolutionize the way businesses communicate, providing a range of benefits that traditional methods like email and phone calls cannot match. Here are five reasons why your business should consider using instant messaging: Enhanced efficiency: Instant messaging apps facilitate fast and straightforward communication, minimizing the time required to exchange messages. Increased productivity: With instant messaging, teams can collaborate more effectively, leading to increased productivity levels. Cost-effective: Many instant messaging apps are free or low-cost, making them an affordable solution for businesses of all sizes. Real-time communication: Instant messaging facilitates real-time conversations, allowing team members to get answers to their questions immediately. Easier remote work: As more businesses move towards remote work arrangements, instant messaging makes it easier for employees to stay connected and engaged with their colleagues. Be sure to check out this video, ‘Instant Messaging Etiquette,’ by GCFLearnFree, to learn the right instant messaging etiquette if you’re new to the whole thing: What is the best app for instant messaging in a business setting? Slack is the most popular messaging app for businesses of all sizes. It offers real-time messaging, file sharing, video conferencing, and collaboration tools to enhance team productivity. Slack is highly customizable, secure, and integrates with other business software. It has a free tier with affordable paid plans, making it a cost-effective solution. While Slack leads the pack for business-focused messaging, Microsoft Teams emerges as a strong runner-up in this category. A part of the Microsoft 365 suite of tools, Teams is an especially popular choice among businesses that already leverage Microsoft’s range of services. Microsoft Teams offers many of the same features as Slack, including instant messaging, file sharing, and video conferencing. However, where it shines is in its seamless integration with other Microsoft products like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. This makes it incredibly easy for team members to collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations without leaving the team environment. Our Methodology to Pick the Top Instant Messaging Apps In our fast-paced, interconnected world, instant messaging apps have become essential tools for businesses to maintain fluid communication, whether internally or with clients. The utility of these apps goes beyond just sending messages; they facilitate collaboration and quick information exchange and help in maintaining a log of conversations. For entrepreneurs and small business owners, choosing the appropriate app can greatly improve operational efficiency and collaboration. In selecting the top instant messaging apps for both personal and professional use, we’ve assessed various factors. These criteria are rated on a scale from 10 (most important) to 1 (least important), to ensure that our recommendations cater to the needs of effective and efficient communication. Ease of Use and User Interface: Importance 10/10 Intuitive and user-friendly design for easy navigation. Accessibility for users with varying levels of tech expertise. Clear and concise layout of chat features. Reliability and Speed: Importance 9/10 Consistent and fast message delivery. Minimal downtime and technical issues. Reliable performance across different devices and networks. Security and Privacy: Importance 8/10 Strong encryption for message privacy. Secure data storage and transmission. Clear privacy policies and user control over data. Features and Functionality: Importance 7/10 Variety of messaging features (text, voice, video, file sharing). Additional functionalities like group chats, stickers, and GIFs. Customization options for notifications and chat appearance. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Importance 7/10 Availability on various platforms (iOS, Android, web, desktop). Synchronization of chats and data across devices. Consistent user experience on all platforms. Integration with Other Tools: Importance 6/10 Compatibility with other productivity and communication tools. Integration features for professional or business use. Options for API access or custom integrations. Customer Support and Community: Importance 5/10 Availability of support for troubleshooting and inquiries. Active user community for feedback and tips. Access to help resources and documentation. Pricing and Subscription Models: Importance 5/10 Free access to essential messaging features. Reasonable pricing for premium or business features. Transparency in pricing and subscription terms. Our selections are based on comprehensive research and analysis, ensuring that the recommended instant messaging apps are not only robust in features and security but also conducive to enhancing business communication and collaboration. Top Instant Messaging Apps As technology continues to evolve, so do the instant messaging services that businesses depend on for communication. Popular instant messaging platforms provide a variety of features and advantages to assist teams in collaborating more effectively and efficiently. Here are some of the top business instant messaging apps to monitor. Quick Reference Table The table below serves as a quick reference for those looking for a brief overview of the best instant messaging apps available. This table offers a description of each application, summarizing its key features. The details of each application, including its strengths, weaknesses, and unique features, will be discussed more extensively in the subsequent sections. No.NameDescription 1.SlackA widely used digital platform for the workplace that boosts productivity and integrates with various services and tools. 2.Microsoft TeamsA platform offering features like video conferencing, file sharing, and chat to streamline communication. 3.WhatsApp for BusinessDesigned for small businesses to interact with customers, featuring messaging tools and a business profile. 4.DiscordFacilitates easy conversation among groups, making it ideal for businesses to connect with their teams or clients. 5.Facebook Messenger for BusinessEnables businesses to interact with customers on one of the most popular social media sites. 6.Zoho CliqA business communication software that simplifies internal communication, making it possible for teams to work together from anywhere. 7.Signal Private MessengerA messaging app that prioritizes privacy, using end-to-end encryption to secure conversations. 8.Telegram Messenger AppA fast, simple, free messaging app that lets users send messages and any file type, supports end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls. 9.TeamViewer MeetingA videoconferencing and collaboration platform that enables secure online meetings, audio and video calls, instant messages, screen sharing, and more. 10.Google ChatAn instant messaging app that offers secure and private communications for teams. 11.RingCentralProvides simplified business communication for 5 million users globally, enables productivity and connectivity from anywhere. 12.MattermostA unified platform for technical and operational teams to collaborate through channels, automation, and project management. 13.Amazon ChimeA communications service that enables users to easily connect with colleagues and customers in real time. 14.WebEx by CiscoAn all-in-one cloud platform for calling, meetings, messaging, and events, trusted by 95% of Fortune 500 companies. 15.Troop MessengerA platform for teams that offers instant messenger, audio and video calling, group messaging, and more. 16.FlockA team collaboration platform for cross-functional work. 17.WorkplaceA tool by Meta that offers familiar, secure, mobile, integrated, and inclusive technology for enhancing the employee experience. 18.iMessageAn Apple messaging app for texting, sending photos, videos, and more. 19.Android MessagesThe official messaging app for Android users for text and multimedia messages. 20.ClaritiA free digital collaboration tool that allows teams to communicate via email, chat, audio calling, and more in one place. 21.SpikeA collaborative email platform that combines the simplicity of chat and the power of email. 22.WireOffers end-to-end encrypted messaging, conferencing, and file sharing for cloud, private cloud, and on-premises deployment options. 23.RyverA team collaboration app designed to address the "email problem" by enabling efficient communication, task management, and business process automation. 24.TwistAn asynchronous messaging app designed to improve workplace communication and collaboration. 25.ChatworkOffers a group chat service for global teams, aiming to improve teamwork without drama and reduce email overload. 26.LINEMore than just a messenger app, it offers various services such as LINE Pay for easy and safe payments, and Clova for AI assistance. 27.WickrOffers a secure communication and collaboration platform with end-to-end encryption, advanced security features, and data retention policies. 28.ViberOffers free and secure messaging and calling features for anyone, anywhere. 29.SilenceA free, open-source SMS and MMS messaging app that encrypts messages locally and over the air for privacy and security. 30.BrosixComes with unique features and tools for boosting team collaboration and productivity such as being able to tailor shared chat spaces. Slack Millions of people around the globe rely on Slack, which is recognized as one of the most user-friendly and effective messaging apps designed specifically for the workplace. It enhances business communication, connects various systems, improves productivity, and offers enterprise key management. With Slack’s API and over 2,500 integrations, users can connect a wide range of services and tools to streamline their tasks and add context to their conversations. Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform designed for businesses of all sizes. It offers a variety of features such as video conferencing, file sharing, and chat to streamline communication and improve productivity. Teams integrates with various Microsoft 365 allowing team collaboration throughout the entire Microsoft office toolkit. WhatsApp for Business WhatsApp Business is a free popular messaging app for Android and iPhone designed for small business owners to interact with customers. It includes secure, encrypted messaging tools and a business profile and allows the use of a landline/fixed phone number. Both WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger can be installed on the same phone with different numbers. The app includes the ability to send multimedia, make free calls, and send free international messages. Discord Discord is a communication platform with 150 million monthly active users and 19 million active servers per week. It facilitates easy conversation among groups, making it ideal for businesses to connect with their teams or clients. With 4 billion server conversation minutes daily, Discord offers a reliable and efficient way to communicate with others. Facebook Messenger for Business Facebook Messenger for Business is a communication tool that enables businesses to interact with customers on one of the most popular social media sites. The platform offers various features, including Facebook messenger tags, that allow businesses to sort and prioritize conversations. Customers can communicate with businesses through the platform and receive quick responses. However, if users prefer more privacy, they can learn how to turn off read receipts, which will prevent others from seeing when they’ve read a message. Since many businesses already have Facebook profiles, Messenger is one of the easiest platforms to start using. Zoho Cliq Zoho Cliq is a business communication tool designed to enhance internal communication, enabling teams to collaborate effectively from any location. It offers organized conversations, searchable messages, and integrations with preferred tools, allowing teams to work together transparently and efficiently through its user-friendly interface. Additionally, the software includes custom bots, voice calls, video messages, and data encryption to maintain data security. Signal Private Messenger Signal is a messaging app that prioritizes privacy, using end-to-end encryption to secure conversations. It allows users to share text and voice messages, media, and files for free, make crystal-clear calls, and join group chats. Signal is free and independent of major tech companies, with no ads or tracking. It is supported by grants and donations. Telegram Messenger App Telegram Messenger App is a fast, simple, free messaging app that lets users send messages and any file type. It supports end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls and allows for large group chats and channels. Telegram is for anyone who wants fast and reliable messaging and calls, including business users and small teams. TeamViewer Meeting TeamViewer Meeting is a videoconferencing and collaboration platform that enables secure online meetings, audio and video calls, instant messages, screen sharing, and more. It offers built-in security features such as end-to-end encryption, meeting lock, passwords, and compliance with GDPR and HIPAA. With TeamViewer Meeting, you can host and join meetings from any device, collaborate closely with your team, and simplify remote education and training. Google Chat Google Chat is one of the other instant messaging apps that offers secure and private communications for teams. It enables you to communicate with your teammates, partners, and customers in real time. With Google Chat, you can quickly connect through text, audio, or video calls. You can also share files easily, collaborate on documents in Google Drive, assign tasks to team members, and use bots to automate tasks. RingCentral RingCentral provides simplified business communication for 5 million users globally. Their impact report highlights their support for diversity and communities, while their trust center and customer support ensure secure and reliable conversations. They have been recognized as a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for UCaaS. With 22 offices in 14 countries, RingCentral enables productivity and connectivity from anywhere. Mattermost Mattermost is a unified platform for technical and operational teams to collaborate through channels, automation, and project management. It offers productivity solutions, including Playbooks for workflows and Boards for project tracking, and integrates with other tools through Connections. The platform is open source, secure, and customizable for on-premise or secure cloud deployment. Amazon Chime Amazon Chime is a communications service that enables users to easily connect with colleagues and customers in real-time. It offers voice, video, chat, and screen-sharing capabilities for high-quality collaboration. Amazon Chime also includes tools such as audio conferencing and file sharing. With end-to-end encryption and enhanced security features, Amazon Chime helps to ensure data protection. WebEx by Cisco Webex is a comprehensive cloud platform designed for calling, meetings, messaging, and events, and it is trusted by 95% of Fortune 500 companies. It is flexible, adaptable, and secure, boasting features such as immersive sharing, team messaging, and interactive audience tools. Webex seamlessly integrates with more than 100 industry-leading applications and provides zero-trust security along with end-to-end encryption. Troop Messenger Troop Messenger is a platform for teams that offers instant messenger, audio and video calling, group messaging, and more. It also provides end-to-end encryption, Chat API, a custom app, and a range of affordable plans. Flock Flock is a team collaboration platform for cross-functional work. It offers channels for streamlined communication and video conferencing with enhanced features like screen sharing, productivity tools, and secure file sharing. Flock provides personalized onboarding, data security, and 24/7 support. The platform is favored by growing businesses to improve productivity and efficiency. It has been rated as the top team chat alternative and a hot product for team collaboration. Workplace Workplace by Meta offers familiar, secure, mobile, integrated, and inclusive technology for enhancing the employee experience. It is designed to work with your current tools and offers Workplace for Good program for eligible non-profits. Workplace prioritizes security and privacy and keeps data separate from Facebook without showing ads. iMessage iMessage is an Apple messaging app for texting, sending photos, videos, and more. iMessage works with iOS devices and Mac computers to let you easily communicate with friends, family, and colleagues on any device. It also offers powerful features like end-to-end encryption, real-time typing indicators, message effects, support for group conversations, and more. Android Messages For Android users, Android Messages is the official messaging app for text and multimedia messages. It has all the features you need to stay in touch with family, friends, and colleagues, including smart replies and an AI-powered conversation assistant. Android Messages offers end-to-end encryption to keep conversations private and secure. Clariti Clariti is a free digital collaboration tool that allows teams to communicate via email, chat, audio calling, and more in one place, eliminating the need to waste time searching across multiple tools. It automatically connects related information across different tools in threads to save time and increase productivity. It supports up to four email accounts and allows for instant chat with geographically dispersed team members. Spike Spike is a collaborative email platform that combines the simplicity of chat and the power of email to help teams connect, create, and collaborate. Its conversational email feature removes stiff formalities and makes communication more natural, while its intelligent priority inbox removes distractions. Spike also includes a note app, task manager, team chat, reminders, unified calendar, and support for multiple email accounts. Wire Wire offers end-to-end encrypted messaging, conferencing, and file sharing for cloud, private cloud, and on-premises deployment options. The platform is independently audited and open source. Wire can be used across the web, mobile devices, and PC, and offers crisis collaboration, secure file sharing, and government compliance features. Ryver Ryver is a team collaboration app designed to address the “email problem” by enabling efficient communication, task management, and business process automation. It features custom conversation channels, fully integrated collaboration spaces, and tools for optimizing business processes. With unlimited collaboration and strict data security measures, Ryver can help teams work more productively while keeping their data safe. Twist Twist is an asynchronous messaging app that enhances communication and collaboration in the workplace. Its thread-based design organizes conversations effectively, and structured channels help dismantle team silos. By offering smarter notifications and eliminating online status bubbles or notification dots, Twist reduces digital stress and minimizes distractions. Customers have commended Twist for boosting productivity and facilitating deep work by decreasing the frequency of back-to-back meetings. Chatwork Chatwork offers a group chat service for global teams, aiming to improve teamwork without drama and reduce email overload. They also provide project-specific video chats to replace unproductive meetings and organize files for easy access. Security is their top priority, using 256-bit encryption and ISO27001 certification to ensure data protection. LINE LINE is more than just a messenger app, it offers various services such as LINE Pay for easy and safe payments, and Clova for AI assistance. The messenger app allows for free texts, voice, and video calls, and OpenChat for meeting new friends. Users can also use LINE Wallet to make payments and access various financial services. Wickr Wickr offers a secure communication and collaboration platform with end-to-end encryption, advanced security features, and data retention policies for the military, government agencies, enterprises, and individuals. Viber Viber offers free and secure messaging and calling features for anyone, anywhere. Its features include voice and video calls, group chats and calls, and communities. Viber is available for your desktop or mobile device, with chats being synced across all devices. Silence Silence is a free, open-source SMS and MMS messaging app that encrypts messages locally and over the air for privacy and security. It works like a regular SMS app, and users don’t need to sign up for anything. Brosix Brosix comes with unique features and tools for boosting team collaboration and productivity, such as being able to tailor shared chat spaces. It is cloud-based, suitable for teams of all sizes, and can accommodate changing team sizes with different available levels of upgrades. What is the difference between texting and instant messaging? While texting and instant messaging are both forms of digital communication, there are some key differences between the two. Texting refers specifically to sending short messages via SMS, while instant messaging apps allow for more real-time communication with features such as group chats and file sharing. Is there a difference between chat apps and messaging apps? Chat apps and messaging apps are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two. While both tools typically include a chat feature, messaging apps tend to offer more robust functionality, such as video calls, file sharing, and group chats. Yelp messaging is a good example of a simple chat app. What is the most-used instant messaging app? When it comes to instant messaging apps, WhatsApp reigns supreme as the most-used app globally, boasting over 2 billion monthly active users across more than 150 countries. This application has since become a cornerstone of modern digital communication. However, it’s important to recognize that competition in this area is intense, with apps such as Facebook Messenger and Telegram also boasting substantial user bases. Despite this, WhatsApp’s extensive user base, cross-platform compatibility, and diverse features help it to distinguish itself as the top player among instant messaging apps. Is instant messaging as secure as email? In the context of security, let’s compare instant messaging and email, two of the most widely used forms of digital communication. Here’s a breakdown of how they stack up against each other: Both instant messaging and emails are susceptible to malware, implying that they can be exploited by cybercriminals to deliver harmful software to users’ devices. Emails, in particular, are more prone to malware and viruses. This is primarily due to their format, which often includes attachments and links that can hide malicious content. Although emails are usually encrypted during transit (when sent from one server to another), they are generally stored unencrypted on the email server. This method of storage implies that if the email server is breached, the stored emails can be accessed and read without requiring any decryption keys. In contrast, many instant messaging apps are designed with a strong emphasis on security and privacy. For example, apps like WhatsApp use end-to-end encryption, which means only the sender and receiver can read the messages, while anyone else, including the service provider, can’t decipher the content. While end-to-end encryption on instant messaging apps makes them safer than email, it’s important to remember that no system is entirely invulnerable, and best practices such as regularly updating software, not clicking on suspicious links, and using strong, unique passwords should always be followed to ensure optimal security. What is the most discreet messaging app? Signal Private Messenger is a discreet messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption for secure communication. Users can create encrypted groups and share media with complete privacy. There are no separate logins or passwords to manage – just use your existing mobile number and address book for registration. Should businesses use instant messaging platforms for video calls? Instant messaging platforms can be a practical option for businesses to conduct video calls, with useful features like screen sharing and virtual backgrounds. However, security and privacy concerns should not be overlooked. Businesses must ensure that the platform they use meets their security standards and complies with relevant regulations. Image: Envato Elements This article, "Instant Messaging Apps Your Business Could Use" was first published on Small Business Trends View the full article
  23. Just a couple of years ago, pundits were warning of streaming’s demise. From Netflix to Spotify, these companies were burning through cash. How could they keep operating? Now, almost all of the streamers have made it to positive profits. Netflix is the envy of the entertainment industry, while its underlings like Disney+ and Max have also turned around their losses. Last Tuesday, Spotify shares jumped 13% after the company announced its first full year of profitability. There are still stragglers, but on the whole, streaming has formed itself into a successful business model. There’s a lesson here: For emerging tech, there’s value in patience. It took streaming over a decade to get it right, to effectively combine user growth and ad sales in a way that manifested profits. We should expect the same from all of our tech innovators. How streaming became profitable In the late 2010s, things weren’t looking positive for Netflix. Sure, they were making positive profits, but their debt was staggering. The company had amassed $15 billion in long-term debt by the end of 2020; compared to quarterly profits of just around $1 billion, Netflix seemed ready to capsize. CNN’s headline at the time: “Netflix is burning through cash. This can’t last forever.” Now, everyone wants to be Netflix. Their profit margin is now 22%, earning $8.71 billion last year in profits (from some $39 billion in revenue). Remarkably, the business is expanding. They added a record-breaking 19 million subscribers in the fourth quarter of 2024, mostly thanks to the live fight between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson. And their ad tier, which used to be a tiny subsidiary of their business, is now scaling rapidly. It’s good to be in the business of Netflix. The smaller streamers, once the butt of Wall Street’s jokes, are now reaching profitability. Max eked out its first positive profit of $103 million in 2023. Compare that to 2020, where WarnerMedia blamed their $1.2 billion in losses on investments in the streamer. Disney’s streaming division, which compromises both Disney+ and Hulu, just reached their second straight quarter of profitability. In 2022, the division was losing the company over $3 billion. Now, Spotify has joined the club. For years, Spotify failed to put up positive profits. Their losses reached a peak in the second quarter of 2023, when Spotify lost about $256 million. The Wired headline from that year: “Spotify is Screwed.” Now, they’ve reached a full year of positive profits. The virtue of patience with emerging tech The sheer scale of money lost made streamers an easy target. In 2020, when Netflix was saddled with some $15 billion in long-term debt, the company also had a marketcap of $238.89 billion. How could we so blindly trust a company that was burning through money? But these are long-term bets, and the bets eventually paid off. The same could be true for dozens of emerging tech fields of today. Look at AI. OpenAI, the golden child of the industry, lost $5 billion in 2024. And they keep taking on more money, most recently $6.6 billion in new investments and a $4 billion line of credit. How can we justify this? But AI companies (OpenAI chief among them) are betting on the future. AI might not be profitable now, but it will be. It’s hard to trust OpenAI CEO Sam Altman when he makes these grand claims. But, if streaming is any indication, he could be right. The tech market demands patience; not just months of it, but years. View the full article
  24. Chief executive Murray Auchincloss vows to boost performance after activist Elliott takes stakeView the full article
  25. This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. How to work with a jerk who raises his voice, when “that’s just how he is” I work with Fergus, a senior engineer who has a reputation for being “crotchety,” a term I am starting to push back on because it seems to explain away his unprofessional behavior as a personality quirk or something to be expected because of his age. I’m trying to figure out exactly where to draw the line in order for me and my team to consistently push back against his behavior. On our last call, Fergus joined the zoom and immediately declared his team was not involved in the project and explained to me how he thinks it works. He interrupted me several times and raised his voice in an effort to convince me and/or dominate the conversation, while I (a female, somewhat younger non-engineer) patiently explained to him that he was wrong about how it works and his team did in fact need to be involved. The next bit went well, but he did grumpily end the call with, “I can’t believe we didn’t do it the other way.” I suppose I was hoping for an apology. It was exhausting and I really think the raising of his voice is the line I want to draw. The typical response from colleagues and leadership is always, “Oh, that’s just Fergus!” and I am done with it. I don’t think someone should get to yell, just because “they’re like that.” So I need a plan. I want to work out ahead of time what my response should be so that a) I don’t have to decide in that irritating moment that he has crossed a line, and b) I can help my team follow the same plan in the hopes that a united front will be successful. So what’s the appropriate response? Innocently ask if he’s okay and needs a minute to calm down? Firmly ask him to stop raising his voice, right there in the meeting? Email him after the fact to say that I am concerned about the tone of the meeting? Cc his boss? Or ours? Maybe only cc his boss the second time it happens? Cc HR the third time? What are my options here? Should I ask HR for advice on how to handle this, given our apparent history of letting Fergus behave however he wants? In the moment, interject with a calm, “Please stop raising your voice.” The more calm and detached when you say it, the better; you want him to feel like he looks out of control by comparison. It’s possible that alone will be enough; often people who behave like this, especially at work, are used to never being called out on it (because “that’s just how he is”) and so when someone does, it jars them back into behaving more appropriately. So make that your strategy the next few times it happens, and see if he absorbs that he can’t raise his voice around you. If it continues after that, talk to him one-on-one right after the meeting and call it out even more directly: “You kept raising your voice on that call — can you please not do that? It makes the meeting unpleasant for everyone else, and I don’t want to ask people to tolerate that.” I think you have a better chance of success calling it out directly than asking his boss, your boss, or HR to intervene — since apparently everyone else has decided they’ll just work around him. Related: how to deal with a coworker who’s rude to you I have to manage the office jerk 2. Is it true that you can’t take any time off when you’re new? My best friend (who doesn’t work with me) is telling me that since I’m new at my job, my attendance has to be perfect for at least the first year. Doctors appointments on my lunch hour, work when sick, and don’t take any vacation time. I can see it’s a good idea to be conservative with time off for a while, but no time off for a year seems excessive. She says that bosses will tell you to take your time off, but it’s much too risky for a new hire to get a reputation for not being around. She says it’s a known thing. Am I naive to think I can take reasonable time off without getting a bad reputation? Your friend is wrong, and sounds like she’s absorbed some weird messages about work somewhere along the line. Sometimes that happens if someone has worked at really dysfunctional companies; other times it stems from messages they’ve absorbed from their families. It’s true that you shouldn’t expect to take a lot of time off when you’re new to a job, but that means “don’t expect to take a week off in month 2” (although even then, if you negotiated it at the time of hire, it might be fine), not that you can’t go to doctor’s appointments or need to work when you’re sick or take no vacation the whole year. Related: everything you need to know about time off when you start a new job how soon after starting a new job can you take a whole week off? 3. Can I keep my own soap in the office bathroom without others using it? Our daughter was stillborn in 2022 and my husband and I have recently become pregnant again. The hand soap provided at my work isn’t safe to use while pregnant, so I’ve brought my own, but it’s quite expensive. Carrying my own hand soap back and forth from my office to the bathroom isn’t practical or hygienic. How can I mark the bottle in such a way that my coworkers won’t use it and I don’t seem like I’m being dramatic? FYI, none of my coworkers know we’re expecting and I would very much like to keep it that way. I don’t think you can, unfortunately. If it’s in the bathroom, some people will use it and it also risks getting tossed. Can you buy a less expensive option to keep there? (I’m guessing you’re trying to avoid antibacterial soap, and there are a number of low-cost alternatives. If you’re having trouble finding them, talk to your doctor about options.) Another option could be something like soap leaves, which you can slip in your pocket when you head to the bathroom, if you can find suitable ones. 4. My employee made such an odd hiring recommendation that I’m doubting her skills I am retiring in April and while I don’t have a unique job, I have a unique skill set and several people will probably cover my roles. For the administrative part, we’ve pretty much decided what to do, but it’s not finalized. I’ve shared with my staff that the plan is being developed and that I will tell them everything I know as soon as I know it. Yesterday I received an email from Janet, someone I would consider in a more senior position, recommending her coworker (Amy, who I also supervise) for this position. Amy is in no way qualified to do this role. Janet’s heart was in the right place, and I thanked her for sharing but that was all I said. However, now I am looking at Janet and her abilities in a different way. Her assessment of Amy’s skills is way off. Otherwise, I think Janet’s skills are excellent and my advice to my successor was going to be have her on a path to the next level. Now I’m not sure. How do I get out of this mindset? Am I totally overreacting? It’s hard to say without knowing more. How clear is Janet on exactly what that position will be and what it will take to do it well? You said you’ve only really shared so far that a plan is in progress, so is it possible that Janet is envisioning the job being something different? Also, how closely has she worked with Amy? Is she well positioned to have seen Amy’s skills and strengths and weaknesses firsthand, or not? If she knows exactly what the position will be and she’s worked with Amy closely enough that she should know she’s obviously not a match, then sure, that’s concerning (if in fact the next step for Janet would mean a job where she’ll need to hire and manage people). But if either of those factors aren’t present, I wouldn’t let this throw you. If you’re unsure, why not ask her what led her to recommend Amy and approach it from the standpoint of being genuinely curious about her perspective? Who knows, you might hear something that makes it make more sense to you (but if not, that will be helpful info too). 5. How can I push for a standard fee that wasn’t in a contract? I’m a subject expert in my field and was booked to speak for a larger conference this coming spring. The host organization “merged with” (was bought by?) another that will certainly have value differences and make changes. One was to lay off 25+ staff from the original org. Another was to cancel me from the line up (likely because my point of view is not shared by them, but I’m speculating). Thing is, the original org booked speakers without formal contracts, which is unusual, but not unheard of and worked because they had a lot of clout in our field. Everyone knew they’d act in good faith, which is good, since they hold more power in our space. (But you see where this is going.) Normally if an organization cancels me within 90 days of the event, my cancellation fee is 50% of our agreed upon rate. I slotted this event into my schedule to the exclusion of others, began working on my content for them, and am unlikely to fill that space with a new event. This new org has said they’ll pay it, just send my invoice and “executed contract.” I’m reasonably sure they know as well as I that there isn’t one. My judgement is clouded by my distaste for the new org and its values, so while I’m not disappointed to be off the lineup, I’m also not at ease to not at least try to push for the fee. I know they can dig in and just not pay it, but what I’m looking for is the wording that says, “No official contract is not my fault, and was beyond my control, but you should honor what we both know is typical in this scenario, please.” Do you have anything in writing confirming the original agreement — even just emails? An email agreement can count as a written contract in many cases. They could push back since there was no cancellation fee specified in those emails, but you’ll at least be able to document that this was a firm agreement, which sounds like the best you can do. Frame it as, “OrgA always used email agreements like the one attached. Since I held space in my schedule, turned down other work for that time, and have already begun working on my content, I’m attaching an invoice for half the fee, per typical practice.” Also, do you have any contacts from the original org who remain at the new org (or who, even if they’re gone, have some influence there) who would be willing to push on your behalf? View the full article
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